A weekly chat with a K-12 Public School Technology Director about the trials, tribulations, and insider secrets of your school's technology department. The chats are unscripted, and meant to make the inner workings of an IT department less opaque.logo image - Tom Taker "Technology"
Communications & Student Views
29/09/2014 Duration: 22minA weekly chat tackling the issue of educational technology from both sides. Ben Rimes, a former teacher turned educational technologist, chats with Pete Poggione, an Information Technology Professional from the private sector turned School IT Director.In this third episode, Pete and I attempt to address the sticky issue of when attempts to help aren't always so helpful, why tech support often comes at the last minute, and what we can do to make ourselves better "helpers". We roll of few issues up into a group of questions adressing what we've tried to do and hasn't worked, and attempt to address a question posed by Sarah on Twitter about looking at instructional technology from student's point of view.Timestamps for this weeks questions: :50 - Pete feels inadequate about his title2:45 - What has Pete been doing today?3:53 - Is the work that Pete does thankless?5:35 - Why does support sometimes come at the last minute?6:45 - What sort of processes are in place, or not, to build effective support?9:22 - If you
Upgrade Pains & Accessibility
22/09/2014 Duration: 21minA weekly chat tackling the issue of educational technology from both sides. Ben Rimes, a former teacher turned educational technologist, chats with Pete Poggione, an Information Technology Professional from the private sector turned School IT Director.We're back for a second episode, and for those of you hoping for a shorter have no idea how much Pete likes to talk! In our pursuit of trying to find a regular recording time, and a means of controlling the length of the chat, we tackle a few questions this week. Rob, one of our High School teachers in Mattawan asks a great question about upgrading, and Melissa chimes in via Twitter with a great question for any school technology department, about accessibility for special needs learners using district technology.Timestamps for this week's questions:1:38 - Is it gratifying for Pete to get his hands dirty and work on help desk tickets instead of staying behind his desk all the time?4:30 - Are there new projectors or interactive whiteboards coming?6
Ask Your Tech Director
15/09/2014 Duration: 19minA weekly chat tackling the issue of educational technology from both sides. Ben Rimes, a former teacher turned educational technologist, chats with Pete Poggione, an Information Technology Professional from the private sector turned School IT Director.In the first episode, Pete attempts to answer a difficult question about why all of the technology isn't connected and setup at the start of the school year, submitted by Miguel Guhlin from his "Stump the Tech Director" blog post. We also interpret Troy Hick's question about changing "Yeah, buts...." into something more positive.Timestamps for this week's questions:1:52 - What was Pete doing today?6:06 - Why can't you hook up all of my technology so it's ready to go at the start of the school year?8:48 - How do you prioritize who gets service first?14:23 - How do we turn the "yeah, buts..." into "yes, ands..."?You can talk about the show or continue the conversations on Twitter using the hashtag #TechDirectorChat or chatting up Ben (@techsavvyed) or Pete (@ppogg