Selling The Couch With Melvin Varghese, Ph.d. | Weekly Conversations To Build And Grow Your Counseling Private Practice



Selling the Couch is the podcast for aspiring and current mental health private practitioners. Psychologist Melvin Varghese interviews successful therapists about the business side of private practice (e.g., how they get referrals, their best advice for other practitioners, their daily habits, etc.) as well as the world's top business, marketing, and social media experts to help you become a better business owner. What you get are bite sized, practical and no nonsense tips and advice to guide your private practice and entrepreneurial journey.


  • 193: ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Training) And How To Incorporate It In Client Conversations

    16/05/2019 Duration: 35min

    It’s always interesting to learn how clinicians bring themselves into alignment with their deeper purpose and values. When this happens, the clinician will feel greater satisfaction and fulfillment in the work they do. Today’s show is another that focuses on ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Training) as we talk to today’s guest about his experience as he transitioned into private practice. David Teachout is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Seattle, Washington, although he has branched out to a full-service online practice that incorporates acceptance and commitment therapy. We’re discussing his journey and how he transitioned into private practice from community mental health. David shares what it was like for him to take an uncertain leap from something familiar and comfortable, and how he incorporates ACT into his conversations with clients in big and small ways. David also tells about starting his online counseling practice and how that aligns perfectly with his values. You can read the full show note

  • 192: How To Bring Mindfulness Into The Entrepreneurial Journey

    09/05/2019 Duration: 32min

    Being a private practice owner and running your own business can be a daunting process with many things to learn. We are diving into the nuances of entrepreneurship today with someone willing to take the risk of failure and learn the lessons there. Lee-Chaix McDonough, LCSW, is here to discuss the mindset required to be a private practice owner and business owner. Lee’s book, Act on Your Business, is Amazon’s #1 new release in business entrepreneurship. In this episode, she explains the fear of failure and the fear of success, because success brings with it the fear of not being able to sustain it. Lee discusses the integration of our skillset and mindset and how to bring mindfulness into the entrepreneurial journey, through her “3 M’s of Entrepreneurship.”  You can read the full show notes at: (Session192) Support this podcast

  • 191: How To Use G Suite As a Tool For Managing a Private Practice

    02/05/2019 Duration: 33min

    It’s a new season for Selling the Couch, and I’m excited to be back after a few weeks off! We have a cool topic to discuss today, and it’s one we see frequent questions about in the STC Community. We’re discussing how to use G Suite as a tool for managing a private practice. Join us to learn more! Gordon Brewer, LMFT, is based in Kingsport, TN. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience with G Suite. We are discussing the G Suite tools available, best ways to use them in private practice, and Gordon’s course for training therapists to use G Suite to their advantage. You can read the full show notes at: (Session191) Support this podcast

  • 190: 19 Colleagues Share "The #1 Way I Get Referrals For My Practice."

    28/03/2019 Duration: 44min

    This episode features . . . .you! Nineteen of our listeners took the time to record their tips for getting referrals, which just happens to be the most-asked question for clinicians. This episode is bittersweet for me because it’s the last one of this season. I’m taking some time off to focus on being a husband and daddy and to take some much-needed time for self-care. But before I say goodbye, for now, let’s listen to these great ideas for getting those coveted referrals! You can read the full show notes at: (Session190) Support this podcast

  • 189: What Perfectionism is And Why So Many in Private Practice Struggle With It

    21/03/2019 Duration: 40min

    Have you ever been called a perfectionist? It’s admirable to have high standards and be highly motivated, but perfectionism is a trap that many clinicians fall into. In today’s show, we’ll talk about how perfectionism impacts us in private practice and as business owners. Sharon Martin, LCSW, was a previous guest on the show, but that was WAY back in August 2015 (Episode 37), where she talked about blogging. Sharon revisits today to talk about her recent book, The CBT Workbook of Perfectionism. We’ll discuss how Sharon defines perfectionism and why so many in our field struggle with it. We’ll talk about some overt and covert ways that perfectionism shows up, and get Sharon’s tips and strategies for working through perfectionism and becoming more aware of it. You can read the full show notes at: (Session189) Support this podcast

  • 188: Ins And Outs of Establishing a Bilingual Practice And How To Market It

    14/03/2019 Duration: 38min

    Today’s topic is one that you’ve probably not considered, but it’s immensely relevant in many areas of the US today. I’m excited to explore with you the ins and outs of establishing a bilingual practice, and we’ll consider what goes into that process with someone who has successfully navigated through it. Dr. Carmen Roman is a psychologist in San Jose, CA. She has an amazing story in that she has been a psychologist for over 25 years in an established group practice in Mexico. She then came to the US, went to grad school, and opened a practice in CA. We’re taking an interesting look at some of her insights from her practice in Mexico and the nuances of starting practices in two different countries. We’ll discuss how she markets a bilingual practice and what she enjoys about being a bilingual clinician, along with her perspective on niching. You can read the full show notes at: (Session188) Support this podcast

  • 187: Ups And Downs of Transitioning From a Full-Time job Into Private Practice

    07/03/2019 Duration: 36min

    Chances are you’ve thought about today’s topic at least once, or you may have your own similar experience. Many clinicians have gone through the transition from a full-time job into private practice. Today’s show is all about navigating the ups and downs of this important move. Tricia Miller is a LIcensed Professional Counselor in Houston, Texas. She has a unique background, with an undergrad degree in business, a job as a business analyst, and a stint as a school counselor. It was here that she realized she wanted to take the next step and start her private practice. Today’s show covers the steps in Tricia’s journey, what she’s learned along the way, and what the transition looked like for her. Tricia also shares how she worked through the fine line of disclosure. You can read the full show notes at: (Session187) Support this podcast

  • 186: Being Honest With My Business Finances: Melvin Varghese, Ph.D

    28/02/2019 Duration: 22min

    Today’s solo episode is an honest look at my journey as a business owner, especially concerning finances and business expenses. I always try to be transparent with you about my successes, and I think it’s equally important to be honest about the struggles, too. As we take a look back at how I structured my business to pay myself and track my expenses, you’ll see that I became less cautious with my spending. It was the principles set forth in a popular book that set this personal finance junkie on the happy path to saving money, managing profit, and finding peace. You can read the full show notes at: (Session186)   Support this podcast

  • 185: Building a Sex Therapy Practice and Marketing it with Nazanin Moali, PhD

    21/02/2019 Duration: 35min

    Today’s topic is one we haven’t covered before---building a sex therapy practice. Believe it or not, there aren’t that many clinicians who are specializing in this field. My guest today is an expert who has built a practice focused on this important niche. Nazanin Moali, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist in Torrance, CA. She’s here to share what she’s learned along the way, how she opened her private practice, and why she focused on sexuality. We are also discussing unique ways she is marketing her niche from a place of service. You can read the full show notes at: (Session185) Support this podcast

  • 184: Sharing the Knowledge of Business Building and Marketing Strategies in Private Practice

    14/02/2019 Duration: 29min

    It’s a challenge to open up and be vulnerable about what you’ve learned along your journey. Often, it’s that authenticity that is most effective in helping others learn from what YOU have learned. Today’s guest is an example of openness and vulnerability. Katie Leikam, LCSW, has a private practice in Decatur, GA. She is sharing with transparency about how she went from zero clients after the first four months to a thriving $100,000 practice. There is wisdom to be found in Katie’s experience, in the difficulties of building a business and the struggle to get the results you want. Katie opens up today about why and how she opened her private practice--even to zero clients, what she learned, and how she maintained a positive mindset. She also talks about the unique marketing strategies she has used to build relationships along the path to building her practice. You can read the full show notes at: (Session184) Support this podcast

  • 183: What is Brainspotting And How To Use It?

    07/02/2019 Duration: 30min

    What have you heard about brainspotting? Is it something you’ve been curious about or may be considered for additional training? We’re on a mission today to learn more about this technique and how we can use it. Beth Medina, LMHC, also does coaching in her practice in Florida. She shares with us today what brainspotting is and how she got to the point where she knew this technique aligns with what she wants to do. Beth talks about the relationship between EMDR and brainspotting, how she’s created a business centered around brain spotting and the specific niches she’s chosen. We’ll also learn from Beth why brainspotting is an effective tool for clinicians. You can read the full show notes at: (Session183) Support this podcast

  • 182: 5 Subtle Ways I Stay Productive Daily: Melvin Varghese, PhD

    31/01/2019 Duration: 20min

    What techniques have you found that help you stay on task each day? Maybe you have some tried and true habits, or maybe you recognize the need to put in place a little more structure. Either way, there is inspiration waiting for you in today’s show! Solo episodes are always fun for me because I love getting to share with you what I’m learning. Today’s topic is about the habits I’ve incorporated to maximize my productivity on a week-to-week basis. For many of us, our self-worth is measured by how much we get done, and it’s taken work for me to get past that judgmental place. I’ve found some things that work well for me; some are based on experience, learning, and tweaking, and some are based on research. I hope my tips will inspire you to evaluate your productivity and see what might work better for you. You can read the full show notes at: (Session182) Support this podcast

  • 181: Creating a Sound Social Media Policy While Navigating the Intersection of Personal and Professional Life as Clinicians

    24/01/2019 Duration: 30min

    As a clinician, do you have a social media policy? Is it something you’ve ever considered? If not, then this show may open your eyes to this topic. How can we as clinicians create a sound social media policy while navigating the intersection of our personal and professional lives? Dr. Keely Kolmes is a psychologist, speaker, consultant, writer, researcher, and innovator in San Francisco and Oakland, CA. Dr. Keely’s work covers many areas, but the development of a social media policy is one specific area of expertise. Let’s hear more about this interesting topic from Dr. Keely! You can read the full show notes at: (Session181) Support this podcast

  • 180: The Biggest Bookkeeping Blunders That Clinicians Make and Their Solutions

    17/01/2019 Duration: 31min

    Balance sheet, profit/loss statements, cash flow, business expense----do these terms send you into a sudden state of anxiety and panic? If so, then this is the perfect show for you! The entire topic of keeping accurate records for your business can be ultra-intimidating for any clinician. Let’s try to make sense of it all together! Greg Higdon is the founder of Grow the Books. He’s here to discuss the biggest bookkeeping blunders that clinicians make and offer solutions that make sense. If looking at your numbers makes you sweat, or if you’ve taken the ostrich approach of hiding your head in the sand, then I hope this episode will make things more manageable and less stressful for you. Join us! You can read the full show notes at: (Session180) Support this podcast

  • 179: “Wounded Healer” in Private Practice and How They Create a Successful Practice While Owning Their Pain

    10/01/2019 Duration: 51min

    Wounded healer---it’s a term used frequently in our field, and one that resonates deeply with so many therapists. Time and time again, we hear of those drawn to the therapy field because of a desire to help others, which comes as an outgrowth of dealing with our personal pain. Today’s show is about the “wounded healer” in private practice and how we create a successful practice while owning our pain. Tacha Kasper, MFT Associate, has battled chronic pain and illness for over 12 years. Add to that the fact that she’s a breast cancer survivor, and you’ll see that she has a wealth of knowledge about our topic. Formerly in the corporate world, Tacha transitioned to counseling because of her health concerns and the overriding desire to use her experiences to help others heal from their pain. Join us to hear more from Tacha! You can read the full show notes at: (Session179) Mentioned in this episode: Today's Sponsor is Turning Point HQ Don't let your own money blocks rob y

  • 178: An Open and Honest Look at The Life Events of The Past Year and The Lessons Learned

    03/01/2019 Duration: 31min

    Welcome to the first episode of 2019! This show is a little different, as I’m being interviewed by Patricia Young, whom you may remember as a previous STC guest. She’s been here before, discussing highly sensitive people and how she built her niche as an LCSW. Today’s show is an open and honest look at the life events of the past year and the lessons learned by yours truly. You may remember that we welcomed our first child into our family in 2018, and with her early arrival, there have been big changes in my life. Life doesn’t stop as we are busy building a business and a career, so how do we balance it all and keep things going simultaneously? I hope our authentic conversation is a source of encouragement for the changes and challenges that you may face in the coming year. You can read the full show notes at: (Session178) Mentioned in this episode: Today's Sponsor is Turning Point HQ Don't let your own money blocks rob you of your future financial security. Turning

  • 177: How to Find Ideal Clients And Why It’s Best to Focus on The Ideal Clients

    01/11/2018 Duration: 43min

    Where do your ideal clients hang out? Who are the people and organizations that are serving them? These are questions you should answer as you consider narrowing your focus and attracting your ideal clients. Today’s show dives into the practical steps you can take to accomplish these important goals. Keri Nola is a dear friend who has been on the show before. Keri has branched out of her psychotherapy background to mentor, awaken, and support healers of all kinds through her newly established practice in San Diego. She has a lot of answers to the questions we might ask about attracting ideal clients. She explains why it’s best to focus on the ideal client, how to find those ideal clients, and why those ideal clients need the services you offer. This will be the final episode of 2018, as I take some time to focus on my new responsibility as a father and enjoy the holidays with my family. I hope you’ll plan to join us for more great conversations in 2019! You can read the full show notes at: http://www.selli

  • 176: Pros And Cons of Charging For The Peer Supervision Group Part 2

    25/10/2018 Duration: 19min

    If you heard Episode 175, then you know that we are continuing the discussion about peer supervision groups. We discussed how to structure the group, who should be included, and what you should cover when you meet. Today’s discussion goes a step further, and we discuss the pros and cons for charging for the group, how often your group should meet, and the logistics of where the group should meet. Jill Kaufman, MSW, LCSW, has a private practice in Princeton, NJ. She has experienced the challenges of starting a peer supervision group and has great words of wisdom to share about what she has figured out. Join us for the second part of this series to learn more! You can read the full show notes at: Session176 Mentioned in this episode: Today's Sponsor is Turning Point HQ Don't let your own money blocks rob you of your future financial security. Turning Point HQ is a financial planning company specifically for therapists. They've created a free guide to help you avoid the 7 money mistakes that most therapists ma

  • 175: Pros And Cons of Charging For The Peer Supervision Group

    18/10/2018 Duration: 27min

    Have you thought about starting a peer supervision group? It’s a great way to get feedback from colleagues, combat the isolation of a private practice, and even gain cross-referrals. Where do you start? How do you structure the group? What do you cover in the group? Who needs to be in the group? You can see that this topic gives way to many questions about making it work. Today’s show dives into the nuts and bolts of a peer supervision group. Now’s your chance to learn more! Jill Kaufman, MSW, LCSW, has a private practice in Princeton, NJ. She’s here to talk about how to start and build the format for a peer supervision group. We’ll discuss how to know what topics to cover, how many members you should have, common formats and structures, and the pros and cons of a topic-based group. Today’s episode is the first in a two-part series with Jill on this topic, so don’t miss Episodes 175 and 176! You can read the full show notes at: Session175 Mentioned in this episode: Today's Sponsor is Turning Point HQ Don't

  • 174: Respecting Your Life Seasons as a Business Owner And Doing Things With Pace, Structure, And Flexibility

    11/10/2018 Duration: 31min

    As business owners, we want freedom and flexibility, but as we evolve, we encounter the difficulties of life. Sometimes we find ourselves out of balance with what’s really important and we are obligated and overextended in ways we didn’t envision. Today’s show is all about respecting the life seasons in which we find ourselves and giving ourselves permission to say YES or NO to the demands on our time. Naphtali Roberts, LMFT, is based in Montrose, CA. She is a busy private practice therapist, wife, and mother. She shares how her life and her business have looked when she has respected--and NOT respected--the seasons of life. Additionally, she helps us take an honest look at pace, structure, and scheduling to help us realize that those tools do not equal lazy and unintentional. You can read the full show notes at: Session174 Mentioned in this episode: Today's Sponsor is Turning Point HQ Don't let your own money blocks rob you of your future financial security. Turning Point HQ is a financial planning company

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