Uu Fellowship Of San Luis Obispo County



Sermons from the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Luis Obispo County.


  • Listening Deeply - Audio

    05/11/2023 Duration: 14min

    Listening is a profound expression of generosity.

  • In Rememberance - Audio

    29/10/2023 Duration: 15min

    Remembering those we love who have died. Recommitting ourselves to engaging the truly awesome power of love within ourselves, our community, and our world.

  • Roots Hold Me Close - Audio

    15/10/2023 Duration: 15min

    “If asked when and where Unitarianism was first organized the average person would be likely to answer that it was in America, or perhaps in England, about the beginning of the 19th century,” writes Unitarian historian Earl Morse Wilbur. I think he’s wrong. If asked when and where Unitarianism was first organized, the average person would not have a clue.

  • I and Us and We and Me - Audio

    08/10/2023 Duration: 13min

    It has been pointed out by countless coaches that "there is no 'i' in 'team.'" Alas, there is an 'i' in 'community' (and in 'congregation,' for that matter). Which leads me to wonder about how we balance the individual and the community.

  • Those Who Came Before Us - Audio

    01/10/2023 Duration: 13min

    It is something of a leap to think of myself as an "ancestor," but we will all fall into that category at some point in the future. What do we wish to be our legacy?

  • Go With the Flow: A Water Ceremony - Audio

    25/09/2023 Duration: 13min

    The Water Ceremony reminds us of our connection to--and complete dependence upon--this most precious of earthly resources: water.

  • Here We Have Gathered - Audio

    17/09/2023 Duration: 13min

    We pledge to replace barriers with ever-widening circles of solidarity and mutual respect. We strive to truly welcome all persons and commit to structuring congregational and associational life in ways that empower and enhance everyone’s participation. -- Words from the Article II Proposal

  • The Welcome We Crave - Audio

    11/09/2023 Duration: 18min

    “Let’s be the welcome we crave— enriching, understanding. Let us embody the community we crave…” — Rev Dr. David Breeden

  • Welcome.... to Work! - Audio

    03/09/2023 Duration: 17min

    On this Labor Day weekend, we will take a look at ways we approach the work of the congregation.

  • Just For the Enjoyment… - Audio

    27/08/2023 Duration: 15min

    We’ll take a look at why the word “just” appears in that common phrase.

  • Embracing Our Mortality - A Celebration of Life - Audio

    20/08/2023 Duration: 24min

    Most of us, consciously or subconsciously, avoid thinking of our mortality, but are we missing out on a fuller life when we do that? Can embracing our mortality lead to a richer, Less anxious experience of life at any age?

  • Trust in the Future - Audio

    13/08/2023 Duration: 17min

    What can we trust in recreating a future that serves us all? Can we trust that a future with love and creativity at the center is even possible? Individuals and institutions are guiding the way, including Unitarian Universalism.

  • Begin Again - Audio

    06/08/2023 Duration: 12min

    Recreation — in both of its meanings — provides opportunities to “begin again.”

  • Falling Short / Standing Tall - Audio

    30/07/2023 Duration: 21min

    Winston S. Churchill is said to have said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” If his words are true, the success of my spiritual venturing is guaranteed. Let’s explore what pluses can be taken away from our minuses and miscues.

  • Loyal to a Fault - Audio

    24/07/2023 Duration: 13min

    Loyalty is generally considered a virtue. Does it depend on the subject of one’s loyalty? The manner in which one displays loyalty? Can one ever be loyal to a fault?

  • Indivisible - Audio

    17/07/2023 Duration: 17min

    Many are saying that “we are more divided” in this country than we have ever been. Is that true? What are the implications of this statement? And what is to be done?

  • Are You With Me? - Audio

    09/07/2023 Duration: 14min

    Though it may sound, at first, like an easy question to answer, we will take a little time to explore what it means to ‘be with’.

  • Allegiance - Audio

    02/07/2023 Duration: 18min

    “Pledge” has a specific meaning in the congregational context, but what is it that inspires pledges? And, as July 4 approaches, it’s worth asking what it means to “pledge allegiance.”

  • Some Are Born to Sweet Delight - Audio

    18/06/2023 Duration: 15min

    “Every night and every morn, some to misery are born. Every morn and every night, some are born to sweet delight.” Familiar lines of poetry from William Blake…Is it true?

  • Flower Ceremony - Audio

    11/06/2023 Duration: 09min

    What a bouquet of people we are!

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