Mwf Motivation Podcast



MWF Motivation is iTunes' Top Motivational Podcast.Our motivational podcast last around 10-20 minutes - just enough time for you to get a jolt of inspiration on your daily commute, before a big meeting, or on a day where you really need a pick me up. It is designed for you - the business person, salesperson, entrepreneur, small business owner or any human that needs motivation from time to time. Our goal is to inspire and motivate our listeners to become the best version of themselves and live a life of passion and purpose. We publish every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


  • This Is Why We Suffer

    02/02/2024 Duration: 20min

    In today's episode, we're understanding the difference between pain and suffering.  Pain, my friends, is part of our journey – it's those unavoidable bumps we hit along the road of life. But suffering? That's a whole different story. It's more about how we choose to react to these bumps. Let's explore this together!We'll take a little trip back to our childhood days. Remember when we were kids, just being our goofy, authentic selves? But as we grew, things changed. We learned to adjust ourselves for acceptance, love, and to fit in – both with our families and society. It's kind of like putting on different masks to match different stages of our lives. But here's the catch – in doing so, many of us lost touch with who we truly are.This episode is all about rediscovering and embracing our true selves. Whether we've tried and failed to be someone else, or even succeeded in it, the real victory lies in accepting and loving our genuine selves. It's not just about the shiny, happy parts, but also those quirky, not-

  • Scientifically Changing Your Brain with Positive Thinking

    01/02/2024 Duration: 17min

    In this episode, we're diving deep into the science of positive thinking and how it can literally rewire your brain. Yes, you heard that right! Just like hitting the gym works out your muscles, focusing on positive thoughts exercises your brain, making it stronger and more resilient.

  • How To Re-Pattern Your Brain

    31/01/2024 Duration: 17min

    Are you ready to take a transformative journey with me? Let's dive into the incredible world of repatterning ourselves!We're going to explore how our emotions often shape our actions and, ultimately, our lives.

  • The Addiction of Overthinking

    29/01/2024 Duration: 18min

    Ever feel like your thoughts are running a marathon in your head? You're not alone! In this episode, we explore the fascinating world of our minds and how we can overcome the habit of overthinking.I'll be sharing insights from the inspiring book "The Power of Now" and discussing the concept of 'I' (our true self) vs. 'self' (our conditioned self). It’s all about understanding who we truly are, beneath all the labels society throws at us.Plus, I've got some cool analogies (like changing a red triangle to a blue square in your mind) and practical tips to help you observe and change your thought patterns. It's all about using our minds as a tool, not letting them control us.

  • The Power of Mentorship

    26/01/2024 Duration: 17min

    Did you know that most millionaires had at least seven mentors on their journey to success? Mind-blowing, right?I'll be unraveling what a mentor really is and how they can catapult you towards your dreams. Whether it’s a business guru, a fitness wizard, or even a relationship coach, mentors are like your personal life navigators.And guess what? I’m opening up about my first mentor experience at 19 and how it turned my world upside down (in the best way possible!). I can't wait to share these life-changing stories with you.But that's not all! We'll explore how to find the perfect mentor for you. Whether it's a Google search away or a value exchange, there's a mentor out there waiting to speed up your journey to success.So, grab your headphones, get comfy, and let's embark on this mentorship journey together. Don't forget to share your thoughts and tag me in your Instagram stories at @RobDialJr. Can't wait to hear from you!

  • Stop Trying To Make People Love You

    24/01/2024 Duration: 20min

    In this episode, I chat about why it's not our job to make others love us. Instead, it's all about finding out who we really are, being that person authentically, and then magnetically attracting those who will love us just the way we are. Sounds liberating, right?We'll explore how our quest for acceptance can sometimes lead us astray, making us lose sight of our true selves. Remember those days when we tried so hard to fit in? Well, it's time to talk about it! From childhood pressures to societal norms, I'll share insights and personal experiences on how these influences can shape us and why it's so important to break free from them.I'm also super thrilled to share some practical tips on how to rediscover and embrace your true self. Expect discussions on building confidence, nurturing genuine relationships, and staying true to your own values and interests. It's all about being unapologetically YOU!Remember, it's not about changing for others; it's about being true to yourself and finding your tribe. Let's d

  • How to Overcome Rejection

    22/01/2024 Duration: 21min

    Ever felt that jittery butterfly storm in your belly when you're about to ask for something big? That's what we're tackling today. Whether it's in business, love, or just asking your neighbor if you can kick a soccer ball in their yard, rejection is a part of life.Here's the deal - we're all human, and that means sometimes getting a 'no'. I've been coaching for over 18 years, and if there's one thing I've learned, it's that our fear of 'no' can really hold us back. But why let it?In this episode, I'm peeling back the layers on why we fear rejection. Spoiler alert: It's not about survival anymore, like in our caveman days. It's about our craving for acceptance. But here's a little secret - sometimes, rejection can be the BEST thing that happens to us.We're going to explore how each 'no' can actually nudge us out of our comfort zones, helping us grow, learn, and become more resilient. Think of it as your personal growth rocket fuel!So, are you ready to flip the script on rejection? To turn those 'nos' into step

  • 2 Simple Ways to Improve Your Relationships

    19/01/2024 Duration: 21min

    First up, I want to share a little secret with you: Everyone is doing their best! That's right, from the people who've challenged us to our loved ones, each person is navigating life with the tools they have. This episode will open your eyes to seeing others in a new light, understanding their journeys, and why they are the way they are.Next, we're going to explore a fascinating idea: all adults are just 'wounded children in adult bodies'. Sounds intriguing, right? We'll discuss how our past shapes us and how recognizing this in others can bring so much empathy and understanding to our interactions.I'm also super excited to talk about the power of compassion over judgment. We often forget the unseen battles others face, and in this episode, I share insights on how shifting to a compassionate mindset can revolutionally change our relationships.And here's a big one – the power lies in YOUR hands. I'll be diving into how we can take control of our reactions and emotions. Remember, no one can make you feel a cert

  • 5 Ways To Improve Your Mental Heath

    18/01/2024 Duration: 16min

    I've got five key tips that I personally find incredibly helpful:1. Speak Up Sooner Rather Than Later: You know that feeling when something bugs you and just won't let go? I'm talking about addressing it head-on within 48 hours. It's all about not letting things simmer under the surface.2. Embrace Your Emotions: Let's get real with our feelings - all of them. Whether it's joy, anger, or sadness, it's all part of being wonderfully human. I'll be sharing ways to express these emotions healthily - no bottling up!3. It's Okay to Ask for Help: We all need a helping hand sometimes. I'm going to get into why it's crucial to reach out when things get heavy. Remember, we're in this together!4. Self-Care is Key: Treat yourself like someone you love because, well, you should! I'll be touching on why self-care isn't selfish, but essential.5. Face Pain, Don't Avoid It: Lastly, we're going to talk about confronting pain and stress head-on. No more numbing or ignoring - it's time to heal and move forward.Can't wait to dive

  • There Is Nothing Wrong with You.

    17/01/2024 Duration: 19min

    You're perfect just the way you are. I know life can be tough – we all have our share of ups and downs, heartbreaks, and challenges. But here's the thing: these experiences don't define you.We talk about all sorts of trauma, big and small. Whether it's the heavy stuff like abuse or neglect, or subtler forms like emotional neglect from a busy parent, it's all significant. I want to remind you that feeling incomplete or unworthy because of these experiences is a common struggle, but it's not the end of your story.This episode is all about empowering you to overcome these feelings. We'll explore ways to deal with trauma, from talking about it to rewriting your personal story. It's about learning, growing, forgiving (both others and yourself), and building a new, empowered identity.Remember, your past experiences don't make you broken. They're part of your journey, and they can be the foundation for building a stronger, more resilient you. You are perfect as you are, and I'm here to support you on this journey of

  • Stop Searching For Motivation

    15/01/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, we're shaking things up a bit. Instead of the usual pep talks, I'm going to share why I believe motivation isn't the key to creating the life you dream of. You heard that right - it's time to shift our focus from fleeting motivation to something far more powerful: consistency. I'll be unpacking why consistency beats motivation every single time, using real-life anecdotes, psychological insights, and some personal stories from my journey and those of my clients. We'll explore how consistency isn't just a habit but a character trait that you can develop and strengthen over time.Plus, I've got some practical tips to help you move from being motivation-dependent to becoming a master of consistency. And guess what? You might just find that once you start taking action, motivation follows!So, if you're ready to transform the way you approach your goals and learn how to win at life through consistent action, this episode is for you. Tune in, get inspired, and remember: It's not about waiting for mot

  • Is This The Worst That Could Happen?

    12/01/2024 Duration: 19min

    Did you know that about 85% of the things we worry about never actually happen? And of the 15% that do happen, they rarely turn out as bad as we think. Mind-blowing, right?

  • This is Killing Your Happiness

    11/01/2024 Duration: 19min

    Today we're diving into something that affects all of us, but we rarely talk about it - the sneaky happiness thief, social comparison!

  • How To Make It Through The Hard Times: Transforming Challenges Into Gifts

    08/01/2024 Duration: 16min

    In today's episode, we're diving into something really close to my heart - how to not just survive, but THRIVE through life's tough times. We all know life can be a rollercoaster - sometimes it's blissfully beautiful, and other times, let's be honest, it feels like we're trudging through mud. But here's the thing, every single challenge is a hidden gift waiting to be unwrapped.Remember those days when everything seemed to be going wrong, and we felt like victims of circumstance? Well, we're flipping the script! It's all about transforming that mindset from "Why is this happening to me?" to "What can I learn from this?" Trust me, it's a game-changer.We'll explore how asking the right questions can completely shift our perspective and lead to profound growth. It's like turning on a light in a dark room - suddenly, everything makes sense.And finally, we'll talk about how to take those hard-earned lessons and weave them into the fabric of our daily lives. It's all about aligning our actions with our learnings to

  • Doing the “thing”

    05/01/2024 Duration: 16min

    "Doing the Thing." It's all about the magic that happens when we stop just planning and start taking action to create the life we dream of.Have you ever caught yourself spending more time researching running shoes than actually running? Or planning your work so meticulously that you forget to get down to business? Well, you're not alone! In this episode, we explore why it's so easy to get caught up in the preparation and miss out on the actual doing.I'll share insights from my experiences with thousands of business owners and why a staggering 65% of businesses struggle in their first 10 years. Spoiler alert: It's all about the mindset!But don't worry, I won't leave you hanging with just the problems. We'll talk about how to differentiate between being busy and being productive, and I'll give you some real talk on how to focus on what really moves the needle in your life.And for those of you looking to level up even more, check out my book "Level Up" - it's your guide to getting focused, stopping procrastinati

  • Overcoming the Fear of Rejection

    04/01/2024 Duration: 18min

    Did you know that this fear is more than just a surface-level concern? It’s deeply rooted in our evolutionary past and our childhood experiences. We’ll explore how this fear, which once was crucial for our survival in tribal societies, now plays a role in our subconscious thoughts about self-love and acceptance. Mind-blowing stuff, I promise!But wait, there's more! We’ll also chat about how our fear of rejection is actually a cry for acceptance – not just from those around us but from ourselves. It's all about rediscovering and embracing who we truly are, beyond the layers of conditioning we’ve picked up along the way.I’ll share insights and personal anecdotes (yes, even those embarrassing ones!) to help us all understand why we sometimes feel this way and, more importantly, how we can start loving and accepting ourselves just as we are. 

  • Do These 9 Things If You Want to Be Successful

    03/01/2024 Duration: 17min

    In this episode, we're diving into something really special - the top 9 things you can do to skyrocket your success!1. Rise and Shine Early: Ever wondered how achievers like Richard Branson start their day? We're talking about the magic of waking up early to create time for yourself before the world rushes in. It's all about being proactive, not reactive.2. Become a Bookworm: Reading is not just for passing time; it's a success habit! Join me as we explore how reading regularly can transform your life and why successful CEOs are always buried in books.

  • What are the consequences?

    01/01/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, we explore how saying 'yes' to something means saying 'no' to something else. Ever chosen a Netflix binge over a morning workout?  We've all been there, and it's these decisions that shape our lives.But here's the kicker: we often get bogged down thinking about the negatives. Starting a business? That can be scary! Adopting a healthier lifestyle? It's not always easy! But what about the amazing outcomes that can come from these choices?This episode is all about shifting our focus. Let's start thinking about the incredible positives that come from chasing our dreams and making those tough choices. Yes, it's hard work. Yes, it's stepping out of our comfort zone. But the rewards? Totally worth it.So, if you're ready to look at life's challenges in a new light and embrace the consequences of your actions (both good and bad), this episode is for you. Let's journey together towards building the life we've always wanted! 

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