Coaching For Leaders



Discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations


  • 306: Five Steps to Hold People Accountable, with Jonathan Raymond

    17/07/2017 Duration: 43min

    Jonathan Raymond: Good Authority Jonathan Raymond is the founder of Refound, a firm that believes we should all be aiming for more Yoda and less Superman. He is the author of the book, Good Authority: How to Become the Leader Your Team Is Waiting For*. Many managers and leaders recognize when more accountability is needed, but few use a process that invites high performance and embraces the whole person. In his work at Refound, Jonathan invites leaders to imagine a world where personal and professional growth are one thing, and where improving your relationships and owning your strengths translate directly into the rest of your life. In this conversation, Jonathan teaches us a common language around accountability that works for almost everyone. Plus, he teaches us the five key steps of the accountability dial. Key Points Micromanagement is focused on tasks, but accountability is focused on relationships. Accountability doesn’t work unless there’s a context of personal caring. Employees want growth,

  • 305: How to Deal With the Diminishers, with Liz Wiseman

    10/07/2017 Duration: 43min

    Liz Wiseman: Multipliers Liz Wiseman has been listed on the Thinkers50 ranking and named as one of the top 10 leadership thinkers in the world and recipient of the 2016 ATD Champion of Talent Award. She is the author of three best-selling books, including Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter*. Key Points Some leaders make the people around them less capable. Leaders who diminish others get less than half of their capabilities. Diminishing often comes from good intentions. Leadership is a skill you can learn. A good boss sees the genius in others. Find a way to let your boss know what you’re best at. By admitting our own mistakes, we create an environment where others are willing to take risks. Ask yourself how you might be shutting down people’s ideas and capabilities. Resources Mentioned Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter (revised and updated)* by Liz Wiseman Activate Your Free Coaching for Leaders Membership Get immediate access to my free, 10-day au

  • 304: How to Change Behavior and More Questions

    03/07/2017 Duration: 43min

    Bonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak (web) (Twitter) is Dave’s life partner and best friend, business professor, past executive leader, and the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Questions Kristi asked about how to consistently apply what she’s learning from the show until new habits become unconscious behaviors. Kimberly asked for advice on how to handle a situation where she is co-managing a team. Bar asked about the best ways to navigate imposter syndrome. Jonny asked about avoiding career moves that may be motivated only by status or money. Resources Mentioned 7 Ways to Maximize Misery The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg* Radical Candor by Kim Scott* Why Is Authenticity So Hard and How Can You Be The Best Kind of Real? - Chris Brogan CFL300: Tom Henschel Interviews Dave Coaching for Leaders Academy Cars 3 Very Bad Wizards Activate Your Free Coaching for Leaders Membership Get immediate access to my free, 10-day audio course, 10 Ways to Empower the P

  • 303: The Way to Inspire Ownership, with Pete Mockaitis

    26/06/2017 Duration: 43min

    Pete Mockaitis: How to Be Awesome at Your Job Pete Mockaitis is the host of the How to be Awesome at Your Job podcast, regularly listed as a top careers show on Apple podcasts. Key Points Your sense of ownership in your work can have huge consequences in how well things unfold. Self-efficacy has a large effect on your sense of ownership in your work. Try to connect the job someone is doing with the overall mission of the organization. The effects of micromanaging can be disastrous for an organization. When delegating a job, think about the critical components of the job and what you want the result to be, then let employees get the job done however they see fit. Delegation doesn’t have to be an all-in-one-shot type of thing, it can be done in stages. Steps to delegating: Watch me do this Help me do this Let’s do this together I’ll help you do this I’ll watch you do this. Resources Mentioned Albert Bandura The 80/20 Principle* by Richard Koch Essentialism* by Greg McKeown The

  • 302: How to Challenge Directly and Care Personally, with Kim Scott

    19/06/2017 Duration: 42min

    Kim Scott: Radical Candor Kim Scott is a co-founder of Candor, Inc. She has been an advisor at Dropbox, Kurbo, Qualtrics, ReelGoodApp, Rolltape, Shyp, Twitter, and several other Silicon Valley companies. She is the author of the new book Radical Candor: Be a Kickass Boss without Losing your Humanity*. Key Points Show you care at a personal level. You can’t build a relationship that’s not personal. In order to care personally for someone, you have to bring your whole self, not just your “business” persona. Sometimes we get so focused on the work that we forget there’s actually a person doing the work. Begin by soliciting feedback, not by giving it. To get feedback, come up with a go-to question like “Is there anything I could do or stop doing that would make it easier to work with me?” Resources Mentioned Radical Candor by Kim Scott* Radical Candor podcast Candor Coach app Book Notes Download my highlights from Radical Candor in PDF format (free membership required). Activate Your Free Co

  • 301: How to Get the Ideal Team Player, with Patrick Lencioni

    12/06/2017 Duration: 39min

    Patrick Lencioni: The Ideal Team Player Patrick Lencioni is the founder of The Table Group and the author of 11 books which have sold over 5 million copies and been translated into more than 30 languages. He is the author of the blockbuster bestseller The Five Dysfunctions of a Team*, and his most recent bestseller, The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues*. Key Points Team players should be humble, hungry, and smart. Of the three, hunger is the hardest to teach later in life. Standard interviews don’t work. Think of unconventional ways to really get to know the interviewee. All the people interviewing a person need to evaluate the candidate using the same standards. There is a very high opportunity cost for hiring someone with values that don’t fit into your organization. Resources Mentioned Table Group Hub The Ideal Team Player* by Patrick Lencioni The Five Dysfunctions of a Team* by Patrick Lencioni The Look and Sound of Leadership Book Notes Dow

  • 300: Tom Henschel Interviews Dave

    05/06/2017 Duration: 47min

    Dave Stachowiak: Coaching for Leaders Tom Henschel, host of The Look & Sound of Leadership podcast, executive coach at Essential Communications, and friend of Dave, interviews him on the growth of Coaching for Leaders and how he developed his voice. Key Points When trying to do something that helps others, remember that it’s not about you—don’t worry about you, worry about them. The best way to build a connection with people is to get really curious about them. You have to make the decision to listen. If you don’t have a lot of time to listen, figure out how much time you do have and make the decision to be totally present in that short time. Listening is an attitude, not a set of skills. View failure as data rather than an identity. Resources Mentioned The Look & Sound of Leadership podcast CFL episode with Susan Cain CFL episode with Michael Port Failing Forward * by John C. Maxwell CFL episode 1 The Lean Startup* by Eric Ries Listener Survey Please complete my upcoming listener

  • 299: How to Lead Top-Line Growth, with Tim Sanders

    29/05/2017 Duration: 40min

    Tim Sanders: Lead Top-Line Growth Tim Sanders was the Chief Solutions Officer and later, the company’s Leadership Coach. He is the author of four books, including the New York Times bestseller Love Is the Killer App: How To Win Business & Influence Friends* and his new book Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges*. Key Points Every big thing we try to do is not just the one thing, it’s a lot of smaller things put together. You no longer sell to just one decision-maker, you have to sell to an entire team or a committee. When selling, you’ll probably never meet most of the people need to influence. Somebody in the company you’re selling to needs to be your advocate. Leaders should always have a mentee because it’s a great leadership habit, not because it’s an HR program. The best mentors expect nothing in return. If you assume people are acting with the best intentions, you’re going to be a much happier leader. Resources Mentioned Download a FREE chapter

  • 298: Tools for Saving Time and Learning More

    22/05/2017 Duration: 37min

    Bonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak is the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast, a professor of business and management at Vanguard University, and my life partner. Prior to her academic career, Bonni was a human resources consultant and executive officer for a publicly traded company. She joins me monthly to respond to listener questions. Resources Mentioned TimeTrade Doodle Feedly Newsify Instapaper Pinboard Blinkist * Sanebox * Getting Things Done* by David Allen Reminders Overcast Related Episodes CFL129: How To Create A Personal Knowledge Management System CFL242: How Twitter Can Help You Lead CFL285: How to Vastly Improve Your LinkedIn Profile Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.

  • 297: Four Steps to Get Unstuck and Embrace Change, with Susan David

    15/05/2017 Duration: 39min

    Susan David: Emotional Agility Susan David is a psychologist on the faculty of Harvard Medical School; cofounder and codirector of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital; and CEO of Evidence Based Psychology. She is the author of the bestselling book Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life*. Key Points Showing Up: Instead of ignoring difficult thoughts and emotions or overemphasizing ‘positive thinking’, facing into your thoughts, emotions and behaviors willingly, with curiosity and kindness. Stepping Out: Detaching from, and observing your thoughts and emotions to see them for what they are — just thoughts, just emotions. Essentially, learning to see yourself as the chessboard, filled with possibilities, rather than as any one piece on the board, confined to certain preordained moves. Walking Your Why: Your core values provide the compass that keeps you moving in the right direction. Rather than being abstract ideas, these values are the true path to willpower

  • 296: What Gets Between You and Greatness, with Lolly Daskal

    08/05/2017 Duration: 34min

    Lolly Daskal: The Leadership Gap Lolly Daskal is the CEO of Lead From Within and was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. She is the author of the the new book The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness*. Key Points If the situation isn’t working, what can you change about yourself? Ask yourself what type of person you need to be in a situation. There are aspects of ourselves that come out in times of stress. When you’re aware of your actions, you can choose how you’re going to act in the next moment. Allow your employees to teach you. Resources Mentioned The Leadership Gap website The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness* by Lolly Daskal Activate Your Free Coaching for Leaders Membership Get immediate access to my free, 10-day audio course, 10 Ways to Empower the People You Lead. Give me 10 minutes a day for 10 days to get the most immediate, practical actions to become a better leader. Join at R

  • 295: How to Influence an Executive Team and More Questions

    01/05/2017 Duration: 39min

    Bonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak (web) (Twitter) is Dave’s life partner and best friend, business professor, past executive leader, and the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Questions Richard asked about how to practically influence on an executive team. Edwin asked about how to handle the situation when someone is fired. Isabeau asked about considerations to give when leading people who are parents. Tad asked about how to improve his skills as a program manager. Resources Mentioned Book: Leadership and Self-Deception* Book: Drive* Book: The Empowered Manager: Positive Political Skills at Work* Book: Essentialism* Book: Deep Work* 11 Crucial Books That Every Leader Should Know Coaching for Leaders Academy Activate Your Free Coaching for Leaders Membership Get immediate access to my free, 10-day audio course, 10 Ways to Empower the People You Lead. Give me 10 minutes a day for 10 days to get the most immediate, practical actions to become a better lead

  • 294: How to Actually Move Numbers, with Chris McChesney

    24/04/2017 Duration: 44min

    Chris McChesney: The 4 Disciplines of Execution Chris McChesney is the Global Practice Leader of Execution for Franklin Covey Co. and the co-author of the bestselling book The 4 Disciplines of Execution* with his colleagues Sean Covey and Jim Huling. Key Points The 4 Disciplines: Focus on the wildly important Act on the lead measures Keep a compelling scoreboard Create a cadence of accountability. Resources Mentioned The 4 Disciplines of Execution* by Sean Covey, Chris McChesney, and Jim Huling Turn the Ship Around!* by David Marquet The 12 Week Year* by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington Frederick Herzberg HBR: One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? Activate Your Free Coaching for Leaders Membership Get immediate access to my free, 10-day audio course, 10 Ways to Empower the People You Lead. Give me 10 minutes a day for 10 days to get the most immediate, practical actions to become a better leader. Join at Related Episodes CFL117: The Seven Steps You

  • 293: Leverage StrengthsFinder for Your Team, with Lisa Cummings

    16/04/2017 Duration: 43min

    Lisa Cummings: Lead Through Strengths Lisa Cummings is the founder and CEO of Lead Through Strengths, a firm that exists to help people find and use their strengths at work. Lisa and her team serve large teams and organizations to help them leverage the results of the CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder) assessment. She is also the host of the popular Lead Through Strengths podcast. Many organizations utilize the StrengthsFinder assessment, but few leaders go beyond a brief discussion and perhaps asking employees to share their results with peers. In this conversation, Lisa and I discuss how she helps leaders and teams leverage StrengthsFinder results and how to utilize them for ongoing coaching and talent development. Key Points Understanding another person’s strengths can help you work better with them. CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder) conversations should not just happen one day a year, they should be discussed and thought about often. Ask employees, “How did you use your strength

  • 292: How to Solve a Really Big Problem, with Teresa Chahine

    10/04/2017 Duration: 44min

    Teresa Chahine: Social Entrepreneurship Teresa Chahine is the social entrepreneurship program leader at the Harvard School of Public Heath and the Innovation advisor at Alfanar Venture Philanthropy. She’s the author of Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship*, a 12-step guide to building an impactful venture. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Key Points Find the root cause of problems to make sure your solution is not just a band-aid. Many leaders make the mistake of reinventing the wheel. Find local leaders and build solutions with them. Don’t try to solve a problem on your own, work with the people who are impacted by the problem. Think of research as a form of action. People are more likely to be satisfied with a solution if they feel like they were a part of it. Resources Mentioned BeTheBeacon Campaign Food Truck Film Kickstarter campaign Deconstructing Sticky Problems The Tipping Point* by Malcom Gladwell Discover More Activate your free membership for full a

  • 291: The Way to Keep Goals Front and Center and More Questions

    03/04/2017 Duration: 40min

    Bonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak (web) (Twitter) is Dave’s life partner and best friend, business professor, past executive leader, and the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. To follow her on Twitter so she can surpass Dave, click HERE. Questions Elizabeth asked about how to keep goals front and center with a team throughout the year. Allison asked about the best ways to discover more about organizational development. Joel asked about the best ways to attract and develop instructors at his martial arts school. Phil asked about our recommendations for podcasts. Resources Mentioned The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months by Brian Moran* Organization Development Network Association for Talent Development International Coach Federation Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership by Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal* Organizational Culture and Leadership by Edgar Schein* The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice

  • 290: How to Manage Abrasive Leaders, with Sharone Bar-David

    27/03/2017 Duration: 42min

    Sharone Bar-David: Abrasive Leaders Sharone Bar-David is the author of Trust Your Canary: Every Leader’s Guide to Taming Workplace Incivility* and president at Bar-David Consulting, a company offering solutions for creating a respectful workplace and rehabilitating abrasive leaders. Key Points Abrasive leaders often don’t realize how they’re acting, or if they do, they don’t realize the negative affects. One of the greatest myths is that you can’t do without someone — everyone is replaceable. The three steps of SBD: State the Expectation - What values or behavior you expect? Behavior - What are the behaviors that are of concern? Desired Behavior - How do you want the person to act? 360 reviews are good for diagnosing a problem with an abrasive leader, but not for solving it. Resources Mentioned Abrasive Leader Risk Assessment Trust Your Canary* by Sharone Bar-David Abrasive Leaders: Five Mistakes You’ve Made When Managing Them Is Your Email Writing Style Putting You at Risk? Activ

  • 289: How to Lead Part-Time Staff, with Chris Deferio

    20/03/2017 Duration: 43min

    Chris Deferio: Keys to the Shop Chris Deferio is the host of Keys to the Shop, a podcast that helps coffee service professionals to advance their careers by discovering more about barista work, management, leadership, and the operational knowledge to run a coffee shop. Chris has decades of experience managing teams of part-time staff in a high turnover industry. In this episode, he shares the most practical tips his team has discovered for helping leaders be most effective with part-time employees. Key Points You can only go so far with positive feedback, you should also seek feedback on how you can improve. If you have a failure, just learn the lesson from it and apply that knowledge in the future. When hiring, focus on finding people who share your core company values. A lot of people know how to give good answers for the normal interview questions, so you have to ask different, more creative questions to really get to know them. Rather than view scheduling as a burden, look at it as a way to se

  • 288: Get Better at Onboarding Employees, with Amanda Davis

    13/03/2017 Duration: 44min

    Amanda Davis: Onboarding Employees Amanda Davis is an executive consultant with 25 years of professional leadership and management experience specializing in the development and implementation of strategies and programs for better service delivery. Key Points The Two-Tiered Approach to Onboarding: Part 1: First day on the job Keep it short (1.5-2 hours long). What are the essential things an employee needs to know? Get to the why of the employee’s job. What’s the meaning and mission behind the organization? After Part 1 your employee should feel informed, excited, and motivated. Part 2: About 45 days after hire Longer than Tier 1, should be around 3 hours long Covers what team members need to know to grow their jobs. After Part 2, your employee should feel educated, excited, and confident. Resources Mentioned Amanda Davis website Best Demonstrated Practices - Onboarding for Success [PDF download] Activate Your Free Coaching for Leaders Membership Get immediate access to my free, 10-da

  • 287: Why to Start With Why and More Questions

    06/03/2017 Duration: 40min

    Bonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak (web) (Twitter) is Dave’s life partner and best friend, business professor, past executive leader, and the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Questions Roger asked about the best way to motivate a remote employee who is just doing the bare minimum to get by. Thomas asked how to inspire a sales team that is not hitting their numbers. Kristeen asked our opinion on the value of a master’s degree in today’s economy. Francisco asked if he should include comments from past customers on his LinkedIn profile after a negative separation from a company. Andy wondered about how the business model works for our podcast. Resources Mentioned CFL286: How to Influence Cross Culturally Zoom video conferencing service* Slack Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink* First Break All the Rules by Gallup* Start with Why by Simon Sinek* CFL190: How to Improve Your Coaching Skills with Tom Henschel ”On The Folly O

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