Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

The Practice of Delight - 07.14.17



Are you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: "The delight is the natural state, so before we acquired egos, all of us were always in a state of delight. That's the normal baseline of human consciousness. And then an ego program was imposed on us that took away our delight, and the ego is based on the loss of delight. Because we were trained that we had to get serious and we had to be worried about things and we had to be concerned with learning things and doing things that we didn't want to do, and our delight soon became something else, and there was a nostalgia for the lost delight. And so delight became a kind of an imaginary state that we wished we could be in. And all of culture is basically made up of ways of being in artificial substitutes of delight. We try to get delight from films, from comfort foods, from all kinds of artifici