Modern Life Network - Content As It Relates To Your Life

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 125:24:52
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Podcasts focused on technology, lifestyle, business, sports and social media. Modern Issues. Modern Discussions.


  • Curbside Car Show Calendar And The Flyte Camp Neutron

    16/04/2017 Duration: 46min

    Team Flamingo welcomes our newest sponsor, "Curbside Car Show Calendar"! There is a direct connection between specialty car events and the RV industry, and what better way to know about these events, than to have a relationship with a premier website promoting car and trailer shows? Pink Flamingo will also be a part of Curbside, as they have added to their title... Curbside Car Show & Vintage Trailer Calendar! Team Flamingo visits with Justin Scribner of Flyte Camp in Bend, Oregon! Justin and Flyte Camp are known for their meticulous restorations of vintage camping trailers, and their TV shows, Flippin' RVs and Beachin' RVs! Our conversation revolves around Flyte Camp's latest endeavor... The Flyte Camp Neutron! You need to hear this interview!

  • Autonomous World With Sudha Jamthe

    15/04/2017 Duration: 52min

    Everything around us is being automated, slowly taking us to a new autonomous world. We have the power to automate payments, set schedules for repeat mundane work with our apps. Can we take this power further to automate our lives further? What if our car can turn the heat on 30 minutes before our driving time on a snowy cold day?

  • Epic Fail for United Airlines Reaches Across the Globe

    12/04/2017 Duration: 53min

    We all know that social media leaves fewer and fewer places to hide from our mistakes, and when we don’t learn from past failures, the impact compounds itself. Poorly managed customer service, specifically on social media, is not a new controversy surrounding United Airlines, but this time, they went too far.

  • MBAs For Hire, Hackers Sound Alarms And FCC Says No Cell Phones


    We touch on the growing retail business of Apple as they venture deeper into Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina. The tech industry is investing heavily in a new type of hire - MBAs from prestigious business schools from across the US and it is having an impact around the business and tech fields. Hackers in the Dallas area sounded 156 emergency alarms late at night, causing fright, stress, and reaction from Dallas city officials and residents. And finally, the FCC is moving to ban a 2013 proposal that would allow passengers to make Wi-Fi enabled mobile calls while in air.

  • Janne Pylvas CEO of Myontec

    10/04/2017 Duration: 13min

    Myontec produces wearable shorts called Mbody which are the world’s first EMG-based muscle sensing smart shorts, providing in depth analysis on how muscles react when subject to physical activity. This technology is currently used by some of the best known names in sports including, FC Barcelona, Red Bull, FIFA , British Cycling alongside grass roots level organizations, such as the Complex Esportiu Futbol Salou in Spain.

  • Team Flamingo, Roadside Attractions. Unique RV, Refreshing the Exterior of Your Worn RV

    08/04/2017 Duration: 35min

    Team Flamingo discusses the unlimited possibilities of roadside attractions and local events while traveling. Some of Team Flamingo's stops have been Cadillac Ranch, The WigWam Motel, and The Grand Canyon, as well as recent car and motorcycle shows! Don't overlook what is happening wherever you may be! And, Unique RV offers some insight into sprucing up a dull and worn RV exterior. Some options are simpler than you might think!

  • The Case of the Disappearing Egg

    06/04/2017 Duration: 54min

    With Easter only a week away, everyone is thinking about eggs – including Twitter – but in their case, they decided to permanently do away with the egg as a default option for user who don’t take the time to upload their own image. Will this separate the men from the boys? Who knows, but that along with another change in how they count 140 characters all seem to be in an effort to clean up the riff-raff and encourage users to engage more often.

  • Apple Keeps iPad Locked, Tesla Building SUVs And Ford Hiring Connectivity Engineers

    03/04/2017 Duration: 45min

    We dive into a huge variety of topics that influence and impact our daily lives. First up, we debate the story of Apple refusing to unlock the iPad of a deceased 18-year old so that his family can have access to his photos and videos. Next, Tesla continues it’s grand movement in the auto industry with the lofty goal of manufacturing nearly 25,000 SUVs in the near future. Continuing in the auto industry, Ford is hiring nearly 400 mobile connectivity engineers to help the company move into vehicle-2-vehicle communications and autonomous cars. Next, Facebook jumps into the crowdfunding business with their newest Personal Fundraisers feature. And finally, a controversy in women’s golf draws attention to the influence live television is having on the purity and officiating of the game. Thanks for tuning in!

  • The Auto Collections, Classic Tow Vehicles. Andy Caldwell’s First RV.

    01/04/2017 Duration: 43min

    Join us this week as Team Flamingo picks up Austin's little Fiat 500 in Las Vegas at The Auto Collections. While we were there, we realized that many of the vehicles that are for sale at The Auto Collections would make great classic-tow-vehicles for your travel trailer! Team Flamingo gives an insider's look as to some of the vehicles that are for sale! And, we visit with a 22 year old friend who has purchased his first RV! We would love to see more Millennials join the RV lifestyle!

  • Mimicking Features on Social Media Not so Flattering

    31/03/2017 Duration: 54min

    If Copycat tactics are the highest form of flattery, then Snapchat should be blushing. But that blush probably doesn’t represent happiness as much as a boiling anger over the continued scraping of their once unique features. The latest to introduce their version of Stories is their enemy number one – Facebook! With Facebook Stories, the argument for a more connected community is diluted.

  • Finding Your Happiness

    31/03/2017 Duration: 42min

    Today we are talking about Finding Your happiness. It is really common and quite easy to ask someone, “Are you happy?”. We usually respond, “Yes, of course I’m happy. I have a happy life.” But what if we really stop and think about our lives, in the moment? We are all so busy and moving so fast, we really don’t take the time to think about the things we do, if they make us happy, and if we really want to be doing them. We are going to talk about using tools to find our happiness, and focusing on it to better our lives.

  • Nick Merry of Screen Time

    30/03/2017 Duration: 10min

    Rick is joined by Nick Merry, CEO of Screen Time as Spring Break is upon us. This is the perfect time for kids to actually have a real spring break and maybe a bit of a break from their devices. With Screen Time, one can control when, how long a device or tablet is used, and what apps are allowed and not allowed. Parents can create tasks that give kids more time. The app helps limit his screen time!

  • Tech-xpectations – The Good, The Bad And The Ugly


    The Waves of Tech, we are talking all about tech-xpectations today - the good, the bad, the ugly, and the future. There are a tons of expectations when it comes to the tech industry, ranging from for users, businesses, companies, and so many more. In this episode, we dive into the tech-xpectations to be extremely responsive to phone calls and texts, the expectation for quick service from IT professionals, and users expectations of free services. We further discuss the expectation for the protection of our personal information online and how we are now living in the age of limited and throttled data. Finally, looking into the future and what consumers are expecting, we dive into the live streaming of sporting events online, the advancement of classroom technology, and the rise of competitive video gaming.

  • Team Flamingo 1966 Kenskill Rescue

    24/03/2017 Duration: 13min

    Join Team Flamingo this week as we discuss the rescue of our 1966 Kenskill trailer! Scoot on over to our YouTube Channel at: Pink Flamingo RV Radio... and watch the rescue unfold over a 2-day period! It sure looks a lot easier to us in the video, than it did at the time! And, the Team has a discussion about your personal items being stolen while you camp!

  • Marketers Go Where the Fish are Biting

    22/03/2017 Duration: 54min

    The world of social media and digital tools marches forward and with every new initiative marketers are challenged with the decision of what delicacy to taste and what should be discarded from their plate. Herein lies the challenge with marketing – we all have limitations on our budgets so when dollars are allocated for something, then something old needs to take a back seat. Today’s Social Solutions Show is all about choices and latest introductions with a skeptical eye toward the future of marketing. Here are some common trends that are emerging to help you decide how and where to spend your money:

  • Harmonizing Personal and Business Branding

    22/03/2017 Duration: 56min

    The world of social media has changed all of us in many ways. One of the most profound is our exposure as individuals. While we have the right to choose what we post about ourselves, we do not have the ability to control what others post. The solution to managing both your personal and business reputation lies in the clarity around and management of your personal brand. Today’s LinkedIn Lady Show will give you insights on understanding the personal brand that shrouds you today and tips on how you can manage it going forward.

  • Yahoo Hack Indictment And Raspberry Pi News

    21/03/2017 Duration: 32min

    We cover the Yahoo breach, talk some drones, and explain why Raspberry Pi is in the news. The United States Justice Department and FBI issued indictments of four individuals, including 2 Russian intelligence agents and notorious hacker, related to the massive Yahoo account breach. In drone talk, we review Steve’s presentation at a local association meeting and then give our takes on the patent filed by Wal-Mart to fly drones inside their stores. Hint...we are not a fan of the plan. And finally, we speak to the significance of Raspberry Pi becoming the third best selling general purpose computer.

  • Author, Phil Noyes, TRAILERAMA. Team Flamingo, a Vintage Trailer Rescue.

    17/03/2017 Duration: 33min

    Join us this week as Team Flamingo makes a trip to Central California to rescue another vintage trailer! This adventure leads to the ownership of a 1962 Serro Scotty! Whether you are into the vintage trailer hobby, or you travel in a newer RV, learning about the history of travel trailers could not be more fun than to read an outstanding book titled, "TRAILERAMA", by author Phil Noyes. You will not be disappointed!

  • ACEing Autism and Tennis With the Stars with Alex Huggan

    16/03/2017 Duration: 09min

    ACEing Autism was founded in the summer of 2008 by Richard Spurling & Dr. Shafali Jeste in Boston, MA. as a family run organization with the invaluable efforts of its volunteers & supporters. We launched our first program at The Longfellow Club, Wayland (MA) with 15 children. In the spring of 2009 we added a second location, The Weymouth Club in Weymouth (MA). Richard quickly realized that he could greatly enhance the lives of children and families with autism through tennis, and he made a commitment to dedicate his career to the development and expansion of ACEing Autism.

  • March Madness Productivity Loss, Invisible reCAPTCHA And Dress For STEM

    14/03/2017 Duration: 32min

    On Episode 345 of The Waves of Tech, we cover a range of technological topics that are impacting the way we use and experience the Internet and live online. We dive right into one of the most annoying user experiences - CAPTCHA. With the introduction of Invisible reCAPTCHA from Google, the Internet just became a little bit less annoying. March Madness is in full effect and that means a few things - plenty of lost productivity time from employees and spiked frustrations for employers. The Dress For STEM campaign, led by thousands of female meteorologists, is an amazing display of community aimed at encouraging more women to enter into STEM fields and industries. And finally, we share a story of how the elderly often times are the first to be left behind when it comes to technological advancement. Enjoy the podcast...and continue to ride...The Waves of Tech.

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