Luther Seminary's Bible Q & A


Synopsis's "Bible Q&A" is a monthly discussion about everything you wanted to know about the Bible but were afraid to ask. The conversations, hosted by Luther Seminary faculty, are fresh and informative -- and may be just what you need to engage the Bible in a new way.


  • Kids and the Bible: Drawing Children into the Christian Story - Terri Martinson Elton


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and Terri Martinson Elton. Article written by Terri Martinson Elton. As a kid my grandparents repeatedly told (and retold) the story of our heritage, of our Scandinavian ancestors and their roots. Over the years grandma and grandpa made the stories read more...

  • Why Do We Suffer? - Kathryn Schifferdecker


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and Kathryn Schifferdecker. Article written by Kathryn Schifferdecker. Why do people suffer? It’s a question as old as the Bible (or older) and as current as today’s newspaper. Someone we love dies. A child is abused or neglected. A tornado read more...

  • What Does the Bible Say about the Cross? - David Lose


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and David Lose.Article written by David Lose. What does the Bible say about the cross? Quite a bit, actually. But it doesn’t all agree. And while that may trouble those looking for absolute consistency among the four gospels, it also sheds read more...

  • The Bible, Stewardship and Money - Chick Lane and Grace Duddy


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, Chick Lane and Grace Duddy. Article written by Chick Lane and Grace Duddy. What does the Bible say about money and possessions? Obviously, a lot. Someone has observed that other than the Kingdom itself, Jesus talks about money more than any other read more...

  • What's Your Favorite Part of the Christmas Story? - Craig Koester


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and Craig Koester.  Article written by Craig Koester. What is my favorite part of the Christmas story? When I think of the story of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, according to Luke 2, I am struck by its subversive quality. Luke tells the read more...

  • Would Jesus Shop on Black Friday? - Rolf A. Jacobson


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and Rolf Jacobson. Article written by Rolf A. Jacobson.   Ask a Stupid Question... Would Jesus shop on Black Friday? First of all, nobody knows. But -- in case you are the one person in North America who doesn’t know what Black Friday read more...

  • Five Most Interesting Old Testament Women (You May Have Never Heard of) - Diane Jacobson


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and Diane Jacobson.Article written by Diane Jacobson. I love the stories of the women in the Old Testament. Many we know well -- Ruth, Naomi, the matriarchs, Hannah, Esther, and more. So, a question: Who would make your list of the top five most read more...

  • What's in the Old Testament? - Cameron Howard


    Podcast featuring Cameron Howard, assistant professor of Old Testament, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. This is the second of two podcasts on the Old Testament created in collaboration with Wayne Presbyterian Church, Wayne, Penn., for its "Confirmation for the Rest of Us" program. In this podcast, read more...

  • What Is the Old Testament, and How Do We Read It? - Cameron Howard


    Podcast featuring Cameron Howard, assistant professor of Old Testament, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. This is the first of two podcasts on the Old Testament created in collaboration with Wayne Presbyterian Church, Wayne, Penn., for its "Confirmation for the Rest of Us" program. In this podcast, Dr. read more...

  • Bible, God, and Natural Disasters - Terence Fretheim


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard and Terence Fretheim. Article written by Terence Fretheim. A regular rhythm of natural disasters has occurred in recent years, from floods in the Midwest, to fires in California and Colorado, to hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, to earthquakes in China read more...

  • What's with All the Begats? - Cameron Howard


    Podcast discussion with Luther Seminary faculty James Boyce, Eric Barreto, and Cameron Howard. Article written by Cameron Howard. What's with all the begats? Do you skip over the genealogies when you read through the Bible? If so, you’re not alone. These long lists of names, usually joined by the read more...

  • Where Did the Bible Come From? - James Boyce


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and James Boyce. Article written by James Boyce. Where did the Bible come from? For most Christians questions about the origins of the Bible are not just a matter of idle curiosity. Virtually all of us hold these writings we call the Scriptures as read more...

  • Does God Bless America (Only)? - Matt Skinner


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and Matt Skinner. Article written by Matt Skinner. It’s fine for Americans to express pride in America, to pray for America, and -- especially -- to work to make it a better, more just society. But no one should presume that God holds America read more...

  • What Happened at Pentecost? - Eric D. Barreto


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and Matt Skinner. Article written by Eric Barreto. Wouldn’t life be easier if we were all the same? If we all spoke the same language, wouldn’t we avoid so many of the conflicts and rifts that destroy our relationships? If we all shared read more...

  • Was Jesus a Threat to the Roman Empire? - Mary Hinkle Shore


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and Mary Hinkle Shore. Article written by Mary Hinkle Shore. Jesus was a small-town peasant in a Roman province far from the centers of political and religious power. People in such circumstances rarely threatened Rome in any serious way. A miracle-working read more...

  • Did God Forsake Jesus on the Cross? - Fred Gaiser


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and Fred Gaiser.Article written by Fred Gaiser.       "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34). Jesus was not the first to pray this prayer, nor was he the last. But when we hear this terrible outburst on the lips read more...

  • Was Jesus Married? - Sarah Henrich


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and Sarah Henrich. Article written by Sarah Henrich.  Was Jesus married -- and why do we care? In the wake of the recent publication of a small (1.5-inch x 3-inch) piece of a Coptic (an ancient language of Egyptian Christians) manuscript, we read more...

  • What is heaven like? - Gracia Grindal


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Cameron Howard, and Gracia Grindal. Article written by Gracia Grindal.  What is heaven like? While I believe firmly in heaven, and I use the images of Revelation frequently in my hymns, what heaven will actually be like is beyond my imagination. If it has strained read more...

  • Sing about Heaven - Bible Reading Tip


    Songs and hymns that describe the glorious splendors of heaven abound. One spiritual, "I Got Shoes," focuses on the basics -- shoes, a robe, wings, and a harp. And it promises freedom from hypocrisy: "Everybody talkin' 'bout heaven ain't goin' there." The song depicts a simple, joyful freedom: I got read more...

  • How Do I Read the Book of Revelation? - Craig Koester


    Podcast discussion with Eric Barreto, Kathryn Schifferdecker, and Craig Koester. Article written by Craig Koester.  People often wonder what to make of the book of Revelation. Some find its bizarre images of seven-headed monsters and fire falling from the sky confusing at best and terrifying at read more...

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