Affirmations For Black Women: Reprogram Your Mind With Positive Affirmations To Overcome Self-sabotage, Boost Your Confidence & Attract Success

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Are you a Black woman wanting to create more confidence, happiness and success in your life? Are you tired of feeling frustrated because nothing seems to be working in your favor? Then keep on reading....

Truth is, as Black women, our self-confidence is constantly challenged due to stereotypes, false beauty standards, and societies that don’t respect us.

Hence, it is crucial for us to uplift ourselves and not only say affirmations, but truly identify with them.

Due to the power of repetition, you are able to reprogram your subconscious mind by replacing old, destructive thought patterns with new beliefs that align with the life you desire.

In this audiobook, you will discover over 300 extremely powerful affirmations that will help you:

-Release negative thought patterns

-Increase your confidence

-Unlock your growth mindset

-Attract more success

...And so much more!
