Our Goals to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 174 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!!!
How Your Angels Are Trying to Get Your Attention! Most Common Signs with Michael Sandler
21/09/2022 Duration: 47minIf you've ever wondered whether Angels are speaking to you or not then do we have the show for you. You're angels are always speaking to you, and they often have "funny" ways of getting your attention! There are far more synchronicities and strings being pulled on us in different ways than we can ever imagine. The techniques Angels use to get your attention can be deemed "interesting". At times the signs are subtle and othertimes a quite obvious smack in the face! We'll look into the types of signs Angels can give us, and may have already given us, and what we can do once we acknowledge these signs. Check out our new Inspire Nation Meditations channel: Full show on YouTube: To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience" - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandle
How To Use Your Power to Reignite Positive Change In Your Life! Michelle Gielan
19/09/2022 Duration: 52minDo you want to bring more positivity to the world, to help your friends, co-workers, or even husband or wife to shine bright? Well if so, or if you ever wished the world was a brighter place, then do we have the show for you! Today we'll be talking with Michelle Gielan about the positive side of the news, and the power we all have to ignite and create positive change and how we can all broadcast happiness. We’ll look at power leads, digging for gold, how to go viral, why optimists do it better, the importance of a one-handed clap, why you CAN get pregnant after age 35 and how Dolly the Llama can help you land your dream job. Michelle Gielan is a national CBS News anchor turned positive psychology researcher, and the bestselling author of Broadcasting Happiness: The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change. Michelle is the Founder of the Institute for Applied Positive Research and is partnered with Arianna Huffington to study how transformative stories fuel success. She is an Executive Prod
How to Hear & Do What Your SOUL Wants You TO DO | Michael Beckwith
16/09/2022 Duration: 01h21minYour Soul has a plan and a purpose for you. The question is, can you hear it? In this fascinating interview with Michael Bernard Beckwith of The Secret you'll learn how to hear the calling of your soul, get in alignment with your Soul, and how to do what your soul wants, which ultimately may be exactly what you want as well! Michael B. Beckwith is a famed speaker from The Secret (2006 documentary), best-selling author, and founder of the AGAPE Center. - Agape International Spiritual Center - Michael Bernard Beckwith's website To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience" - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to
The Only PROOF You Need That Divine Guidance Works! A 7 Year Miracle Revealed! Michael Sandler
14/09/2022 Duration: 01h06minIt's often hard to see in the moment, but Divine Guidance works, and whether you call them Angels or Spirit Guides, the Universe is always speaking to you, and always guiding you. Today is the 7-year anniversary of something so dumbfounded, we almost can't believe it, and when we look back, we see clear and total proof of steering from the Universe. So come join us for this amazing, celebratory, guiding special event tonight that'll help you find Divine steering and guidance in your life as well! Watch the video show on YouTube: To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience" - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to For
The ONE Thing You Should Start Doing To Achieve Your Dreams! Tandra, Happiness & Peace | Marc Allen
12/09/2022 Duration: 01h07minIf you want to live the life of your dreams, overcome fears, find greater inner peace, succeed, and experience incredible joy and beauty in every moment then this is the show for you! Today we're talking with Marc Allen on tantra, or pure mindfulness in every moment, and how to use it to truly achieve your dreams. We discuss finding your passion, overcoming fear, moving past “failure”, and discovering happiness in every moment. Plus we discuss what Tantra means in the bedroom, and how you can take peak experiences with you throughout your day. And we discuss why you don’t need to be broke, just because you’re spiritual. As an incredibly successful multi-millionaire who entered his 30’s spiritual but broke, he shares tips for getting rich while doing what you love, and without sacrificing who you are or your spiritual beliefs. Marc co-founded New World Library (with Shakti Gawain) and has guided the company, as president and publisher, from a small start-up to its current position as a major player in th
What Your Angels and Guides are Trying to TELL You! Michael Sandler
09/09/2022 Duration: 01h12minYour Angels and Guides are always speaking to you, and what they have to say NEEDS to be heard, it can change the way you live, think and act - And YOU need a way to reach your Angels too (not to fret, there IS an answer, and you can keep them on speed-dial!) In this special show you'll hear messages from your Angels and Guides, AND how to hear them more clearly - for they are always speaking to us, just waiting to be heard. Watch the full video show: To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience" - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit: https://inspi
How ONE Step Can Change Your Life! Create Lasting Excellence with Dr. Robert Maurer
07/09/2022 Duration: 01h05minIf you’ve ever wanted more excellence in your life, with a better outlook, health, and greater success, then do we have the small steps show for you! I'll be talking with Dr Robert Maurer on all about creating lasting excellence, one step at a time! Dr. Robert Maurer, a faculty member at the UCLA and University of Washington Schools of Medicine, the Director of Science of Excellence, author of One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way and a second book I am absolutely smitten with, The Spirit of Kaizen: Creating Lasting Excellence One Small Step at a Time! Plus we'll talk about radars and chocolate, tasting insecticide, why you don’t want left turns, lost wrenches and aircraft carriers, the secret to a good party, the power of a kids meal, why you might want to throw out your first bite of food, and why it’s incredibly important to treat the Zappos van driver right! Visit: To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book,
How Can You TELL If You're Absorbing Other People's Energy? FREE Yourself with Michael Sandler
05/09/2022 Duration: 57minIt's all-too-easy to get stuck with someone else's energy, and lose track of your own, leading you to feel funny, make strange decisions, and literally, live the life of others. But there is a solution to this, a way to keep YOUR energy, and keep OTHERS energy from sticking to you. In this special event you'll learn how, plus how to tell if you're stuck with someone else's energy. To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience" - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit: We’ve got NEW Merch! - Follow
5 Secrets to Spiritual Awakening, Opening Your Heart & Connecting with God | Davidji on Sacred Powers
02/09/2022 Duration: 01h19minIf you’ve ever wanted true transformation your life, then do we have the Sacred Powers show for you. Today I’ll be talking with best-selling author Davidji, stress management expert, meditation teacher, and the author of a brilliant new book on awakened transformation, Sacred Powers: The Five Secrets to Awakening Transformation . We'll talk about discovering your sacred power & diving deep for awakened transformation, opening your heart, and connecting with the divine. Key Topics: • How did Davidji blow up his life? • What is a butterfly moment? • How did he end up in India? • What is a Nadi and how did he find one? • How did his life change from then on? • What are a few of the Five Divine Principles? • What does it mean the universe is within us? • What does it mean that alignment is everything? • What does it mean to understand our oneness? • What does it mean to accept ourselves in every moment? • What is the sacred affirmation Aham Brahmasmi – I am the Universe? • What is the divine principle o
Why Your Heart Knows Better Than Your Brain! Heart Coherence & How It Can Change Your Life! Howard Martin HEARTMATH
31/08/2022 Duration: 53minIf you’ve ever wanted to feel better, overcome fear and anxiety, and radically transform your life, and the lives of those around you, then do we have the Heart Math show for you. Today I'll be talking with Howard Martin on connecting with the intuitive guidance of our heart for greater health, reduced stress, and a happier, healthier humanity. Howard Martin, one of the leaders and founders of Heartmath, co-author of The Heart-Math Solution and a contributing author to a brilliant book on coherence, Heart Intelligence. HeartMath Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What is heart coherence? How can two people use heart coherence together? What’s the effect of heart coherence on multiple people? What’s the intelligence of the heart? What’s the field the heart generates? Is the heart more “powerful” than the brain? What is heart-brain communication? What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV)? What do we need to know about the autonomic nervous system? What is quick coherence? What is attitude breathin
Discover These Life Changing Lessons from the Author of Proof of Heaven | Dr. Eben Alexander
29/08/2022 Duration: 01h12minDr Eben Alexander on his near death experience, the rare disease that left him brain dead for 7 days and his experiences on the other side that were more real than reality itself. It was the ultimate twist of fate that a famous neurosurgeon who taught at Harvard, and would tell patients and students alike that the soul is merely an illusion of the mind, would be struck down with what should have been a fatal brain disease. He spent a week in a coma, brain-dead, with doctors suggesting his wife pull the plug. They gave up on anti-biotics and waited for him to die. But he came back, and with the most incredible near-death experience to share. This is a truly life-changing interview. Here’s a doctor who’s entire life was built around a premise that there is no afterlife. And yet when he returns, he shares a completely different story. If you believe his story, and it’s hard not to, then it completely changes, or affirms, everything we think about life, about death, and where we’re going from here. It can
The Most Powerful Energy Healing Technique! | Richard Gordon | Quantum-Touch
26/08/2022 Duration: 01h21minIf you’ve ever wanted to help your loved ones or others to heal, and wished there was something hands-on you could do, then do we have the healing show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Richard Gordon, best-selling author of Your Healing Hands: The Polarity Experience and author of one of our favorite books on healing, Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal (Third Edition). And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, using the power of touch to heal. Plus we’ll talk about JULIUS the Maine Coon, having fun with a stradavarius, charging wine, making grapefruit taste better, Teddy’s miraculous recovery, energy ball icons, and what we can all learn from Mr. Rabbit! Richard Gordon, founder of Quantum-Touch Organization, is a visionary and a pioneer. With 40 years of experience in the field of energy medicine, Richard is the best-selling author of ‘Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal’, now published in 17 languages, and ‘Your Healing Hands – The Polarity Experience’, available in 10 languages. While atten
How To Let Your Angels & Guides RE-ENERGIZE YOU! Michael Sandler
24/08/2022 Duration: 01h02minFor nearly everyone, this is an exhausting time - yet it need not be. Your Angels and Guides are just waiting to recharge you, all you need to do is learn how to tap in. In this special event, you'll learn how to tap in, refill the tanks and get the energy you need for everything in your life, especially the daunting stuff! Come join us and let the Universe re-energize YOU! $60.00 off School of Mystics! - To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience" - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit: https://inspi
How to Raise Your Consciousness to New Heights! | PMH Atwater on A Manual for Developing Humans
22/08/2022 Duration: 01h07minDo you want to raise your consciousness and vibrate at the highest level possible? Then do we have A Manual for Developing Humans, show for you! Today I'll be talking with P.M.H Atwater on being more fully aware, fully in touch with yourself, and being more fully human! Dr. PMH Atwater is a world-renowned experts on near death experiences, the brilliant author of more than 15 books including Dying to Know You and Beyond the Indigo Children, and the author of an amazing new handbook on life and consciousness, A Manual for Developing Humans. High Vibration Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: How is she 80 years young? What happened to her in 1977? What happened to PMH from her 3 near-death experiences Why you’re automatically spiritual. What it means to be human, or how to be a human being? How to be more fully what and who you are? What is the brain-mind assembly? What’s wrong with schools today? What’s the importance of movement, music, and dance? What’s the importance of using the body to
Are You Thinking Abundantly? How To Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs with Kyle Cease
19/08/2022 Duration: 01h22minAre you thinking abundantly? If you’ve ever wanted to think and feel more abundant, then do we have the Illusion of Money show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Kyle Cease, former stand-up comedian, actor, and the best-selling author of I Hope I screw this up, and his latest creation, The Illusion of Money. We’ll talk about why chasing money is stopping you from receiving it, how to overcome limiting beliefs and start thinking abundantly! Topics Include: Who was Sean Stevenson, and what was his message about life? How did Kyle Cease go from working stand up comedy (even with Jim Carrey) to writing and speaking? What was the switch that flipped, and how did Kyle know it was time for a change? What’s the amnesia so many people are experiencing? Why is money an illusion? What does it mean to fall in love with ourselves? How do we divorce our lifelong obsession with money? What does it mean to get into alignment with our highest selves? How do we feel abundant right now, even if we’re broke? What is the
ROO'S Near Death Experience - How To Call In Miracles & Let The Universe Help YOU! Michael Sandler
17/08/2022 Duration: 52minYes, Roo is a Survivor, and in this SPECIAL YouTube Event, you'll learn how we called in the Miracles, to keep him alive! And what he learned on the other side! It's often hard to see in the moment, but magic and miracles abound. It's just a matter of knowing how to look for them, and to allow them to chase you down. In this special YouTube Live, you'll learn how to call in the magic, find the miracles, and allow the Universe to bring you exactly what you need! The BEST Way to Call in Miracles from Your Angels, Guides, and the Universe! Michael Sandler To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience" - Automatic Writing Experience Course - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to For free
Can You Reach Out To Your Angelic Attendants? Who They Are & How with Julie Ryan
15/08/2022 Duration: 01h19minIf you’ve ever wondered what really happens when we transition from this life to the next, then do we have Angelic Attendants show for you. Today we'll talk all about our Angelic attendants and how they help us from the other side, and how we can call on angelic assistance ourselves. Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, medical intuitive and psychic, and the author of a phenomenal book on understanding life’s transitions, “Angelic Attendants” Angelic Attendants by Julie Ryan: Angel Messages for Kids by Julie Ryan: Visit: Key Points Discussed: Can we all communicate with the angels? Body scanning Journeying into the spirit world Understanding the different phases of transitioning as the body and spirit separate How common is it to be with someone after they pass on? Dissecting down the twelve phases of transition Do we all have guardian angels and how many do we have? Understanding visions of the dying as they t
What Are We Not Understanding About Spirituality & God? Teachings of Mother Meering | Mark Matousek
12/08/2022 Duration: 01h08minIf you’ve ever wondered if God is real, or really a part of each one of us, then do we have the Mother of the Unseen World show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Mark Matousek on the mystery of Mother Meera, and what it means for us! Mark Matousek is the author of two acclaimed memoirs, former editor at Interview magazine, featured blogger for and HuffPost, and the author of a mesmerizing new book, Mother of the Unseen World. Topics we'll talk about: What was spirituality like for Mark growing up? What life-changing event happened to him on August 2, 1984? How’d he end up going to Germany? And what was the spiritual experience that took place? Who is Mother Meera? What was her early childhood like? What were the high fevers she was getting and what was happening? What happened to her when she was six? How did she end up working as a servant? What happened to her on December 12, 1974 and what is Paratman’s light? What is Darshan? What is Mother Meera doing when she holds someone’s
Does Really Spirituality Change Your Brain? A Practical Guide To Health & Spirituality | Dr. Andrew Newberg
10/08/2022 Duration: 01h10minHave you questioned what really does meditation and prayer do to the brain? Then do we have the How God Changes the Brain and no theology show for you. Today we talk about breakthrough findings on science, spirituality, and the brain, and what it means for you. Dr. Andrew Newberg from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, a neuroscientist and pioneer in the neurological study of religious and spiritual experiences known as Neuro-Theology, and co-author of several of my all-time favorite books on the brain, including “How God Changes the Brain” and “Neurotheology”. Visit: To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience" ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit
How to Hear Messages from Beyond the Veil – Hear Like a Mystic! Michael Sandler
08/08/2022 Duration: 01h09minThe Universe is always speaking, but it's often far beyond words. Mystics and sages can hear it, but without training, it's hard for the common man - but the Universe wants to change all that. For at this time of great change, and the potential ascendance of humanity, we all need to be able to hear. In this fascinating show, you'll learn how to begin hearing like a mystic, getting downloads and knowledge, from the other side of the veil. To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience" ……. Follow Michael and Jessica’s exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit: We’ve got NEW Merch! - Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica