Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
The Significance of Easter - 03.25.17
08/04/2017 Duration: 28minExcerpt: ”You will find equivalent archetypal figures who have gone through almost the exact same kind of life as Jesus - whether it’s Horus in the Isis and Osiris story, or it’s Adonis or Bacchus, or any of the spiritual heroes prior to Christianity. And it’s also because the Jewish and Christian traditions arose out of an earlier goddess tradition: it was Asherah, and before her it was Astaroth, and before other goddesses back to Ishtar. And Ishtar is the most filled out and elaborated mythology about the rise and the fall of the goddess, the Divine Feminine, who is the carrier of the Sacred Heart that became the Heart of Jesus." Recorded on the evening of Saturday, March 25, 2017 Read Shunyamurti's essay, The Transfiguration of Ishtar, here:
Come Out of Ignorance and Stop Suffering! – 02.19.17
24/03/2017 Duration: 21minExcerpt: “Avidya means ‘ignorance’, but it should actually be translated as ignorancing because it is an act; it’s not simply a state, and I would define it as the ignoring of the fact that you are ignoring. And what are you ignoring, is the fact that you are aware of your body and know that you are not your body, and yet you pretend to be your body. You are aware of the mind, of the thoughts, the chatter, the affects, and you know you are not the mind, but you pretend to be the mind and remain enmeshed in its melodramas. You are ignoring the fact that you are simply the witness to all of that. And by ignoring that fact, you are able to identify with the illusion that you are a bodily being when in fact, if you stop ignoring, the truth will dawn upon you that you are formless presence.” Recorded during our Silent Retreat, on the morning of Sunday, February 19, 2017.
Why Positive Affirmations Don’t Work – 02.22.17
13/03/2017 Duration: 30minExcerpt: “By letting go of all identifications, the consciousness is able to receive and absorb into itself the Real Love that is the essence of our Being and bring that into the ego from that space of consciousness that is not ego, but that is also not other, that is in the reality of non-dual Being. And so the Emptiness has access to the Fullness that is the true nature of our Being – which you could call God-Consciousness – and as that comes in, the power to transform the ego-consciousness and to dissolve it and to completely eliminate the traces of suffering and of negative belief is given to you, but it’s not given to you from a position within language, it’s given to you from that Intelligence that is trans-linguistic and that doesn’t need to make any affirmations in language. It is simply the realization of what you really are.” Recorded during our Silent Retreat, on the morning of Wednesday, February 22, 2017.
How to Interpret the Dream of the World – 01.01.17
03/03/2017 Duration: 22minExcerpt: “Is your consciousness in the world or is the world in your consciousness? The situation can shift like in those optical illusions where you can see a vas or two people face to face, and it can shift back and forth. But when you recognize that it is at least equally true that the world appears in your consciousness, and that you are therefore beyond the world, transcendent of the world, that is simply an appearance of apparent activity of forms moving in apparent space and time, observed from a changeless point of view, then there is much greater detachment and peace and humor in all that is being observed, and nothing touches you because you are inherently beyond what is being observed.” Recorded during the Return to Source retreat on the evening of Sunday, January 1, 2017.
Discovering the Unknown Power Within – 02.22.16
30/01/2017 Duration: 22minExcerpt: “A great and mysterious power is using us, is moving us, is transforming us, even though most of the time many of us will not even be aware of the presence of that Power. But it has brought us all here. It has configured our lives. It has created our ability to understand what we do understand and is gradually opening our consciousness to understand ever more of the nature of this great Power and the reality that this power creates, sustains, and destroys and recreates anew at ever higher levels of beauty and the revelation of Truth. But although this power moves us it does so from behind, or from deeper within than we ourselves have reached. And if we wish a direct encounter with this great Presence, if we wish to know fully, the truth of this great Being, who is our being, then we must take a step in the direction of this Power.” Recorded on the morning of Monday, February 22, 2016.
The True Meaning of Christmas – 24.12.14
23/12/2016 Duration: 30minExcerpt: “It is the death of the ego that is the advent of Christ, that makes the birth of Christ possible. If there is still an illusory self, how can the Real Self emerge? And because the illusory self is identified with time and space and matter, eternity is obscured, infinity is obscured, the noumenon is obscured. It is the wiping away of these obscurations, the tearing of the veils, the traversing the plane of the phenomenal through the diaphanon into the noumenal Real of God that can only happen when consciousness has been freed from its identification with the body…” Recorded on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2014.
It’s Time to Invest in Presence – 08.16.16
26/11/2016 Duration: 27minExcerpt: “Consciousness is an investor. And it begins its journey in the physical plane by investing in its body, investing in the projections that others have invested in it which, become its first capital…. It’s at this point when one has activated the capacity for viveka, for discernment between the unreal and the real, the counterfeit and the genuine currency, that one recognizes that the only valuable currency – in life, in relationships, in the capacity to organize oneself coherently – is the power of love. And if one can take the risk of investing in love, which requires the letting go of all of one’s other investments and becoming vulnerable to the loss of the love of others, to the failure to be loved, and to choose the currency of love itself – not what love can get you – as the value that you hold on to.” Recorded on the morning of Thursday, August 16, 2016.
Breaking the Spell of Reason: The Rebirth of Spirit – 05.15.16
29/10/2016 Duration: 22minExcerpt: “Through meditation we are finding – really re-finding – our lost Real Self. To find the Self we must recognize that what we are seeking is our ultimate reality – but it is our ultimate reality, not someone else’s, the truth of our being. And we must recognize that the ultimate is also the most intimate. Our innermost being is also the most all-encompassing, absolute reality that comprises the essence of all that is so that the Self that we seek is both personal and transpersonal – and impersonal. It is the ultimate paradox that is all inclusive and yet beyond the inclusion of anything whatsoever, because it cannot be grasped by any of the categories of reason.” Recorded on the morning of Sunday, May 15, 2016.
The Nature of Emptiness – 10.29.15
01/10/2016 Duration: 18minExcerpt: “What is the nature of Emptiness? . . . Emptiness is not without self. Emptiness is empty of everything that is not the Self. And the Self is goodness, the Self is light, the Self is beauty, the Self is love. And the truth of our Being is that we are empty of everything that is not Self; and what is not Self are the ego images, the traumas, the sense of being rejected and unworthy, the evil-speaking voices, the attacks, sense of depression – these emotions within us that we often cannot name but that are experienced as dread – these we are taught are not the Self, but they are there because there is not a realization of the Self.” Recorded during the Lion Heart Koan retreat on the morning of Thursday, October 29, 2015.
Sat Kabbalah, Yoga and the Messianic Age
03/09/2016 Duration: 09minKabbalah is one of those threads of esoteric wisdom that is congruent with all the other secret traditions. Each thread is essential to understand in its relation to the others if we are to perceive the Great Tapestry of cosmic manifestation in its totality and merge with the ineffable mind of God. The accurate understanding of the deep knowledge carried by Kabbalah enables one to be fully aligned with the Supreme Will and not only live in perfect peace in this period of massively accelerating transformation, but function as a catalyst for the emergence of the world to come. Read More: -- A week-long retreat with Shunyamurti is a powerful and life-changing event. Spontaneous, inspired, and always unique – Shunyamurti’s presence and teachings have the uncanny power to address your deepest questions, to free your mind from its most painful fixations and to open your heart to its ultimate fulfillment. If you have always wanted to join Shunyamurti for one of his extraordinary 7 day retrea
Detoxing the Power Drive – 05.26.15
06/08/2016 Duration: 20minExcerpt: “Below the erosion line, below the consciousness the buildup of the power drive grows. ‘Since I don’t know anything and can’t trust anything or anyone and everyone is a potential enemy, then I must constantly be active politically to increase my power.’ That’s what’s going on in the unconscious of everyone’s ego. There’s a power drive, but a power drive that is so unclean and so ugly that it has to be denied and suppressed from consciousness…” Recorded on the morning of Tuesday, May 26, 2015.
Learning to FLY – 04.16.14
09/07/2016 Duration: 14minExcerpt: “If you wish to heal from any physical suffering, or any emotional or mental suffering, or any pathological behavioral tendency, dependency, sense of weakness, there is one panacea, one solution, that solves all difficulties – and that is to fly to God.” Recorded during the Healing Into Wholeness retreat, on the morning of Wednesday, April 16, 2014. If you would like to see the video of this teaching, please follow this link.
Returning to the Immaculate Self – 01.15.16
11/06/2016 Duration: 16minExcerpt: “Meditation is the act of becoming immaculate. Immaculate means there is no trace of identification with anything objective – whether material or mental. There is no trace of the stain of existence. The immaculate Self is unborn, and because the immaculate Self is unborn, it is un-traumatized, and it never goes through that spiral of development or of downfall into the dark. It is only the illusory ego that goes through such a journey. But that illusory ego is illusory and so is the journey.” Recorded on the morning of Friday, January 15, 2016.
Dive Into the Purity of Silence – 03.18.15
13/05/2016 Duration: 20minExcerpt: “The silence is always present – always – at the core of consciousness, even if there is chaos, storms of hysteria, psychotic delusions, miseries of all kinds at the surface of the ocean of consciousness. But in the depths there is always stillness, always peace, always patience, always presence, always the absence of the illusion of ego. Because this peace is always present, there is nothing to achieve, but the remembrance and the realization and the abidance as the silence, as the purity and serenity of the presence that is the absence of ego heals all the other levels of the ocean of consciousness and brings to an end the storms of emotionality and delusion at the surface.” Recorded on the morning of Wednesday, March 18, 2015.
True Spiritual Warrior: The Vision of the Unborn – 07.08.15
01/04/2016 Duration: 26minExcerpt: “Arjuna is the archetype of the spiritual warrior. But the war that is fought is the war against the illusion that there is a war. The spiritual warrior knows that there is no one to fight; there is no conflict except one’s own mind. And Arjun is Ajat, unborn, and to the one who knows there is no birth, there can also be no death, and thus there can be no suffering, and there can be no gain and no loss. The spiritual warrior is one who is in resonance with Krishna, the avatar, the embodiment of that absolute spiritual knowledge that is also power, and that appears as compassion, and wisdom, and moral strength.” Recorded on the morning of Wednesday, July 8, 2015.
Reaching The Fullness Beyond The Abyss - 12.31.15
12/03/2016 Duration: 02minStudent Question: How do I reach the fullness beyond the abyss?
Bliss or Hubris: You Choose – 2.27.15
16/02/2016 Duration: 20minExcerpt: “It has always been recognized that the only difference between a sinner and a saint is that the sinner settles for crumbs of pleasure – in between which are massive amounts of suffering – while the saint is always in bliss. And so therefore can’t we say that the difference is simply a difference in intelligence? One makes a wiser choice. But the choice of bliss comes at a price, and the price is, well two prices, which come to be the same: one is hubris, the other is greed.” Recorded on the morning of Friday, February 27, 2015.
How to Live With an Open Heart - 12.29.15
02/02/2016 Duration: 03minStudent Question: How can I live with an open heart without taking on other's suffering? Recorded during the Abyss and Pleroma retreat, on the evening of Tuesday, December 29, 2015.