Our Goals to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 174 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!!!
HOW TO RE-ENGINEER YOUR LIFE!!! Self-Help Tips from Michael Sandler and CJ Liu
06/12/2019 Duration: 54minIf you’ve ever been looking for a better year ahead, then do we have the re-engineer your life, your whole life, show for you. Today we’ll talk about stepping back, taking inventory, and how to step forward into your greatest life before it steps forward onto you. Plus we’ll talk about new formats, new order in the house, new ways of exercise, new ways of eating, new programs to record, new haircuts, chilly Thanksgiving, and so much more. Key Points Discussed: The donut maker and the needs versus wants discussion (02:43) Getting caught by the airfryer bug (04:54) How massively Amazon Prime one-day shipping affects the environment (08:27) The amazing apple smoked turkey and what CJ’s Thanksgiving was like (10:14) Running 10 miles up and down in a 10,000 feet incline within marathon time(19:01) Keeping from getting despondent and sad from the frustration of going through the downhill walk of shame (28:37) Simpler ways of doing things and being intentionally chill about everything (32:00) Learning how to let g
05/12/2019 Duration: 01h03minIf you’ve ever wanted to feel better at work and about your work, then do have the Healing Organization show for you. Today I’ll be talking with best-selling author and visionary, Michael Gelb. A pioneer in the field of creative thinking, a fit degree black belt in aikido, the author of at least sixteen books, including “Think Like Leonardo Davinci”, and the co-author of one of the most brilliant and needed books today, “The Healing Organization” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how we can change the way we work, awaken the conscious of business, and help save the world. Key Points Discussed: What we can do at work to begin to change the world (03:10) Being more successful by being consistently kind and focusing on the needs of those around us (09:48) Shifting businesses to the notion of stakeholders rather than just shareholders (13:36) How do we as individuals choose which companies to work for to support that which supports us? (19:51) Planned obsolescence and how exploitat
WHY ABUNDANCE ESCAPES YOU & WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! Plus a Guided Meditation! Law of Attraction Tips from Dr. Dain Heer
04/12/2019 Duration: 01h10minIf you’ve ever wanted more magic and abundance in your life then do we have the Being You, Changing the World show for You! Today we’ll talk with Dr. Dain Heer, best-selling author, co-creator of Access Consciousness, and the genius rabble-rouser, behind one of my all-time favorite books on changing our energy, and leaping into our greatest selves, "Being You, Changing The World!" And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about stepping our magic and our power, and finding the incredible abundance waiting for each one of us. That plus we’ll talk about a monsters of magic, playboy the horse, 100 monkeys on an island, why we want to stay weird, and when in the world you want to feed random ducks rice-crispies! Key Points Discussed: Why Money Isn’t Hard What it means to ask for money How to find where we’re stuck with money How do we clear emotional blocks to money What is a clearing statement? The importance of the question: “What’s right about me I’m not getting” Why there’s no such thing as a
HOW TO HEAL YOUR BODY NATURALLY & HOW CHRIS BEAT CANCER!!! Natural Health Self-Help Tips from Chris Wark
03/12/2019 Duration: 01h26minIf you’ve ever wanted to heal from illness, feel your greatest, or literally heal from cancer, then do we have the Chris Beat Cancer show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Chris Wark, speaker, patient advocate, wellness crusader, and the author of one of the most brilliant books I’ve ever read on health, Chris Beat Cancer. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to listen to your instincts, step out in faith, and take massive action to help heal our bodies. Key Points Discussed: What happened to Chris Wark at age 26? What happened when he tried out for The Apprentice? How was he diagnosed with Cancer? What was he told by the oncologist? What was the shift Chris made at this time? What does commitment have to do with anything? What’s the importance of trusting your intuition? What’s it mean to step out on faith? What do you do if things don’t feel right? What’s it mean to truly have something to live for? What’s it mean to “overdose on nutrition” How can food fuel our health? Wha
HOW TO BECOME A PRO AT HAPPINESS!!! Inspirational Self-Help Tips from Hollywood Producer Brant Pinvidic
02/12/2019 Duration: 01h05minIf you’ve ever wanted to achieve true success and happiness in your life, then do we have the Four Secrets to Success, Intensity Matching, Three Minute Pitch show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Brant Pinvidic, award-winning film director, veteran TV producer, Founder and CEO of INvelop Entertainment, and host of the Why I’m Not Podcast, and a brand new business-based podcast, IPO. Brant has sold more than 300 TV and movie projects, sold TV shows like Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition and Bar Rescue, which have grossed nearly a billion dollars in revenue. He is also the author of a really fun and transformative read we can all benefit from, “The 3-Minute Pitch” Today I want to talk with him about preparing and planning for happiness, and why preparing for success and planning for it are two different things. Key Points Discussed: Swimming with 17 different great white sharks on Guadalupe Island, 210 miles off the coast (03:15) What was the feeling of being in the water and were the shark watching y
29/11/2019 Duration: 57minIf you’ve ever been looking for signs from the universe, then do we have the signs and symbols and synchronicities ---universal guidance--- show for you! Today we’ll talk about hearing the universe, listening to the universe, and how to take action on the universe, before she pulls out the 2 x 4. What buying a Tesla Truck has to do with the Law of Attraction? What it means to make symbolic gestures to the universe? How to get your father-in-law less wobbly! What are plyometric kitty exercises??? What does Dr. Michael Merzenich, the father of brain plasticity have to do with our ability to adapt? Why Michael’s been getting minor injuries lately—and what they mean??? How the Universe has been screaming at Michael? What you can learn from what feels good and what feels bad? How we can interpret the language of the Universe? What does it mean to hear whispers of the Universe from your body? What it means to hear the alarms from the Universe??? What it means to listen to the signs of the Universe? How do we disce
HOW TO LIVE A REGRET-FREE LIFE!!! Inspirational Self-Help TIps from Bronnie Ware
28/11/2019 Duration: 01h06minIf you’ve ever wanted to live your greatest life, then do we have the Top Five Regrets of the Dying show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Bronnie Ware, author, speaker, musician and song-writing teacher, and the author of a brilliant, life-changing book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about living without regrets and a life transformed by the dearly departed. The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: How did Bronnie Ware start working with the dying? Who was Ruth and what can we learn from her? What’s the harm in hiding death from society? What’s the benefit of facing our death with honest acceptance? How can facing death help shift our priorities? How does facing death help shift us from our ego to our heart? What does surrender really mean? What’s the number one regret of the dying? What can we learn from Grace and what did she make Bronnie promise? What does it mean (from Tony Robbins) we do more to avoi
27/11/2019 Duration: 01h08minIf you’ve ever wanted to build your own reality, then do we have The Magic Club show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, a leader in the New Thought Movement, PEN award-winning historian, the author of Occult America and One Simple Idea, and a phenomenal must-read new book The Miracle Club. And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, about how thoughts become reality, and what it means this means for you! Key Points Discussed: What in the world is Schroedenger’s cat? What is information leakage? What is the many world interpretation? What is a serial universe? What does quantum mechanics have to do with thoughts becoming things? Is cause and effect linear? What can we learn from Dean Radin and PSI research How long has ESP and pre-cognition been studied? What can we learn from the latest research on pre-cognition? What are Ganzfeld studies? What happened with Julliard studies when studying PSI? How does Schroedenger relate to Neville Goddard and creating our reality? Can we imagine our worl
HOW TO REWIRE YOUR MIND FOR MAXIMUM RESILIENCE!!! Brain Science Self-Help Tips from Linda Graham
26/11/2019 Duration: 01h03minIf you’ve ever wanted to overcome challenges, and bounce back faster, then do we have the Resilience show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Linda Graham, a licensed marriage and family therapy, mindful self-compassion teacher, and the author of a beautiful new book Resilience. And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, rewiring your mind for maximum resilience through powerful practices for bouncing back from disappointment, difficulty, and even disaster. Key Points Discussed: What is resilience? How do we learn to bounce back? What does it mean that shift happens? What does it mean that how you respond to the issue is the issue? What’s the shift from the “poor me” to an empowered, active “I” How do we nurture flexibility of the mind? How does flexibility get derailed? What is conditioning? How can we change the relationship with what just happened? How do we accelerate brain change? What’s the importance of little and often? Why do we need “safety” in order to rewire the mind? How do posit
HOW TO FIND GREATER COURAGE & STRENGTH IN ANY MOMENT!!! A Fierce Heart Self-Help Tips & Guided Meditation from Spring Washam
25/11/2019 Duration: 01h09minIf you’ve ever greater strength, courage and wisdom, especially during trying times then do we have the A Fierce Heart show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Spring Washam, a visionary meditation and dharma teacher based in California and South America, a founding teacher of the East Bay Meditation Center, a member of the Spirit Rock Teachers Council, Founder of Lotus Vine Journeys and the author of a beautiful, transformative book, a Fierce heart. And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about finding strength, courage, wisdom, and self-compassion, in each and every moment.
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SUCCESS & HOW TO USE IT! Plus Guided Meditation! Self-Help & Sports Psychology Tips from Dr Michael Gervais
22/11/2019 Duration: 01h23minIf you’ve ever wanted to achieve your dreams, or reach your goals, then do we have the finding mastery show for you! Today I’ll be talking with high performance psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais who’s worked with the seattle seahawks, the high flying Felix Baumgartner, and countless other professional athletes is the co-creator of Compete to Create along with Coach Carroll, and is the host of the Finding Mastery Podcast. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about what it takes to find mastery, and the imagery work and inner work it takes to get you there. Key Points Discussed: How did Dr. Michael Gervais discover sports psychology? What were his own early challenges in sports? How did he begin studying performance psychology, and who did he study under? When did he begin using imagery or visualization work? How important is the inner journey to success? What’s the importance of discovering ourselves on our path? Why is failure important? What’s the root of fear and what can you do with
22/11/2019 Duration: 01h14minIf you’ve ever wanted the assistance of the spiritual world, then do we have The Book of Ceremony show for you. Today I’ll be speaking with Sandra Ingerman, licensed therapist, shamanic practitioner, and the best-selling author of shamanic Journey, walking in the light, and her latest, beautiful creation, The Book of Ceremony. Key Points Discussed: How did nature help you in dealing with depression? What’s it mean to set up a divine connection within yourself? What’s it mean to work with the elements? What’s the importance of greeting and welcoming the ancestors of the land? What’s it mean to create sacred space and incubate conscious intentions? What’s it mean to transform negative thoughts through ceremony? How can we create positive outcomes by bringing the sacred into everyday life? What does it mean to bring the sacred into everyday life? What exactly is ceremony? How do we create ceremonies in our lives? When do we want to create ceremony? What are the most common reasons for holding ceremony? What doe
21/11/2019 Duration: 01h03minIf you’ve ever wanted to find greater success without selling out then do we have the miracle of definite chief aim show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, a leader in the new thought movement, PEN Award-Winning historian, author of “The Miracle Club”, and the Napoleon Hill Success Course series which includes “The Miracle of a Definite Chief Aim” and “One Simple Idea”, and a fantastic new masterclass, “The Mastery of Good of Luck”. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to find the success you’re looking for without selling out. Plus we’ll talk about Steve Ditko and Spiderman, the fight club and the art of war, boxing and Mitch Horowitz, who in the world is Mr. A, and what in the world satan’s honor roll has to do with anything. Key Points Discussed: What in the world does satanism have to do with anything? (03:00) Following a path outside of the traditional path to find our own internal ethics (06:19) Is society today missing an honorable code of ethics? (08:
19/11/2019 Duration: 01h07minIf you’ve ever wanted to turn your relationships into magic, then do we have the Relationship Magic Show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Guy Finley, the incredible best-selling author of The Secret of Letting go and at least 45 other books and audio programs, the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, and the author of an illuminating new look at relationships, Relationship Magic. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to heal your heart, and love unconditionally. Key Points Discussed: How did Guy Finley grow up with Hollywood Glitz and the like of Lucille Ball and Liza Minnelli? What did he discover from being with the Hollywood in crowd? How’d he end up traveling the world, and what didn’t he find? What’s the gift of being divinely dissatisfied? What is really going on when our partner is fighting with us? What does it mean that an attack is not an attack? How are relationships helping to protect us? What is a gentle bull and how is one tamed? What is a patt
18/11/2019 Duration: 01h39sIf you’ve ever who you struggled with dicks in your life, then do we have the Don’t Be a Dick, show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Mark B. Borg, Jr, PhD, a licensed clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, the co-author of Irrelationship, Relationship Sanity, and author of his latest work on not becoming dick-free, Don’t Be a Dick! And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about what it means when we attract dicks into our lives, how to deal with dicks, and how to know if we’ve become dick’s ourselves. That plus we’ll talk about Satyagraha, hospitality, stone cold dicks, the danger of Impletives, nuclear snubs, what on earth is a grawlix and what in the world is a turd hurdler???
HOW TO REDISCOVER YOUR AUTHENTIC NATURE!!! Self-Help & Spirituality Tips from Michael Sandler and CJ Liu
15/11/2019 Duration: 37minIf you’ve ever wanted superpowers, then do have the plug back into nature show for you. Today we’ll talk about the healing, quieting, zen-like, and recharging powers of nature, and how to access it almost from your back door. Plus we’ll talk about San Francisco trip, nature’s healing, passion-compassion, finishing Camino, integrating new parts, extroversion, the power of scenery, action, smells, decoration, incense, meditation, channeling energy, earthing animal, sliding in the mud, and what in the world chipmunk breakfasts have to do with anything. Key Points Discussed: Becoming more simple and not trying to think and understand how everything works (02:44) The meaning that one gets from the Camino and learning that nature heals us (05:26) Rediscovering our authentic nature and walking into our beingness (10:08) Tuning in to the signals and the power of operating in the felt sense (17:18) Healing and transitioning by learning from a group of people who have gone through a transition (22:53) The theory
HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR DIVINE LIGHT AND TRULY SHINE BRIGHT!!! Plus a Guided Meditation! Self-Help Tips from Audrey Kitagawa, JD
14/11/2019 Duration: 01h06minIf you’ve ever wondered who you really are, why you’re here, and what you could do to make a difference in the world, then do have the discover your greatness and change the world show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Audrey Kitagawa, JD, the current chair of the UN Task Force and the Programmatic Areas Standing Committee of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, the United Nations Representative for the United Religions Initiative, and Chair Emerita of the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns. And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about discovering our own spirituality and greatness, and how we can make a true difference in our own lives, and the entire world. Key Points Discussed: What we can do to discover/re-discover our true divine nature (03:30) Floating on the ceiling incident in Elementary school (04:30) The cry baby who became a lawyer and the experience that transformed her from within (06:00) Who was she referring to, who are the two masters t
MIND-BLOWING PROOF OF LIFE AFTER LIFE!!! Self-Help & Spirituality Tips from Dr. Raymond Moody and Lisa Smartt
13/11/2019 Duration: 01h06minIf you’ve ever wondered if there’s an afterlife and answers to life’s greatest questions, then do we have the show for you. Today I’ll be talking with one of the world’s leading authorities on NDE’s, Dr. Raymond Moody, the best-selling author of Life After Life who actually coined the term Near Death Experience (NDE). And Lisa Smartt, literacy expert and the best-selling author of a brilliant book on final words called Words at the Threshold, about their elevating new project, The University of Heaven. And that’s just what I want to talk with them about, about life beyond life and answers to life’s greatest questions from near-death experiences, shared death experiences, and even after-death experiences. Key Points Discussed: How Dr. Moody learned about near-death experiences. What happened when Dr. Moody went to medical school after becoming an expert on NDE’s. How did Lisa Smartt get interested in people’s final or dying words? What can we learn from the language of nonsense – people’s last words, or wo
12/11/2019 Duration: 55minIf you’ve ever wanted to become a boundary badass then do we have the setting boundaries will set you free show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Nancy Levin, an all-time favorite guest of mine, the best-selling author of “Worthy”, “Jump”, “The New Relationship Blueprint”, and an incredible must-read on boundaries, “Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free” And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about how to tell the truth, create connection, and find freedom to become a boundary badass. Key Points Discussed: What do a Wayne Dyer briefcase and a 4 am flight have to with anything? (03:05) Giving the father of motivation a finger and cross personal boundaries to achieve a goal (08:30) What is boundary blindness? (11:24) The energetic risk of serving others and not yourself (15:22) How do we know if we need to set boundaries? (16:02) Common myths about boundaries and applying the simplest boundary in the world (18:43) Knowing our non-negotiables and how to make ourselves a priority inst
HOW TO FIND MORE PEACE IN YOUR LIFE!!! Plus a Guided Meditation! Self-Help and Spirituality Tips from Lexie Brockway Potamkin
11/11/2019 Duration: 01h01minIf you’ve ever wanted to find more peace in your heart and in your life, then do we have the what is peace show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Lexie Brockway Potamkin, a human rights activist, counselor, and minister, former Miss World USA, a speaker before the UN, a collaborator with the Dalai Lama and Tibetan monks, and the author of a brilliant series of books including “What is Spirit?” “What is Peace?” and “What is Love?” And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about “What is Peace?”, how they’re each interrelated, that plus death and laughter too, and how we can bring more peace into our lives. Key Points Discussed: How to bring more peace into our lives right now (03:17) Going back in time, what can you tell us about your dad? (03:32) What did your parents teach you about making your life the argument (05:34) How in the world did you end up in beauty pageants and how many pageants were there along the way to Miss World USA? (08:26) Death as a doorway to something greater