When we share what we see through each others eyes we can then begin to bridge the gap between the limited expectations and the realities of Blind Abilities. Posts from the BlindAbilities Channel on AudioBoom.
Live from the Career Expo: Bobby Loads Trucks for FedEx
03/05/2016 Duration: 14minBlind Abilities team member Jeff Thompson was invited to the 2016 Career Expo and took up some conversations with a variety of people who Transition age students could chat with about careers, jobs, and the tools they used to do their job or complete college. Minnesota State Services for the Blind hosted the Career Expo and the turnout was fantastic. Meet Bobby, a package handler from FedEx. Robert Binns Package Handler, Fed Ex Smart Post Robert was walking to a college class when he lost his sight in 2012. He fell into a depressed stage, believing that the only thing left for him was channel surfing and listening to television shows. One day he realized that he didn’t want to just sit at home for the next 40 years. He wanted to live. Because he was a new United States citizen, however, Robert had to wait for an extended time before receiving services. He ended up in a homeless shelter. All he has accomplished since then shows how high expectations and adjustment to blindness training can open many door
Some More Great Podcasts! What Are You Listening to?
03/05/2016 Duration: 12minPete Lane and Jeff Thompson bring us more podcasts with a Blindness perspective. Listeners sent in lists and we put together another cast of content providers that we feel you will enjoy and learn from their productions. Below is a list of the podcasts, their web link and the feed to subscribe to the podcasts using your pod-catcher of choice. We hope you enjoy. The blind Abilities Team Maccessibility » Podcast: Touching the Future… Subscribe: feed:// Maccessibility provides news and commentary, podcasts, and online communities, and more to low and no vision users of Apple products. Cool Blind Tech: Latest In Assistive Tech! News, Reviews and Interviews Subscribe: feed:// Cool Blind Tech endeavors in maximizing the independence, productivity and participation of the blind and low vision community, to empower the blindness community through the acquisition
iAccess Demo: The Native Apple Clock App: Four Powerful Apps In One! #BlindAbilitiesChannel
02/05/2016 Duration: 15minPete offers another iAccess Demo, this time on the native Apple Clock app. This deceiving simple app really consists of four separate and powerful apps within its confines. Check out the features hidden inside this seemingly simplistic clock app. #iAccess #Lane7625 #BlindAbilities
Anything But Routine! by Lisa Salinger
02/05/2016 Duration: 05min#blindabilities #health #fitness BlindAlive blog for this week.
The Bradley watch is on sale this week!
02/05/2016 Duration: 02minall Bradley watch models are on sale this week only, for 15% off. Check them out at
- can pair you up with a sighted guide for walking or running.
02/05/2016 Duration:
A Routine For Everything by Lisa Salinger
29/04/2016 Duration: 05min#blindabilities #fitness Lisa reads BlindAlive blog for this week.
Facebook’s Automated Alt Text Explained by Mark Zuckerberg
28/04/2016 Duration: 23minJeff Thompson from the Blind Abilities team talks to us about the Facebook new feature, Automated Alt Text, and what it means as a start to something big coming down the road. Included is the audio from the Facebook Live Video Mark Zuckerberg posted on Facebook talking to Matt, who happens to be Blind, and is an engineer in the Artificial Intelligence department at Facebook.
Podcasts: Lucie Shares Some of Her Favs! What Are You Listening To?
28/04/2016 Duration: 06minAs part of the Podcast: series “What are you… Listening to?” Lucie puts fourth a few of her own. Not so Techie, however, great content makes for a great listen. Lucie starts out with correcting the background music and then into her list of casts. The Story Core Podcast from NPR, Embedded also from NPR, The Planet Money Podcast, and Somebody Knows Something. Join Lucie as she brings her picks to life. What Podcasts are you listening to? Send us an email at or leave a message in the comments on the web page Http://
From The Pocket: NetFlix To Improve Features For customers Who Are Blind, from,
26/04/2016 Duration: 04minBlind Abilities offers another installment in their series From The Pocket, where they use two apps: the Pocket and VoiceDream Reader to bring you articles from the web. today's article is "NetFlix To Improve Features for Customers Who Are blind, from the Global Alliance for Accessible Technologies and Environments. This relates to NetFlix increasing Audio Described content beyond what they are already providing. #BlindAbilities #JThompson6835 Lane7625
Mac Response for #DELSG19 #BlindAbilitiesChannel
26/04/2016 Duration: 05minResponding to a question or two regarding getting, learning, and migrating assistant to a new piece of kit such as a MacBookPro.
- Web site: Responsive and Accessible
25/04/2016 Duration: 04minCheck out the New web site on your iPhone or smart phone, tablet or computer. the accessibility and responsiveness to any size screen is simply put, Brilliant. You can save the on your Home page by clicking on save in your menu bar and save to desktop as an icon for fast access. Check out the web site and let us know what you think or what you would like to encounter on the pages.