Welcome to Vertical Hold: Behind The Tech News, talking to Australia's leading technology journalists every Friday to get the stories behind the news of the week. Hosts @alexkidman and @adam_turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture:
Apple Bendgate and Windows 10: Vertical Hold - Episode 21, 2014 (24)
10/10/2014 Duration: 15minApple downplays bendy iPhones, while Microsoft leapfrogs Windows 9 and jumps straight to ten. Australian technology journalists Alex Kidman and Adam Turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture.
iPhone 6 Plus and iPhone 6 Review: Vertical Hold - Episode 20, 2014 (23)
26/09/2014 Duration: 14minApple's iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are finally here, but are they worth buying? Australian technology journalists Alex Kidman and Adam Turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture.
iPhone 6 & Apple Watch launch, Foxtel price slash: Vertical Hold - Episode 19, 2014 (22)
12/09/2014 Duration: 15minApple Watch unveiled to go with the iPhone 6, Foxtel slashes prices as FreeviewPlus goes live. Australian technology journalists Alex Kidman and Adam Turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture.
Surface Pro 3 and Doctor Who Simulcast: Vertical Hold - Episode 18, 2014 (21)
29/08/2014 Duration: 14minWe cast a critical eye over Microsoft's hybrid laptop/tablet and consider the implications for the ABC's decision to simulcast Doctor Who, while also looking at NBN's rollout, telco lawsuits, Amazon coins and flying with gadgets. Australian technology journalists Alex Kidman and Adam Turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture.
Metadata Mayhem and Are Smartwatches That Smart? Vertical Hold - Episode 17, 2014 (20)
15/08/2014 Duration: 15minWhat is your metadata and why does the government want to keep it? Is it a smart time to buy a smartwatch? Australian technology journalists Alex Kidman and Adam Turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture.
Android vs IOS and Copyright Crackdown: Vertical Hold Episode 16 2014 (19)
01/08/2014 Duration: 15minAndroid vs IOS and Copyright Crackdown
iTunes Extras and iPhone trade-ins: Vertical Hold - Episode 15, 2014 (18)
18/07/2014 Duration: 14miniTunes Extras and iPhone trade-ins
Paying for iView and Google's 5 Billion: Vertical Hold - Episode 14 2014 (17)
04/07/2014 Duration: 16minPaying for iView and Google's 5 Billion
Will a three-strikes rule stop Aussie piracy? Vertical Hold - Episode 13, 2014 (16)
20/06/2014 Duration: 17minWill a three-strikes rule stop Aussie piracy?
Gadget Durability and Chromecast in Australia: Vertical Hold - Episode 10 2014 (13)
09/05/2014 Duration: 11minGadget Durability and Chromecast in Australia
Heartbleed & Samsung Galaxy S5 v HTC One M8: Vertical Hold - Episode 9, 2014 (12)
25/04/2014 Duration: 13minHeartbleed and Samsung Galaxy S5 v HTC One M8.
Game Of Thrones Piracy and Talking To Your Tech: Vertical Hold Episode 8 2014 (11)
11/04/2014 Duration: 14minWill you pay the iron price or the gold price for Game Of Thrones on Foxtel? And will you ever be comfortable talking to your technology?
Android Wear and Curved Screens: Vertical Hold Episode 7 2014 (10)
28/03/2014 Duration: 13minCan Android Wear conquer the wearable tech space? Are curved televisions and smartphones more than a novelty? Android Wear and Curved Screens on Vertical Hold - Australian technology journalists Alex Kidman and Adam Turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture.
Freeview Plus, Prepaid vs Postpaid Mobile: Vertical Hold Episode 6 2014 (9)
13/03/2014 Duration: 15minFreeview Plus, Prepaid vs Postpaid Mobile on Vertical Hold - Australian technology journalists Alex Kidman and Adam Turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture.
Mobile World Congress and Foxtel Presto: Vertical Hold - Episode 5, 2014 (8)
28/02/2014 Duration: 16minMobile World Congress and Foxtel Presto on Vertical Hold - Australian technology journalists Alex Kidman and Adam Turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture.
iTunes Radio and Fetch TV: Vertical Hold - Episode 4, 2014 (7)
14/02/2014 Duration: 16minWill iTunes Radio seriously impact the Australian streaming music scene? Is Fetch TV the next big thing in home PVRs?
Home automation and eBook scam : Vertical Hold - Episode 3, 2014 (6)
31/01/2014 Duration: 15minHome automation and eBook scam on Vertical Hold - Australian technology journalists Alex Kidman and Adam Turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture.
CES 2014 Roundup and Wearable Technology: Vertical Hold - Episode 2, 2014 (5)
09/01/2014 Duration: 14minCES 2014 Roundup and Wearable Technology on Vertical Hold - Australian technology journalists Alex Kidman and Adam Turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture.