The Friends of Kevin Radio Show airs on WSMN in Nashua on Mondays from 11am to 12pm. The show consists of three segments approximately 15 minutes each where I interview guests. I ask all of my guests to provide me with between 12 and 15 questions to ask them on the show. Please send me an email at if you would like to be a guest on the show.
Shalmai Rivera - A.M.S.I Foundation
03/02/2016 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Shalmai Rivera from the A.M.S.I Foundation. The A.M.S.I. Foundation is a 501-c3 non-profit that awards scholarships to students in the Merrimack Valley Area and provides information and programs for those seeking higher education. The board is composed of volunteers who give many hours of their time to help develop our programs. Current programs include scholarships, mentoring, public speaking, and community outreach. For more information please visit their website at For more informaiton about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group please visit our website at Audio file: Shalmai Rivera.mp3
Harlyene Goss - HD Merrimack
02/02/2016 Duration: 09minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Harlyene Goss from HD Merrimack. Created in 1996, Commemorative Bookmarks were designed to Celebrate Life - life of a loved one who died or a special event in someone’s life. The idea was to help people to design a bookmark that helped them remember the joy and impact the person or event brought to their life. People create their bookmarks with a selection of borders, symbols and poems. Having made thousands of bookmarks which bring solace and healing or joy and delight to families, HD Merrimack would be honored to help you create a keepsake for your family. For more information please vist her website at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group and to see a list of upcoming events please visit our website at Http:// Audio file: Harlyene Goss.mp3
Jay McHugh of Send Out Cards
02/02/2016 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Jay McHugh of Send Out Cards. Listen as Jay shares the highest and best practices of using SendOutCards in one's primary business while introducing the opportunity to create financial freedom with this vehicle known as SOC. Please visit Jay's Facebook page to learn more To learn more about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group please visit their website at Audio file: Jay McHugh.mp3
Jack Wang from Longhorn Financial
02/02/2016 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Jack Wang from Longhorn Financial. Longhorn Financial is helping regular working families save without spending less, build a solid foundation, and grow their money safely.Please visit their Facebook page to learn more To learn more about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group please visit their website at Audio file: Jack Wang.mp3
Kristine Paquette from Homestead Inn
31/01/2016 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Kristine Paquette from Homestead Inn. The mission at the Homestead Inn is to offer a chance for young men struggling to find a safe place to learn to live life sober. For more information please visit their website at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group and to see a list of upcoming events please visit their website at Audio file: homesteadinn.mp3
Mel Tye from Tye's Tours.
31/01/2016 Duration: 09minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Mel Tye from Tye's Tours. Tye's Top Tour & Travel was founded in 1992 by Mel Tye, who has countless years of experience working in the travel industry. Mel, has worked for tour operations both large and small, in operations, reservations, training, product development, as a travel agent and tour director. He has devloped one of the most intensive programs in the industry for training tour directors. Tye's Top Tour & Travel is one of the only full service tour and receptive operators in N.H. for more information please visit their website at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group please visit their website at Audio file: tyestours.mp3
Bennett Collen from Cognate
28/01/2016 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Bennett Collen from Cognate. Cognate is a new trademark listing and management concept. Businesses can document their Trademark rights without the government. For more information please visit their website at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group and to see a list of upcoming events please visit their webiste at Audio file: cognate.mp3
Neil Santos - Clear Line Interactive
21/01/2016 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Neil Santos from Clearline Interactve. ClearLine Interactive is a New Hampshire based graphic and web design company. Specializing in branding & website design for businesses, we believe that the graphic and web design process should be easy and enjoyable for our clients. To learn more please visit their website at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group and to see a list of upcoming networking events please visit our website at Audio file: neilsantos.mp3
Walter Wise from the BPI Strategy Group.
17/01/2016 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Walter Wise from the BPI Strategy Group. BPI Strategy Group provides consulting, training and support to help you create an integrated revenue capture process. We offer business success solutions and advisement that is scalable and replicable and provide action steps to build a distinct, sustainable competitive advantage that increases their performance. We integrate multiple departments together simultaneously to transform your entire businesses into an asset that is holistically successful and fixated on revenue capture. For more information please visit their website at For more infomation about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group and to see a list of upcoming events please visit our website at http:\\ Audio file: bpi2016.mp3
Chris Arnott from the Lowell Human Society
16/01/2016 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Chris Arnott from the Lowell Human Society. Founded in 1873 with the mission of preventing cruelty, the Lowell Humane Society is one of the oldest humane organizations in the state of Massachusetts. The Lowell Humane Society works tirelessly to prevent cruelty, provide care for homeless and distressed animals and educate the public about responsible pet ownership. For more information please visit thier website at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group and to see a list of upcoming events please visit our website at Audio file: lowellhumanesociety.mp3
Jeff and Jessica - K.I.C.K. Karate
16/01/2016 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Jeff and Jessica from K.I.C.K. Karate. KICK stands for Karate Inspires City Kids. We are dedicated to fostering positive character traits though the study of Martial Arts for youth ages 4 and up. We offer a range of programs including Super Kids for ages 4-6, Beginner Karate for ages 7 and up, and Adaptive Karate for youth that are part of the IEP program. In our Martial Arts youth program, our students learn goal setting, gain focus and self control while having fun. For more information please visit thier website at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group and to see a list of upcoming networking events please visit our website at Audio file: kick.mp3
Christine Lyna Le-Vel Brand Promoter and Thrive Enthusiast
12/01/2016 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willlett is joined by Christine Lyna a Le-Vel Brand Promoter and Thrive Enthusiast for more information please visit her website at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking group and to see a list of upcoming events please visit our website at Audio file: level.mp3
Debra Fowler from History UnErased Inc
10/01/2016 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Debra Fowler from History UnErased Inc. HUE encourages confidence in delivering LGBT and other erased histories through the mentoring and support of educators -- by educators. The analysis of authentic classroom scenarios delivers an avenue for teachers to create more inclusive and respectful schools and communities. To learn more please visit their website at To learn more about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group please visit our website at Audio file: historyunerased.mp3
Bill Dagiau from Annie's Angels Memorial Fund
06/01/2016 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Bill Dagiau from Annie's Angels Memorial Fund. Annie's Angels Memorial Fund is helping local families struggling financially through a life threatening disease, illness or disability connecting neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend and business to business in a caring fundraising network. For more information please visit their website at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group and to see a list of upcoming events please visit their website at Audio file: anniesangels.mp3
Michele Roussel-Buckley - Showcase Performing Arts Center
06/01/2016 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Michele Roussel-Buckley from Showcase Performing Arts Center in Hudson NH. SHOWCASE committed to providing high-quality dance & tumbling classes to enhance the overall development of each student. For more information please visit their website at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group please visit our website at Audio file: showcase.mp3
Steve Gamlin - Vision Boards for 2016
06/01/2016 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Steve Gamlin for a discussion on Vision Boards. If you are interesed in learning more about Vision Boards please join Steve for his free Webinar On January 14th. Here is the link to the information to register For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group please visit our wenbsite at Http:// Audio file: stevegamlin2015.mp3
Josue Jerez from Jerez Electronics
29/12/2015 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Josue Jerez from Jerez Electronics. Jerez Electronics provides needy families with refurbished computers. For more information please visit their facebook page at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group and to see a list of upcoming events please visit their website at, Audio file: jerezelectronics.mp3
Tammy Roussell, Mitsy Kit Inc.
23/12/2015 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Tammy Roussell from Mitsy Kit Inc. The Mitsy Kit provides adapted materials and training to enable the blind and visually impaired to enjoy hand sewing, quilting, and fabric crafting using their sense of touch. For more information about Mitsy Kit please visit their favebook page at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking group and to see a list of upcoming events please visit their website at Audio file: mitsykit.mp3
Ryan Snow - Co-Author of the Miracle Morning for Sales People
21/12/2015 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Ryan Snow Co-Author of the Miracle Morning for Sales People. The more you study the world’s top salespeople, in any industry, the more you realize that their success is a result of who they are more than merely what they do. Thus, logic would have it that if you want to take your SALES to the next level, you must first figure out how to take your SELF to the next level (because it only happens in that order). That's exactly what this book will help you do, and faster than you ever realized is possible. The book is available on Amazon at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group please visit our website at If you would like to be a guest on the show please message me. Audio file: miraclemorning.mp3
Matt Randall - Sales Training and Coaching
08/12/2015 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Matt Randall from TimberWolf Coaching, In this segment we discuss how sales has changed, the difference between Sales Training and Sales Coaching and why a business owner may want to hire a sales coach. For more information about Matt please visit his website at For more information about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group please visit their website at Audio file: salescoaching.mp3