The Friends of Kevin Radio Show airs on WSMN in Nashua on Mondays from 11am to 12pm. The show consists of three segments approximately 15 minutes each where I interview guests. I ask all of my guests to provide me with between 12 and 15 questions to ask them on the show. Please send me an email at if you would like to be a guest on the show.
Donna Sainato - Lovett's League to End Alzheimer's
27/09/2012 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Donna Sainato to discuss the Lovett's League to End Alzheimer's Halloween Masquerade Party to raise money for the Alzheimer's Association The event is on Saturday, October 27 at 8:00pm at Tewksbury-Wilmington Elks, Tewksbury MA. Here is the link to the event on facebook Audio file: lovettsleague.mp3
Brad Howell - Career Resources Corporation
27/09/2012 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Brad Howell from Career Resources Corporation. Career Resources Corporation works with individuals with developmental disabilities to help them find work. Please visit their website at Audio file: crc.mp3
Michael Bistany - EFX Fitness Revolution
26/09/2012 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Michael Bistany from EFX Fitness Revolution. EFX Fitness Revolution is located in both Salem and Manchester NH. Listen in to hear Michael speak about his private and small group training classes. Audio file: efxfitnessrevolution.mp3
Nicolette Nordin Heavey - Stories in the Streets
25/09/2012 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Nicolette Nordin Heavey from Stories in the Street. Nicolette was the second place and fan favorite winner at the Merrimack Valley Sandbox's Education, Environment, Human Services Pitch Contest. Stories in the Streets© brings stories, storytelling and books to families and children wherever they gather. This project reaches families in Lawrence whether it be at a farmer’s market, a park playground, a community festival, a food bank line, or a more traditional literacy venue, such as school auditorium or public library. Stories in the Streets© gives a free book to every child that listens to a story. Audio file: storiesinthestreet.mp3
Frank Menard - The Menard Team
22/09/2012 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Frank Menard from the Menard Team. Listen to Frank discuss the year to date statistics for the Nashua NH real estate market and why this is a perfect time to buy real estate. Audio file: frankmenard0912.mp3
Bill Nickerson - Mortgage Network
22/09/2012 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Bill Nickerson from the Mortgage Network. Bill disucss the importance of being pre aprroved for a mortgage and the process of getting pre-approved. This is a great segment for anyone purchasing a home. Audio file: billnickersonsept12.mp3
Beverly Doolan - Marguerites Place
22/09/2012 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Beverly Doolan from Marguerites Place. Marguerite's Place, Inc. is a nonprofit transitional housing and supportive services program for women in crisis and their children. Please become a fan on facebook at Audio file: margueritesplace2.mp3
Meagan Haley - New England Clothes Recycling
22/09/2012 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Meagan Haley from New England Clothes Recycling. Meagan discusses how their recycling program helps keep materials out of the landfills. Audio file: newenglandrclothesrecycle.mp3
Donna McDonough - New England Career Services
21/09/2012 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Donna McDonough from New England Career Services. Donna works with people who have barriers to employment to help them find work. Audio file: newenglandcareerservices.mp3
Jessica Wilson - Lowell Telecommunications Corporation
20/09/2012 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Jessica Wilson Executive Director of Lowell Telecommunications Corporation. Jessica was the first place winner at the Merrimack Valley Sandbox's Education, Environment, Human Services Pitch Contest. Her project the Videographer Startup Boost offers video and social media entrepreneurs training in videography, editing, social media services, customer service, and business development. This project is a partnership between the Lowell Telecommunications Corporation and the Merrimack Valley Small Business Center. Audio file: ltc.mp3
Joe Bassett - Sun Auto Sales
18/09/2012 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Joe Bassett from Sun Auto Sales. This is a a great segment for anyone looking to purchase a used car Joe offers some great car buying advice. Audio file: joebassett.mp3
Greta Johansson - SBA National Preparedness Month
18/09/2012 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Greta Johansson of the SBA to discuss National Preparedness Month. Greta discusses the steps a small business owner should take to prepare for a interuption in their business. Audio file: sbadisasterprepardness.mp3
Bill Ryan - Ryan Career Services
16/09/2012 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Bill Ryan of Ryan Career Servies for a discussion about Career Transitioning and Online Profile Management. Audio file: ryancareerservices.mp3
Eliis Hynson - Ellis Martial Arts
16/09/2012 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Ellis Hynson of Ellis Martial Arts in Nashua NH. Listen in to learn more about his approach to training his students. Audio file: eliismartialarts.mp3
Brian Monahan - Miracle Providers Northeast
16/09/2012 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Brian Monahan of the Miracle Providers Northeast.The Miracle Providers Northeast is A non-profit organization that helps raise money for children and their families impacted by HIV/AIDS. Audio file: Miracleproviders.mp3
Denyne Sanville - Denyne Designs
16/09/2012 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Denyne Sanville from Denyne Designs for a discussion about Kitchen Remodeling 101 the do's and dont's of remodeling a kitchen. Audio file: denynedesigns2.mp3
Jeff Gaudette - HIGHER- EDVantage
15/09/2012 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Jeff Gaudette from the HIGHER-EdVantage for a great discussion about the Financial Aid process and how the HIGHER-EDVantage can help you save money on the cost of a college education. Audio file: HigherEDVANTAGE2.mp3
Paula Patten - Birches Academy
15/09/2012 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Paula Patten from Birches Academy. Birches Academy is a free Charter School located in Salem NH. Please visit their website to learn more at Audio file: birchesacademy.mp3
Aaron Ross - The Hug Bug
11/09/2012 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Aaron Ross to discuss The Hug Bug. The Hug Bug is a way for friends and family to stay connected when phones, email and letters aren’t enough. The Hug Bug allows these people to send each other hugs via a pillow that gives hugs! The Hug Bug is a pillow customized/crafted for your friend/family with arms that can give hugs! The arms are articulated foam wrapped appendages, which in the first version are manually activated by hugging the pillow -- you hug the pillow, it hugs back! Audio file: hugbug.mp3
Sharon Bailey - BizConNH
11/09/2012 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Sharon Bailey of BizConNH. BizConNH is on Saturday September 22nd at the South Meadow School in Peterborough NH. To learn more visit Audio file: bizconnh.mp3