The Friends of Kevin Radio Show airs on WSMN in Nashua on Mondays from 11am to 12pm. The show consists of three segments approximately 15 minutes each where I interview guests. I ask all of my guests to provide me with between 12 and 15 questions to ask them on the show. Please send me an email at if you would like to be a guest on the show.
Attorney Tami Dristiliaris - Child support issues in Mass
22/07/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Attorney Tami Dristiliaris for a discussion about child support issues in the state of Ma. Audio file: tamichildsupport.mp3
Attorney Tami Dristiliaris - Business Collections
22/07/2013 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Attorney Tami Dristiliaris for a discussion about collecting money owed to your business. Audio file: tamicollections.mp3
Diane Valladares - CASA of NH
20/07/2013 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Diane Valladares - CASA of NH. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of New Hampshire recruits, trains and supervises volunteers to serve as advocates for abused and neglected children in the New Hampshire court system. As part of the national nonprofit organizationNational CASA (NCASAA), we envision a world in which all children are safe, nurtured and living in permanent homes. Audio file: casaofnh.mp3
Pamela Connolly - Home Instead Senior Care
20/07/2013 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Pamela Connolly from Home Instead Senior Care. They are a non medical provider of Home Care and Companionship services for seniors providing assistance with personal care ( including showering and grooming), light housekeeping, medication reminders, meal preparion,errands and incidental transportation to social and medical appointments Audio file: homeinstead.mp3
Jonathan Danch - Rare Coins of New Hampshire
15/07/2013 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Jonathan Danch of Rare Coins of New Hampshire. In this segment we speak about how RCNH can help you determine the value of your coin collection and how they can help you purchase rare coins, gold and silver bullion. Audio file: rarecoinsofnh.mp3
Ron Ayotte - i4class
15/07/2013 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Ron Ayotte from i4class. i4class is a Interactive Digital Learning Environment (SAAS) that increases student performance by 10%, reduces teacher administrative work by 30% and makes teaching and learning more rewarding and fulfilling for math classes grades 7 through 11. Audio file: i4class.mp3
Monty Whitfield - The Visionary Art of Monty Whitfield
15/07/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Monty Whitfield to discuss his upcoming show. " The Visionary Art of Monty Whitfield" the show is at the Nashua Public Library in the image gallery through August 29th. Audio file: montyjuly.mp3
Walter Wise - Obtaining Government Contracts
11/07/2013 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Walter Wise from the BPI Strategy Group. In this segment we discuss how Walter helps businesses apply for and win government contracts. Audio file: govcontracts.mp3
Walter Wise - Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center
11/07/2013 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Walter Wise to discuss the Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center. The NEVBRC assists Veterans in starting and growing a business. Audio file: nevbrcjuly.mp3
Don Moser - The Ultimate Media Group
10/07/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Don Moser from the Ultimate Media Group to discuss the benefits of advertising in The Ultimate. Audio file: theultimate.mp3
Susan Nordemo - Monarch Health Coaching and Hypnosis Center
10/07/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Susan Nordemo - Monarch Health Coaching and Hypnosis Center. In this segment we discuss the benefits of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Meridian Tapping Technique (MTT). Audio file: susannordemo.mp3
Adam Hathaway - Social Valley Marketing
10/07/2013 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Adam Hathaway from Social Valley Marketing. Adam discusses the importance of establishing an online presence and offers some advice on developing an online marketing strategy. Audio file: socialvalleymarketing.mp3
Walter Wise - BPI Strategy Group
10/07/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Walter Wise from the BPI Strategy Group. Walter discusses how he helps his clients develop an action plan to increase their revenue. Audio file: bpijuly.mp3
Christine Boynton - Neat & Organized
10/07/2013 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Christine Boynton from Neat & Organized. Christine discusses the organizing services that she offers to her clients. Audio file: chrisboynton.mp3
Bill Nickerson - Mortgage Officer
10/07/2013 Duration: 20minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Bill Nickerson for a discussion about the impact higher mortgages rates will have on borrowers monthly mortgage payments. Audio file: billnickersonjuly.mp3
Amaka Okoronkwo - Jumply
09/07/2013 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Amaka Okoronkwo from Jumply. Jumply is a mentor and funding platform for women entrepreneurs. Audio file: jumply.mp3
Lucky Henry - College Power
04/07/2013 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Lucky Henry from College Power. CollegePower is an advertising and promotion agency that represents local businesses which surround college campuses and are actively seeking to attract more students. We do so through a range of products and service that offer the students incentives to include our clients in their decision making process. Audio file: collegepower.mp3
Rachel McMeen - High Hopes Foundation
04/07/2013 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Rachel Mcmeen from the High Hopes Foundation. The High Hopes Foundation of New Hampshire, Inc. is dedicated to granting the wishes of New Hampshire's severely or chronically ill children between the ages of 3 and 18. Please support the High Hopes Foundation By attending the Nashua Silver Knights game on July 11th. Audio file: highhopesfoundation.mp3
Nicole Noll and Susan Buck - Web Start Women
04/07/2013 Duration: 19minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Nicole Noll and Susan Buck from Web Start Women. Web Start Women is a group of geeky women who are learning to program for the web so we can make awesome stuff online. We run local classes in Cambridge, MA and we also made Codagogy ( Audio file: webstartwomen.mp3
Mark Lynch - Using Linkedin
01/07/2013 Duration: 19minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Mark Lynch to discuss how he helps individuals and organizations to optimize their linkedin profiles. Audio file: marklynch.mp3