The Friends of Kevin Radio Show airs on WSMN in Nashua on Mondays from 11am to 12pm. The show consists of three segments approximately 15 minutes each where I interview guests. I ask all of my guests to provide me with between 12 and 15 questions to ask them on the show. Please send me an email at if you would like to be a guest on the show.
Jeff Gaudette - HIGHER ED-vantage
12/01/2013 Duration: 18minHost Jeff Gaudette is joined by Hans Hansen for a great discussion about becoming a recruited college athlete. Audio file: higheredvantagejan2.mp3
Jeff Gaudette - HIGHER ED-vantage
11/01/2013 Duration: 09minHost Jeff Gaudette Speaks with co-host Adam Miller about his educational and professional experiences that led him to becoming a member of the HIGHER-EDvantage Team. Audio file: higheredvantagejan1.mp3
Michael Bistany - EFX Fitness Revolution
11/01/2013 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Michael Bistany of EFX Fitness Revolution of Salem and Manchester NH. In this segment we discuss all of the great changes happening in 2013 Audio file: efxfitnessrevolution3.mp3
Michael Bistany - EFX Fitness Revolution
11/01/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Michael Bistanty from EFX Fitness Revolution of Salem and Manchester NH. In this segment we discuss their transformation contest listen in to learn how you can win free personal training for one year. Audio file: efxfitnessrevolution2.mp3
Jay Paiva - United Party Rental
10/01/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Jay Paiva from United Party Rental. Jay discusses how United Party Rental is an event planning company who can provide you with all of the tents, tables and chairs and entertainment like photo booths to make your next event memorable. Audio file: unitedpartyrental.mp3
Judy Prevost and Patti Joseph - Fitness and Fashion Unite for a Passion
10/01/2013 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Judy Prevost and Patti Joseph to discuss Fitness and Fashion Unite for a Passion fundraiser event for Marguerite's Place, The event is at Gold's Gym in Nashua on Jan 19th from 12 to 4pm. Audio file: fitnessandfashionuniteforapassion.mp3
Wes Wessel - North American Power
10/01/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Wes Wessel from North American Power. Listen in to learn how you can save money and make money from energy deregualtion with North American Power. Audio file: northamericanpower.2mp3.mp3
Michael Bistany - EFX Fitness Revolution
09/01/2013 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Michael Bistany from EFX Fitness Revolution of Salem and Manchester NH and Michael Palumbo a client to discuss his experience and results from training at EFX. Audio file: efxfitnessrevolution1.mp3
Steve Kincaid - SG Kincaid Personal Coaching
08/01/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Steve Kincaid from SG Kincaid Coaching and Consulting. In this segment we discuss how Steve works with individual going through transition in their lives to help them identify their goals. Audio file: sgkincaidpersonalcoaching.mp3
Steve Kincaid - SG Kincaid Business Coaching and Consulting
08/01/2013 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Steve Kincaid from SG Kincaid Coaching and Consulting in the segment we discuss how Steve works with Business Owners to help them establish their goals and find balance in their lives. Audio file: sgkincaidbusinesscoaching.mp3
Karen Mahon - Balefire Labs LLC
07/01/2013 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Karen Mahon from Balefire Labs. Balefire Labs is a site that help parents and teachers find educational apps that have great instructional and usability design. Balefire Labs is a service that provides standardized and objective app reviews by learning scientists, educational researchers and teachers who know about the principles of great instructional and usability design. Audio file: balefirelabs.mp3
Frank Menard - The Menard Team 2013 Real Estate Market Outlook
05/01/2013 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Frank Menard from the Menard Team. In this segment Frank provides a recap of the 2012 Real Estate Market and discuss why 2013 looks to be a great year in Real Estate. Audio file: menardteam1203.mp3
Steve Gamlin - Inspired by Steve - New Year Resolutions
04/01/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Steve Gamlin from Inspired by Steve for a great discussion about why traditional new year resolutions dont work. Audio file: stevegamlinstrong2013.mp3
John Simone - J&R Auto Repair
03/01/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by John Simone from J&R Auto Repair in Lowell Ma. In this segment John discusses how to Winterize your car. Audio file: jrautorepairdec.mp3
Walter Wise - Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center
03/01/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Walter Wise from the Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center to discuss how the help Veterans start their own business. Audio file: northeastveteransbusinessresource.mp3
Walter Wise - BPI Strategy Group
03/01/2013 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Walter Wise from the BPI Strategy Group. The BPI Strategy group works with companies to help them accelerate their revenue growth and improve their business performance. Audio file: bpistrategygroup2.mp3
Ghada Massabni - Agape Dentist
03/01/2013 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Dr. Ghada Massabni from Agape Dentist for a great discussion on how to keep your teeth healthy. Audio file: agapedentist.mp3
Bob Good - Good Leads
03/01/2013 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Bob Good from Good Leads. Good Leads is Technology-Focused B2B Lead Generation firm located in Salem NH. Audio file: goodleads.mp3
Marcia Griffith - Let's Have a Net-Lunch
23/12/2012 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Marcia Griffith from Let's Have a Net-Lunch. Net Lunch holds monthly women only lunch time networking events in Concord, Nashua and Manchester. Please join their Meetup Group to hear about upcoming events Audio file: netlunch.mp3
Art Meconi - Ameriprise Financial Services
18/12/2012 Duration: 21minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Art Meconi of Ameriprise Financial Services. In this segment we discuss Divorce Planning, Estate Planning, Asset Allocation, Life Insurance, Disabbility Insurance, and Long Term Care Insurance. Audio file: artmeconi.mp3