Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
Awaken from the Nightmare the World Has Become - Shunyamurti Q&A
02/08/2022 Duration: 02minIf the world is a dream–that is quickly becoming a nightmare–how can we awaken? Shunyamurti says we must dream a whole new world into being–by rising in truth, love, and consciousness.
Free Your Mind from Control by the Other - Shunyamurti Teaching
28/07/2022 Duration: 15minEveryone is looking for peace—whether they know it or not. In this classic teaching, Shunyamurti shares how to cultivate an energy field of peace and power and pure presence, unalloyed by any conditioned thinking, and completely open to the spontaneity of the heart–and that’s when life becomes very interesting...Recorded on the evening of Thursday, February 21, 2013.
Conquer Death While the World is Dying ~ Shunyamurti Emergency Satsang Teaching
22/07/2022 Duration: 11minThis is an excerpt from our inaugural Spiritual Emergency Satsang given by Shunyamurti. Special Announcement: Shunyamurti is leading a New Series of Spiritual Emergency Satsangs Wednesdays at 5.30pm Costa Rica Time This is an experiment to find out your level of interest in receiving this kind of information and guidance. For an indefinite period, we will be hosting relatively weekly livestream satsangs for our Members on Wednesdays. Because of the dire situation most people on the planet will soon be facing—if they are not already—Shunyamurti has been asked to ramp up the intensity of the teachings to bring souls onto the direct pathless path to Liberation from the matrix. It is the duty of those who are awakened to offer service by remaining steadfastly in peace and equanimity during this time of extreme testing of the human spirit. May all Yogis become beacons of divine light and fearless compassion. Our function is to enable the tempest-tossed, confused, and frightened beings to take refuge in the tranqui
How to Prosper During This Engineered Destruction
22/07/2022 Duration: 05minHow do we maintain a state of peace and prosper during this engineered destruction? Shunyamurti shares his perspective on how to navigate life from a state of higher consciousness, even as the world situation worsens.
All Constructs Are Only Myths - Shunyamurti Teaching
21/07/2022 Duration: 11minSince there is no matter and no space and no time in any true sense, what do we mean by a universe? Is the whole world consciousness, or is that also a myth? To find the answers to these questions, Shunyamurti reminds us to let go of every mythological construct that we have been holding on to, so all can dissolve into the Absolute Truth of the Ultimate Real. Recorded on the evening of Thursday, November 5, 2009
Learn to Download the Power of Mastery - Shunyamurti Q&A
18/07/2022 Duration: 05minHow can I learn to trust myself, to become a trustworthy thinker and a true leader? Shunyamurti answers this important question to inspire and encourage truth in leadership by accessing the Supreme Intelligence and using the power of wisdom to transform the world.
Coherent Thought is a Bridge to Liberation - Shunyamurti Teaching
16/07/2022 Duration: 12minSymbolic thinking and discernment are required to break free from the fabrication of the ego and rise to the highest Real, with love and wisdom to light the way.
The Supernal Light Shines in Silence - Shunyamurti Teaching
14/07/2022 Duration: 08minWe are Divine Light. Shunyamurti reminds us that in order to remember this, we must open the windows of perception by silencing the mind that obscures the highest dimensions of light with language. Recorded on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 20, 2009.
Purity of Heart Overcomes All Pain - Shunyamurti Q&A
12/07/2022 Duration: 04minA student asks Shunyamurti how to protect the innocence of the inner child in a world of pain. Let innocence lead the way to the pure power of purity of Heart that comes from realizing pure, innocent Presence, without I and without other, and without any constructs or operating systems that determine a world.
Get Out of Time Before You’re Out of Time - Shunyamurti Teaching
09/07/2022 Duration: 14minIt is time to leave the ego behind! Shunyamurti says it is time to shift from understanding to innerrstanding--from a place of wisdom and love--to overstanding--so we can take the highest trajectory to Liberation!
Peace Comes After Uniting all the Pieces - Shunyamurti Teaching
07/07/2022 Duration: 15minDo you truly want to live a serene, peaceful, implacable life--or would that be boring to your ego? Shunyamurti explains the definition of Shanti, the peace that you are, and invites us to achieve the natural state from which the inner radiance emerges by removing the ego's veils of vexation that come from a lifetime of pretending to be a projection.
The Ego is a Non-Player Character in the Simulation - Shunyamurti Teaching
05/07/2022 Duration: 02minAll egos are NPCs! If you want to win the game and be liberated from the matrix, stop believing you are a separate being with a burden of karma, and explode the dream open to reveal the light that shines through the simulation.
We Must Face the Death of Reason—and Cause its Resurrection - Shunyamurti Teaching
02/07/2022 Duration: 15minShunyamurti speaks to the self-redemption of consciousness: using reason to get out of the irrational intellect and understand the Truth that reveals the Real.
Language Divides Us from the Real - Shunyamurti Teaching
30/06/2022 Duration: 13minWe live within the illusions of a limited state of mind. Shunyamurti reminds us that all systems of thought are inadequate, and identification with thought is the limitation of your unlimited potential; we must stop identifying with the "I" and stop the power struggle between this false "I" and the "Others" it creates, so we can truly understand Reality and experience the bliss of Infinity. Recorded on the evening of Thursday, December 3, 2009.
How to Integrate Dharma, Reason, and Crazy Wisdom - Shunyamurti Q&A
28/06/2022 Duration: 09minDo you live by the laws of the divine? Shunyamurti explains Dharma, divine law, which, when applied to the ego, reveals the relationship to the soul and a love for intelligence that brings one to the higher states of crazy wisdom and divine love that lead to miracles–and you become an instrument of infinite consciousness.
We Must Learn to Appreciate God’s Sense of Humor - Shunyamurti Teaching
25/06/2022 Duration: 13minHow could a good God allow a world this mad to come into being? Shunyamurti proposes a theory: the universe, and all of the systems within it, are inherently structured as a joke. Can you find the humor that grasps and integrates all the sides of reality into one?
Love and Wisdom Must Replace Aggression and Paranoia - Shunyamurti Teaching
23/06/2022 Duration: 11minSat Yoga is the practice to reach Liberation in this life–because you never know how long life is going to be. Are you prepared to be liberated from your ego now? Shunyamurti reminds us that the ego must die, and its loyalty to the family system along with it, in order to take the journey to supreme liberation, and be forever free.
Attachment to the Past is the Obstacle to Liberation - Shunyamurti Q&A
21/06/2022 Duration: 03minQ: How does one let go of anger towards a father or mother that has judgements and says hurtful things about their beliefs of one’s faith or love towards God plus how to keep unconditional love even in the middle of a war?
The Ego Has Become Psychotic - Shunyamurti Teaching
16/06/2022 Duration: 10minEvery ego is a slave to its censor, the complex of contradiction itself and the inverse of Liberation. Shunyamurti exposes the psychosis of the ego, that it is both solipsistic in its own world and simultaneously projecting a Big Other that is holding consciousness in a hostage position. To release the power of this projection, align with the superconscious freedom of the Self that is One without any other.
The Soul Must Emerge From the Ego - Shunyamurti Q&A
14/06/2022 Duration: 07minWhat does it take to shift from the lower energies of the ego to the higher frequencies of the soul? Shunyamurti answers a seeker’s question with and a key point–a new mode of thinking must emerge in order to undergo this metamorphosis from caterpillar consciousness to butterfly freedom.