Year Of Writing With Omar Khafagy



Follow along as veteran copywriter Omar Khafagy explores the art of writing novels, short stories, poetry, and any other form of writing he can get his hands on.For the next year, let him start your weekday, and inspire you to pick up your pen (or your keyboard!) and write. From Monday to Friday, let Omar add a little boost to your day.And don't forget to visit YearOfWriting.Com for other great writing resources.


  • 15: Finding Clarity

    21/03/2014 Duration: 07min

    I talk about the challenge of finding clarity in your writing, and how I'm using deliberate practice to improve. I also touch on a realization I had today that really humbled me.

  • 14: Deliberate Practice

    20/03/2014 Duration: 07min

    To be the best, you have to train. But what does training mean for a writer? Today I talk about deliberate practice and my own attempts to improve my writing through focused practice.

  • 13: Why I Love Guilty Pleasures

    19/03/2014 Duration: 06min

    On today's episode, I talk about why I love guilty pleasures, but hate the term. I confess my love for a particular genre of film, reference a boy band, and call Dave Grohl "David" for some weird reason.

  • 12: Great Opening Lines

    18/03/2014 Duration: 09min

    Call me Ishmael. Actually, don't because my name is Omar and that would be weird. Today's podcast is all about opening lines! I really had fun with this one, reading from some of my favourite works. We got some Austen, some Rowling, some Poe, and more!

  • 11: Focus! Kind of?

    17/03/2014 Duration: 06min

    This episode was going to be about focus, and it kind of is! Instead of talking about 'focus' as a theme, I talk about how I've found my own centre and how I'll be using this renewed focus to give you the very best of me.

  • 10: Finding Yourself to Find Your Fans

    14/03/2014 Duration: 07min

    On today's episode, I talk a little about finding yourself to find your fans. I got the idea from a few conversations I've had with creative people who are stuck on the marketing side of things (so much so that they have barely spent any time building the

  • 9: Hard Work

    13/03/2014 Duration: 05min

    The muse is dead. Long live hard work! Today's topic is all about making yourself do the work, even when it isn't fun. If you need a bit of a boot in the pants, this one's for you.

  • 8: The Dangers of Opportunity

    12/03/2014 Duration: 06min

    My mind was a mess yesterday. But why? Today, I talk about the downside of opportunity, and how to keep yourself focused on your personal mission: to become the best writer you can be.

  • 7: How to Beat a Bad Start

    11/03/2014 Duration: 04min

    After a series of frustrating events this morning, some of which I talk about on the podcast, I realized I needed to talk about bad days. In this episode, I share my trick for getting out of a bad state of mind, and into a productive one.

  • 6: Letting Go of the Outcome

    10/03/2014 Duration: 07min

    You can't spend all your time in planning mode. At some point, you've got to just get started. Today, I talk about letting go of the outcome, so you can move past perfectionism and move toward consistent progress.

  • 5: Slowing Down

    07/03/2014 Duration: 08min

    On today's episode, we talk about the value of slowing down, and why apps that teach you to "read novels quickly" miss the point.

  • 4: Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

    06/03/2014 Duration: 06min

    Comfort zones! Are you in one? Let's talk about how to get you out of it. By the way, this podcast? Totally out of my comfort zone.

  • 3: Coffee and Characters

    05/03/2014 Duration: 07min

    Today's episode is all about caffeine and characters! I talk about the exercise I used to learn more about who my antagonist is.

  • 2: How Journaling Keeps Me Sane

    04/03/2014 Duration: 06min

    On Today's Podcast: I talk about journaling, commonplace books, and how I still managed to get 350 words written (even though my day was completely packed!)

  • 1: What is Year of Writing? (And how Ira Glass inspires me.)

    03/03/2014 Duration: 07min

    Today's podcast covers the "why" behind YearOfWriting and tells you what to expect over the coming months and years. Also, I include a great Ira Glass quote. Definitely one of my favorites. 

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