Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

You Can Own Nothing and Be Happy—if You Are Free! - Shunyamurti Teaching



We have all heard this prediction by the globalists: “You will own nothing and you will be happy.” Most people take this as a threat of total enslavement and impoverishment. Indeed, it may be meant that way. But if we understand the subtle paradoxical logic of the Mind of God (the real power underlying this world simulation), this is actually the ultimate blessing. It is a description of the state of the Avadhuta, one who has attained supreme freedom and total bliss.  You are invited to discover how to fulfill the ancient human yearning for infinite intelligence and power, not through being microchipped and subsumed in the computer cloud, but by joining this expansive noetic movement of transcendence of ego and entering into the glorious light of Absolute Spirit. Let us not only celebrate the coming of the Avadhutas: Be among the first to join the ranks of the truly free! In this retreat, we will focus on the rigorous practice necessary to shed the ego and attain the Supreme Realization in the shortest time p