Our Goals to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 174 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!!!
25/10/2015 Duration: 48minToday we have two very harmonic guests Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Knewell, who will be talking with us about frequency, healing, and acoustic meditation. ---Dr. Eben Alexander, Best-Selling Author of Proof of Heaven and as seen on Oprah!--- I’ve been extremely intrigued by the power of sound and meditation to help us train the mind and to heal. Not to geek out too much, but I’ve been fascinated by how different sounds make us feel better, relax, or increase our focus, whether that’s Tibetan singing bowls, chants, particularly Om, or binaural or warbling sounds. Today we’ll talk about all of these and how sound can be a gateway for greater health, for empowerment, focus (and attention) and in a sense, for transcendence, or at least to quiet our minds. We’ll also be talking about a bonus meditation you can find on our Inspire Nation show, a sacred acoustics sample, offered by Karen Newell and Dr. Eben Alexander. As for our guests, Dr. Eben Alexander (seen on Oprah) has been on our show before, he’s the run-aw
BONUS GUIDED RELAXATION SACRED ACOUSTICS MEDITATION (10 MIN) | Dr. Eben Alexander & Karen Newell | Spirituality | Self-Help
25/10/2015 Duration: 11minToday we have a very special sacred acoustics guided meditation for you. This meditation is from Dr. Eben Alexander, neurologist and best-selling author of Proof of Heaven and Karen Newall, today’s guests on the show. You can find out more about this meditation, and the amazing health benefits of sacred acoustics on today’s show. This is a very powerful meditation, body, mind, and soul that can have exceptionally positive effects on you. However, an important note: Do not listen while driving OR operating heavy machinery. One more time, do NOT listen while driving or operating heavy machinery. There is so much to share about this meditation I highly recommend listening to today’s interview from Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell. ---Great for Relaxation, Health, Healing, Focus, Concentration, ADHD, and Quieting the Mind--- If you like this meditation and enjoy the show, please do us a HUGE favor and rate and review our show. It’s the #1 way you can help support the show. Thank you so much! To find more medit
24/10/2015 Duration: 46minDo you ever feel like you’re not in control of your food, but your food is control of you? You know, when you have that one chip, or one bite of ice cream, or a simple little chicken wing, and suddenly, you’ve plowed through an entire bag, box or pint? And perhaps without even knowing it! If so, then you’re not alone, and do we have the show for you! We’ll be talking with Mark Schaztker, award-winning food journalist and author of The Dorito Effect: The surprising new truth about food and flavor. Today we’re going to talk about an explosion of flavor, and how it’s downright killing us! We’ll talk about why our flavor’s been in charge, what’s happened to our food supply-and why our great-grandma wouldn’t recognize the food of today. We’ll discuss what I call franken-foods or why a chicken’s no longer a chicken, and why no matter how we try, loosing weight almost seems impossible. Most importantly, we’ll discuss what we can do to make simple changes today, right away, that will make huge impacts in our health,
24/10/2015 Duration: 51minDo you know what do Bill Gates, Charles Schwab, Warren Buffet, Steven Spielberg, Michael Jordan, Julia Roberts, Facebooks Mark Zuckenberg (facebook) Twitter’s Jack Dorsey (twitter), Google’s Larry Page (and maybe even Obama) have in common? They’re all introverts. And believe it or not, so am I, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Today we’ll be talking with a very extroverted introvert. Her name is Beth Beelow, she’s a life coach best know as the Introvert Entrepreneur and is the author of “Insight: Reflections on the Gifts of Being an Introvert” and the forthcoming book “The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms. If you’ve ever wondered how to get ahead when going on the inside is your path, then do we have the show for you!!! What are key strengths of introverts? Self effacing Self reliant Self possessed Self reflective (May also be quite Spiritual / Spirituality Centered Too) Questions Include: I used to struggle with Social media – how do we promote & sel
BONUS GUIDED RELAXATION MEDITATION (5 MIN) | Michael Sandler | Inspiration | Bliss | Mindfulness | Spirituality | Self-Help
24/10/2015 Duration: 07minToday we’re going to do a very short guided relaxation meditation to help you connect with nature, both inside and outside of yourself. I’ve used many of these meditations to help quiet and center me, and I’ve even used them in doctor’s office’s to help me stay calm and relaxed, or so they can use less medication. Yes, this works in a dentist’s office too. You can do this meditation any time of the day, it’s fantastic if you have the time during a mid-day break. If you like this meditation, please do us a HUGE favor. Please rate and review this show on iTunes. The more ratings and reviews, the more it helps us, helps the show, and helps people find these beautiful meditations. Thank you so much, we are very grateful for your support. To check out more meditations by me, or by our guests, check out our Inspire Nation Show, or I send love, I send light, and many, many blessings your way. Namaste. Woo Hoo! (Similar meditations to Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and Eckhart Tolle) Feel your body
[INSPIRE 43] ROLF POTTS - HOW TO CREATE TIME WEALTH & BECOME TIME RICH! Vagabonding | Motivation | Spirituality | Self-Help
23/10/2015 Duration: 55minIf you’ve ever wanted to travel the world, but thought to yourself, if only I had the money, the time or I’d love to do that someday when I retire, then do we have the show for you! Today we’ll be talking with Rolf Potts, veteran travel writer, for the likes of and world hum, and best-selling author of Vagabonding: and Marco Polo Didn’t Go There. His adventures have taken him across six continents, and include piloting a fishing boat 900 miles down the Laotian Mekong, hitchhiking across Eastern Europe, traversing Israel on foot, bicycling across Burma, driving a Land Rover across South America, and traveling around the world for six weeks with no luggage or bags of any kind. Today we’re going to talk about working to live, instead of living to work, and about taking our own life adventure, or what I call Vagabonding 101. I want to know how we can all get into it, what’s the simplest way to start, and if we really need to wait till we have that nest egg, or are retired to be able to afford to travel
BONUS GUIDED INNER-PEACE MEDITATION (12 MIN) | Sian Chua| Relaxation | Inspiration | Mindfulness | Spirituality | Self-Help
23/10/2015 Duration: 14minToday we have a very special relaxing inner-peace meditation, or a true journey into stillness, led by Sian Chua, A Dolores Cannon past-life regression quantum healing practitioner from Australia. This meditation can be done any time of the day, however, it’s best to do when you have the time to relax and be still for a short time afterwards To find more meditations from me, and from our guests, please visit Inspire Nation Show or And please do us the utmost favor, please rate and review our show which helps more people find us, and enjoy more beautiful meditations like this one. Your ratings and reviews help keep the show going. Thank you. We send love. We send light. And many, many blessings your way.Namaste. Woo Hoo! (Similar to guided meditations from Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle and Dr. Wayne Dyer) Take a blissful inner journey led by guided meditation & Dolores Cannon expert Sian Chua from Australia. You’ll be relaxed, recharged & incredibly at peace & at one with the
[INSPIRE 42] RABBI SHERRE HIRSCH - HOW TO LIVE FEARLESSLY & REGRET FREE! Motivation | Spirituality | Career | Self-Help
22/10/2015 Duration: 44minLEARN HOW TO THRIVE THROUGH LIFE'S TRANSITIONS! If you’ve ever wanted to face a challenge or transition in life a different way, to learn how to truly embrace them, to surf the waves of change and come out smiling on the other side, then do we have the guest for you! Her name is Sherre Hirsch, she’s a Rabbi, inspirational speaker and author of the best-seller’s We Plan, God Laughs, and Thresholds: How to Thrive through Life’s transitions to live fearlessly and regret free. And that’s exactly what we’ll be talking about today, about embracing life’s challenges, to live fearlessly through them, and without regrets. Of course, we’ll also talk about Moses, letting go, and the biggest F word of them all, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Questions for Today’s Interview Include: What do we do when life’s plans go completely awry What is a threshold moment? How do we know we’re in a threshold moment, and what does it meant to us? How do we deal with the biggest F word of them all, fear? How do we learn to trust ours
BONUS GUIDED CALMING MEDITATION (5 MIN) |Sherre Hirsch | Inner Peace | Inspiration | Mindfulness | Spirituality | Self-Help
22/10/2015 Duration: 06minHi Everyone, Michael Sandler here, your host on inspire nation. Today we have a very special meditation to give you inspiration and help quiet your mind. It’s from Rabbi Sherre Hirsch, our guest on the show today, talking about Thriving through life’s transitions. If you like this meditation, please do us a huge favor. Please rate and review the show. Your ratings help so much in helping others find the show, so they can enjoy it as well. Help us, to help others. Thank you! To hear more meditations from me, and from our guests, subscribe to our Inspire Nation Show, or visit I send love. I send light. And many many blessings your way. Namaste Woo Hoo! BONUS GUIDED MIND-QUIETING MEDITATION (5 MIN) | Sherre Hirsch | Peace | Inspiration | Happiness | Spirituality | Self-Help | Spiritual | Religion | Judaism | Buddhism | Inner Peace | Zen | Mindfulness
BONUS GUIDED RELAXATION MEDITATION (5 MIN) | Recharge| Focus | Creativity | Inspiration | Spirituality | Self-Help
21/10/2015 Duration: 07minToday we have a very special meditation designed to help clear and relax your mind. My wife Jessica and I first learned this from a Tai Chi master on Maui. It’s called the 4 directions. You can do this any time of the day, and I’d particularly recommend it any time you’re stressed, about to perform, have a meeting, or need a clear mind to think at your best. To find more meditations by me, and our great guests, please visit our Inspire Nation Show and And if you like this meditation, please do us a HUG favor, and rate and review our show. The more people who rate the show, the more people who can find it. So thank you so much for your rating and review! I send love. I send light. And many many blessings yours way. Namaste. This is a very simple meditation, that involves just a bit of movement to get the Chi, or energy unstuck and flowing again, from your brain, through your neck, and throughout your body. So you’ll want to do this sitting upright with either both feet symettrically on t
20/10/2015 Duration: 51minBe motivated and inspired with this incredible interview with an ultra-running legend. Lisa Smith-Batchen has done the Badwater Quad. That’s the Out and Back and Out and Back again, in temperatures averaging 128 degrees…and she did it all to raise money for well’s in Africa. She’s a hero, or what Dan Millman would call a Peaceful Warrior. Prepare to be inspired, motivated, and fired up about life, about chasing your dreams, and if you’re a runner, about running too. And if you’ve ever struggled with depression, anxiety, or a mental-illness, this may just be the inspirational, life-changing talk you’ve been looking for! In this inspiring talk she discusses: Never believe the no’s, like her high school coach who said she couldn’t run When and Why No may mean Yes How to Protect and Encourage your Self-Esteem and Self-Esteem of a child! Hot to shine at any sport – and why whether you’re first or last it doesn’t matter! Competing from the heart vs. competing from the ego A healthy ego vs. unhealthy ego Diet, trai
BONUS GUIDED ENERGIZING MEDITATION (6 MIN) | Revitalizing | Inspiration & Motivation | Health | Spirituality | Self-Help
20/10/2015 Duration: 09minHi everyone, this is Michael Sandler, your host on inspire nation. Today we have a very simple, yet powerful inspirational and motivational meditation to help you recharge and feel at your best! This is a meditation I used years ago to literally help save my life. I fell in a hiking accident, shattering my hip and femur, and was stuck in a freezing cold creek, bleeding out internally. I stopped breathing, and had a near-death experience, but that’s something for another day. But when I came back I needed to find a way to keep breathing until rescue crews could get to me. And so I did this meditation which I’d used in different ways for years. Thankfully I was well-versed at it, and it worked. You can do this meditation sitting upright, or laying down. Or even broken on the rocks. Technically, you can do it driving as well, but I rarely recommend meditating and driving together, and I wouldn’t recommend it here. You can do this meditation any time of the day, all you need is a few quiet moments, and a place to
19/10/2015 Duration: 48minWe all know thoughts create things, and that changing our thoughts can change our reality. We've known it since Napoleon Hill and Think and Grow Rich. But while people have written hundreds of books on it over the last 30-50 years, none of them address the core belief...or how to change our beliefs! Kimberly Heart, ultra-successful career coach to Fortune 500 and 100 CEO's, top exec's, and entrepreneurs does just that, diving into our subconscious and how to rewire our hearts our minds, and our lives! This is a talk about changing yourself to attract everything you desire into your life. Whether that’s healthier relationships, a better job, the love of your life, greater happiness, everything all starts on the inside. So she shows you how to recognize and begin the process of change…AND how to do it without needing a cosmic hit with a 2x4. In our society we hold up people who martyr themselves for change, she talks about how kind, gentle, and loving change can be for yourself, and that it doesn’t require pain
BONUS GUIDED INNER-PEACE MEDITATION | Kimberley Heart | Get Love | Heal Your Soul | Inspiration | Spirituality | Self-Help
19/10/2015 Duration: 15minHi Everyone, Michael Sandler here, your host on inspire nation. Today we have a very, very special treat. A guided meditation to bring you incredible inner peace by helping you heal your inner-child and by touch your soul. It’s from our guest today Kimberly Heart author of Get Love. This meditation can be done any time of the day but I’d recommend it most for when you have a few minutes to rest and relax afterwards. This meditation may touch you to your core. If you like this meditation, please do us the kindest of favors, and rate and review our show. Ratings raise our rankings and are the #1 way people find our show and get to enjoy these same meditations that you do. Thank you. To find more meditations from me, and from our guests, and to check Kimberly Heart’s amazing interview Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Life, please visit our Inspire Nation Show, or I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way. Namaste. | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Self-Help |
18/10/2015 Duration: 52minIf you’ve ever wondered why mindfulness is so popular, what it really is, and how it can help your life, then today’s show is for you. We interview Dr. Joseph Emet, Zen Master and Mindfulness Dharma Teacher extra-ordinaire, and student of Thich Nhat Hanh, the internationally acclaimed best-selling author and founder of the Mindfulness movement. You’ll learn: What Mindfulness Is and Is Not How to Apply Mindfulness in Every Day Life Easiest Ways to Be Mindful Easiest Ways to Meditate How Mindfulness Can Improve Your Life And much, much, more Dr. Joseph Emet is the founder of The Mindfulness Meditative Center in Montreal Canada and is a Zen Master trained with Thich Nhat Hanh and has a phD from Boston University. He calls the journey we’re on one from brainfulness to mindfulness, from self-control to self-regulation, from indifference to compassion. Other Show Topics Include: Brainful vs. mindful Watching our human nature – biases Rats vs. flowers Indoors vs. Outdoors Posture Brain Envy Early morning
BONUS GUIDED CONTENTMENT MEDITATION (12 MIN) Zen Master Joseph Emet | Thich Nhat Hanh | Mindfulness| Spirituality | Self-Help
18/10/2015 Duration: 14minBeautiful Extremely Peaceful Positivity, Contentment & Gratitude Guided Meditation by Zen Master Dr. Joseph Emet, Founder Montreal Mindfulness Centre, Trained with Thich Nhat Hanh | Spirituality | Bliss | Happiness | Peace | Relaxation | Buddhism | Joy This is a perfect meditation to leave you in a state of bliss by Dr. Joseph Emet, founder of the Mindfulness Meditation Centre in Montreal, Canada. A zen master dharma teacher trained with Thich Nhat Hanh. This meditation focuses on positivity, contentment, and gratitude. Introduction: Today we have a beautiful guided, mindfulness meditation by Zen Master Dr. Joseph Emet, founder of the Mindfulness Meditative Center in Montreal Canada who trained with Thich Nhat Hanh. Joseph Emet was a recent guest on our show, discussing how to easily use mindfulness to help improve your life. This meditation is designed to fill you with contentment, gratitude, and positivity, filling your heart with positive feelings. To check out Joseph’s interview, and find more meditat
[INSPIRE 38] JOHN GRAY - HOW TO STAY FOCUSED IN A HYPER WORLD | ADHD | Men Are From Mars | Dr. Oz & Oprah | Self-Help
17/10/2015 Duration: 53min---An Interview with John Gray, World's Number One Best-Selling Author of Men are From Mars, and Staying Focused in a Hyperactive World - Natural Solutions for ADHD, Memory, and Brain Performance--- If you’ve wondered why so many of us and our kids are diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and given prescription drugs today, or if you suspect you may have ADD yourself…and what in the world to do about it, then do we have the show for you! We’ll be speaking with John Gray, author of the Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, the ground-breaking best-selling non-fiction book of all time and of Staying Focused in a Hyper World. This is a fascinating topic to me, I coached kids and adults with ADD for over ten years, and I once wrote a best-seller on it myself - College Confidence with ADHD. Yes, I was once called the worst student my teachers ever had, and was put on Ritalin years before they even had the term ADD. Today we’ll talk about what ADD really is, if you or your kids may have it, and what i
17/10/2015 Duration: 01h02min---Having Been Sick from Mold Toxicity, and With My Co-Host and Wife Jessica Lee STILL struggling and on a very long-road back to recovery from Mold Toxicity Poisoning, this is our perhaps our most important interview yet.--- DETAILS: The hosts of Inspire Nation have been living in a mold-infested house for four years, slowly withering away without knowing why. They were very impressed by MOLDY and the webinar and will interview Dave Asprey, producer, and host of Bulletproof Radio about the film. Jessica is taking a break from co-hosting as she still has mold toxicity and gets very fatigued, but this is an important interview for her so she will join for this one. Introduction: Today we have a very special guest. His name is Dave Asprey. Dave Asprey is the founder of The Bulletproof Executive, is a Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who spent two decades and over $300,000 to hack his own biology. Dave lost 100 pounds without counting calories or excessive exercise, used techniques to upgrade
BONUS GUIDED HEALING MEDITATION (8 MIN) John Gray: Staying Focused in Hyper World-As Seen On Oprah | Spirituality | Self-Help
17/10/2015 Duration: 10minHi Everyone, Michael Sandler here, your host on inspire nation. Today we have a short healing meditation from John Gray, author of the number-one best-seller of all time, Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus, and his most recent book: Staying Focused in a Hyper World. John has been featured on Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Oz, with Deepak Chopra, and many, many others. This is a beautiful meditation to help heal body, soul and mind. You can do this meditation for any time of the day, but I particularly recommend it for first thing in the morning, or last thing at night. You can find more meditations from me, and from our guests, and find John Gray’s interview on Staying Focused in a Hyper World: Natural Solutions for ADHD, Memory, & Brain Performance, on our Inspire Nation Show and Our website. If you like this meditation please do use a HUGE favor, and please rate and review our show. The iTunes algorithm is funny, it takes ratings from others for people to find the show. So if you could pl
16/10/2015 Duration: 54minLearn how to use Quantum Mechanics to Transform Your Life! Fred Alan Wolf, star of The Secret and What the Bleep shows you simply how to change your observations and change your reality! It’s like the Secret meets the Law of Attraction, Meets Intention, all on steroids! And prepare to laugh until it hurts, because he’s not called a nutty professor for nothing! Dr. Fred Alan Wolf is inspiring, motivating, though-provoking and will help you shift and change your life. You’ll get hands-on, practical advice you can put into practice today. And you’ll have fun doing it! Topics Include: What Quantum Mechanics REALLY means for us! How to use Quantum Mechanics for Intention and Attraction How to loosen our grip on our “reality” so we can quickly change it and manifest! How to keep from arguments or going doing the wrong track How to free ourselves from anger How to bring out incredibly positive and successful solutions! As seen in The Secret, What the Bleep do we Know, on Larry King, and more! | Law of Intention |