They said the meek will inherit the Earth, We say the Nerds already have control. A weekly Live Podcast . We talk about all things nerd and geeky. From movies, tv and tech news, to what is going on in the video game industry and comic books.
#168 - Suicide Nerd Squad
09/08/2016 Duration: 01h08minOn Today's show, we talk $200 Wilson football, Poop resturant, All you can eat Fries and McDonalds, Review of Sucide Squad, Man of Steel sequel coming, Miles Teller wants a sequel to FF, George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards coming to TV, Possible Live action Star Wars TV Show, MTV launching Classic Channel of the 90s, What are you Binging on? Stranger Things, More Pokemon Go News, NO Man's Sky Early Review and TellTale Batman early Review
#167 - Wonder at the Marvel of these Nerds
26/07/2016 Duration: 01h15minSDCC, Brie Larson and Captain Marvel, Max Landis, Pepe Le Pew, Deadly Class coming to TV, MSt3k to Netflix, New Rocket Raccoon and Groot shorts, Ghost Rider coming to Agents of Shield, Free Games for Xbox in August, Possible Free Games for Playstation, Nintendo NX.
#166 - Ghostbust Nerds
19/07/2016 Duration: 57minThe Nerds are back this week to discuss Black Boxes in self Driving cars, MoviePass for $15, Sega's Rent-a-hero being made into a movie, Mouseguard movie, Ghostbusters might be banned in China, Emoji movie and T.J. Miller, Rumor of Batwoman, Oracle and Batman coming to CW, Robert Kirkman bringing Chronicles of Amber to tv, Captain Power coming back to tv, Pokemon Go, Homies getting a Comic book. Also L-Roq is back from EVo in Vegas.
#164 - Green Ranger for All
05/07/2016 Duration: 01h01minOn this week, Woman sues microsoft for Windows 10, Comcast gets Netflix, First death with Tesla autopilot, Church's Chicken Music app, Pixar, Wreck-It Ralph sequel, Deadpool 2, Bryan Cranston and Power Rangers, Eli Roth & Bruce Willis in Death Wish, CW's Netflix Streaming Deal, Flashpoint and Arrow, Cody Rhodes, AMC's Preacher season 2, Russo Brothers and The Warriors TV show, Xbox Ultimate Sale, Xbox Avatars with Wheelchairs, and Microsoft's Paly Anywhere.
#159 - Civil War Nerds #TeamHelloKitty
09/05/2016 Duration: 01h30minThis week on the show, Warner Music making money streaming, China Bans banana eating videos, Civil War Review, Black Widow might be getting a solo film, Comic Book Irredeemable getting a film, Shane Black's Predator shooting, Blues Brothers animated series coming to TV, Con Man coming to Comic-Con HQ channel, Oni Press launching an erotic comic series, 2016 Video Game Hall of Fame.Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
#155 - Negan and the Nerds play baseball
04/04/2016 Duration: 55minNew Show talking The Walking Dead, Boompi Dating App, 3d printing cartilage, Suicide squad reshoot, Hans Zimmer retires from Superhero movies, Dream Jumper being produced by J.J. Abrams , After show of Game of Thrones, Doctor Who spin off Class, Play Legend of Zelda in your browser, New Day at Wrestlemania, and A playstation Employee builds a custom controller with a gamer with Cerebral Palsy