Mwf Motivation Podcast



MWF Motivation is iTunes' Top Motivational Podcast.Our motivational podcast last around 10-20 minutes - just enough time for you to get a jolt of inspiration on your daily commute, before a big meeting, or on a day where you really need a pick me up. It is designed for you - the business person, salesperson, entrepreneur, small business owner or any human that needs motivation from time to time. Our goal is to inspire and motivate our listeners to become the best version of themselves and live a life of passion and purpose. We publish every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


  • Ep 13 - What Living on a Couch Teaches You

    18/09/2015 Duration: 26min

    Jake Bailey has an incredible mindset.After he lost everything, he ended up living in his office, sleeping on a couch in his office and showering at the local gym. Not once did he ever get down on himself during that time. He sees life as an adventure and that point in his life was just another road bump on his journey to success. He now runs one of the most successful real estate offices in Florida and in this episode he shares his definition of a champion's mindset.

  • Ep 12 - From Death to Success w/ Hal Elrod

    16/09/2015 Duration: 34min

    Hal Elrod died at 20 years old.He was brought back to life, spent 6 days in a coma and was told he would never walk again. He wouldn't accept that fate and days later he would prove the doctors wrong and walk on his own.In this episode Hal shares what it took for him to have the mindset to not only overcome such a traumatic experience, but to go on to write a book called "The Miracle Morning" which hit the best sellers list and started a movement across the world.Through waking up early and practicing success habits every morning, Hal's book is changing the world one life at a time. He gives an incredible interview that I am positive will add a ton of value to your day.

  • Ep. 11 - Follow Your Passion w/ Zack Sexton

    14/09/2015 Duration: 32min

    “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”In this episode Rob & Dean interview Zach Sexton of The Productivity Show Podcast. He takes us through his unique journey and his mindset of how he approaches life. He started off as a school teacher and eventually quit that to follow HIS PASSION which is teaching others to become their most productive self through some his many efficiency practices.His mission statement in life is "To Change the world and have a hell of a good time." What a great mission statement!

  • Ep 10 - The Power of Belief

    11/09/2015 Duration: 13min

    You can literally do anything you set your mind to.In this episode we speak about the power of belief and knowing that you can achieve what you set your mind to. We also talk about psychological governors and self limiting beliefs that people place on themselves and how to break through them.

  • Ep 9 - Your Network Determines Your Net Worth

    09/09/2015 Duration: 21min

    "Surround yourself with people who dream bigger than you do."In this episode we talk about the importance of your surrounding yourself with the right people who will push and encourage you to your goals. We go over your "Top 5" and also go over the best ways to network to build up your circle of influence.

  • Ep. 8 - Self Respect & The Impostor Syndrome

    07/09/2015 Duration: 16min

    "The only respect that matters is self respect"In this episode we talk about getting rid of your self limiting beliefs. We also speak about something called the "impostor syndrome" which is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments.

  • Ep. 7 - Expect Nothing From No One & Live Your Purpose

    04/09/2015 Duration: 22min

    "Invest in yourself, expect nothing from no one and be willing to work for everything."In this episode Rob & Dean speak about the importance in investing your time, money and energy into your life's purpose. If you are unsure of what your life's purpose may be, they also speak about how to search for it. The truth is that no one will care about your success more than you, so work for what you want and live a fulfilled life. Follow me on IG here: @RobDialJr

  • Episode 6 - Goals: Make a Plan & Develop Actions Steps

    02/09/2015 Duration: 27min

    It is time to make a plan and execute that plan. In this episode we cover what you may have to give up in order to achieve your goals. We will also develop a plan on how to achieve your goals and teach you how to schedule it and how to use your planner(in the book). Lastly, we will talk about self discipline and how to overcome any procrastination that may come along yout journey. Follow me on IG here: @RobDialJr

  • Episode 5 - Goal Setting: Determining your WHY & developing your mission statement

    31/08/2015 Duration: 26min

    The key to staying motivated on the journey to your goals is to have a strong WHY. It is what will keep you going when times get tough, and show you why you are really pursuing a goal. In this episode we will talk about what your life could like if you do not hit your goals and then we will go over what your life will look like when you do hit your goals. Follow me on IG here: @RobDialJr

  • Episode 4 - Goal Setting: How to

    28/08/2015 Duration: 23min

    We cover the most successful way to set goals in this episode and the importance of writing down your goals. We will cover 5 out of the 10 subjects in our eBook - relationships, personal growth, finances, spirituality and career. Follow me on IG here: @RobDialJr

  • Episode 3 - Honest Reflection

    26/08/2015 Duration: 22min

    Before we conquer our future goals we must first look back and do an honest reflection of how well we have done with past goals - where we have succeeded and where we have fallen short. In this episode, we will cover relationships, personal growth, spirituality, finances, and career goals. Follow me on IG here: @RobDialJr

  • Episode 2: Take Control of Your Life & Mind

    23/08/2015 Duration: 13min

    Your life is 100% your fault. Sounds harsh but how you react to everything is your decision and therefore your fault. In this episode Rob teaches steps to taking control of your life and mind, controlling your mindset when times get tough and how to find the silver lining in every circumstance. Life is not what happens to you, but how you react to it. This is from Follow me on IG here: @RobDialJr

  • Episode 1: Habits of Successful People

    23/08/2015 Duration: 22min

    Here we speak about the habits of all successful people. In order to become successful, we must copy the habits of other successful people. We speak about waking up early, health, work ethic, as well as other habits that we can create in order to start on our journey to becoming successful. Follow me on IG here: @RobDialJr

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