Mwf Motivation Podcast



MWF Motivation is iTunes' Top Motivational Podcast.Our motivational podcast last around 10-20 minutes - just enough time for you to get a jolt of inspiration on your daily commute, before a big meeting, or on a day where you really need a pick me up. It is designed for you - the business person, salesperson, entrepreneur, small business owner or any human that needs motivation from time to time. Our goal is to inspire and motivate our listeners to become the best version of themselves and live a life of passion and purpose. We publish every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


  • Ep 89 - Are You Playing At Level 10?

    14/03/2016 Duration: 14min

    To have an outstanding life it requires us to live our lives at level 10. The problem with that is that level 10 requires lots energy and hard work. In this episode I talk about the difference between a level 5 or 6 life and a level 10 life and challenge you to make a jump to living at level 10 today.

  • Ep 88 - Act As If

    11/03/2016 Duration: 08min

    In order to become the person we want to be in 10 years we must become them right now, today. We must act like they would and do what they would do. We can't wait to get what we want and then become that person, we must become that person today so that we can then get what we want.

  • Ep 87 - How To Save More Money

    09/03/2016 Duration: 13min

    We all want more money and we want is to see more money in our bank account. That requires us to learn how to better save our money. In this episode I talk about our financial thermometer and how it will regulate how much you will spend and save, and dictate how much you will have in your bank account. This is a must listen for anyone who needs help saving money!

  • Ep 86 - How to Attract More Money

    07/03/2016 Duration: 26min

    How is your relationship with money? Good, bad, do you worry about not having enough? Our relationship with money and how we view money will be the #1 gauge on how much money we will make in our lives. In this episode I explain how that works and also give steps on how to shift your mindset on money in order to attract more into your life.

  • Ep 85 - The Law of Action

    04/03/2016 Duration: 13min

    If you have not listened to Episode 84, you will want to listen to that episode first. That being said, this episode covers the next step in The Law of Attraction, the part that I believe The Secret leaves out, the part where you actually get off you butt and put in work. The universe rewards those who work and in this episode I explain the subject more in depth.

  • Ep 84 - The Law of Attraction

    02/03/2016 Duration: 17min

    I am very excited to release this episode because this is something I firmly believe in. The Law of Attraction says that you are in control of what you attract into and detract from your life. That being said, we need to learn and use The Law of Attraction to get what we want in our lives and in this episode I describe how to do that.

  • Ep 83 - Interview w/ Billionaire Jeff Hoffman

    29/02/2016 Duration: 47min

    Jeff Hoffman is the billionaire Co-Founder of Jeff is an incredibly successful man with a wealth of knowledge that he shares in this episode. We talk about subjects like how to start your first business and what to concentrate on, how to hire your first employees and even cover what his morning routine is every day. This is an awesome episode and I think you will learn a lot from it!

  • Ep 82 - How Hard Are You Really Working?

    26/02/2016 Duration: 13min

    Are we really working hard towards our goals every day or are we just showing up? If we want to put our 10,000 hours into something, or at least improve at it, we must show up, work hard and push ourselves out of our comfort zones. In this episode I speak about this and offer a challenge to you at the end.

  • Ep 81 - The 10,000 Hour Rule

    24/02/2016 Duration: 15min

    In today's episode I talk about The 10,000 Hour Rule, something I am truly passion about. I believe that with hard work any person can achieve anything that they set their mind to, and the 10,000 hour rule confirms that belief.

  • Ep 80 - Own What You Want Now!

    22/02/2016 Duration: 10min

    In order to get our dream house, dream car, dream job etc. we need to stop thinking of them as our dreams and something we will have a long time from now. We need to learn to own it now energetically in order to own it physically in the future.

  • Ep 79 - Have You Started Yet?

    19/02/2016 Duration: 06min

    What is your dream? If you know what your dream is, have you taken the first step to get there? See, most people know what they want but they never take the first step. They scare themselves out of, or talk themselves out of, making that first step towards their goals. In this episode I talk about how and why to take that first step.

  • Ep 78 - Arrange Whatever Pieces Come Your Way

    17/02/2016 Duration: 11min

    Life happens! Throughout our lives good stuff will happen to us, bad stuff, tough stuff, stressful stuff - we already know this. So why do we let it derail our plans and visions when these things happen? In this episode I talk about how to prepare and deal with these things happening so that we can live our our purpose and accomplish our goals.

  • Ep 77 - Burn the Ships

    15/02/2016 Duration: 10min

    There is no reason to have a Plan B because all it does it distract your from Plan A. In this episode I talk about making your decision to follow your passion and to "Burn the Ships" Success is 99% failure and if you accept that then you will not stop until you arrive at your goal.

  • Ep 76 - Excuses are B.S.

    12/02/2016 Duration: 07min

    I hate excuses because excuses are just reasons we tell ourselves why we cannot succeed before we even try. In this episode I teach you how to speak to yourself and change your mindset and wording in order to make sure that you never allow yourself to talk yourself out of pursuing something that you really want in life.

  • Ep 75 - Mastering Public Speaking

    10/02/2016 Duration: 41min

    Jon Vroman was voted the #1 college speaker in the United States 2x in a row and is the best public speaker that I have ever seen live. In this episode he talks about how to master the art of public speaking, whether you are brand new to it or a seasoned speaker.

  • Ep 74 - How to be More Productive

    08/02/2016 Duration: 09min

    Do you ever have a to do list that seems like it never ends, no matter how long you spend on it, it just keeps getting longer and longer? In this episode I talk about how to major in the majors and use the 80/20 rule to be more productive every single day.

  • Ep 73 - Interview w/ My First Mentor

    05/02/2016 Duration: 57min

    In this episode I interview my very first mentor from when I was 19. We cover a ton of different mindset topics from taking unconditional responsibility of your life, the power of dreaming and how questions we ask ourselves determine our future.

  • Ep 72 - New Year's Resolutions Review

    03/02/2016 Duration: 17min

    We are now in the first week of February, which means we have had one month to make progress on our goals and resolutions. In this episode I go over how to review your goals in order to make sure we do not fail at achieving them and how to stay on track with hitting them.

  • Ep 71 - Why We Focus On The Negatives

    01/02/2016 Duration: 13min

    It seems like every human is programmed to focus on the negatives more than the positives. The good part about that is we can also reprogram ourselves to focus on the positives and I cover how we can do that in this episode.

  • Ep 70 - Why You Don't Have What You Want

    29/01/2016 Duration: 14min

    In this episode I talk about why you don't have what you want and give you tips on how to break through your mental barriers in order to get and achieve what you desire.

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