The Daily Boost: Best Daily Motivation | Life | Career | Goal Setting | Health | Law Of Attraction | Network Marketing

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 193:41:34
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Need Motivation? The best daily motivation is The Daily Boost! Find out what makes you happy! Reduce your stress! Get inspired! Master life skills like lifestyle design, balance, communication, career advancement and enjoy more success. The Daily Boost is the world's most popular daily motivation program. Scott Smith delivers a unique, straight talking, real, very funny, and extreamly effective strategies that will give you amazing results! The Daily Boost has been iTunes top ranked self-help program since 2004 – give it a listen and find out why so many people around the world make The Daily Boost part their day... every day. (More podcasts at


  • Live Your Purpose

    29/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    Live Your Purpose There's an incredible idea floating within your mind. It will soon demand your attention. "Is this all there is? Am I destined for something bigger?" You are. Here's how to discover your path: 1) Accept WHO you are on the inside by reviewing your past choices. The good ones are a clue. Do more of them. 2) Accept WHAT you do when you are doing you. It's not a thing; it's a feeling. 3) Accept WHEN when you want to begin living. Now is a good time. 4) Accept WHERE you are in your life. You CAN get there from here, as long as you know where HERE is. Accepting real purpose is usually revealed by your daily actions. If you don't like the direction you are heading, it's time to try a new one. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Better Than a To-Do List

    26/07/2024 Duration: 12min

    Better Than a To-Do List I'm sure you have a lot to do. If you use a To-Do list, I'd like to pass on advice that will make your days much more fun. LOSE your "To-Do List." Replace it with a" Did I Do It List."   To-Do Lists make you an employee of your checkmarks. They cause more stress the longer they get. A "Did I Do It List" assumes you know what must be done. Instead of chasing, you are checking to make sure you did it. An un-focused path produces additional tasks to fill your day. Using a "Did I Do It List" will focus you on your goals and create quick results. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Comfort Zone Holding You Back

    25/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    Comfort Zone Holding You Back I was sitting at the dining room table of a friend. We had been solving the problems of the world in an hours-long conversation when she asked, "What are you talking about on tomorrow's podcast?" When I told her that I hadn't thought about it yet, she said,  "Why don't you talk about why people don't take big chances and stay in their comfort zone for their entire life?" My mind did an instant review of my life and all the areas I had stumbled on before getting out of my way. I also remembered conversations with clients over the years on life's leaps. Before I could say anything, she said,  "I know what it is. People get so comfortable with what they've built, and they don't want to chance losing it. Their money, their home, they wonder what their family will say?" Is there anything else? "Yes. Everybody gets scared and freezes. I'm like that, but I've learned to push through fear and go for it - as long as I'm mostly sure I won't lose what I've built." We talked a bit mo

  • Productivity Secrets You Should Do

    24/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    Productivity Secrets You Should Do I have a saying - “Next year begins THIS year. Next month begins THIS month. Next week begins THIS week.” If you want to stay on track, accomplish your goals, and enjoy life more - you MUST take control of your calendar. It’s easier than you think: 1) Life will come at you FAST! Be sure to schedule any significant and can’t miss life events at least one year in advance. Put it on the calendar and block it out. You can always change your mind. 2) Hold your space. Decide in advance what you will be doing with your days. When will you work on projects? When will you see clients? When will you have fun?  3) Never end one week without locking in your schedule for the next - and stick to it.  When your day-to-day focus fulfills your goals this week, the future is always brighter. Focus, my friend. Focus. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Motivational Teaching Method

    23/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    Motivational Teaching Method Mrs. Etheridge was a 5th-grade teacher at Westgate Elementary in Manassas, Virginia. She had a special knack for motivating her most free-spirited student. Now, I wouldn't be honest if I were to you, I remember how she tamed a young boy who saw the world as a place to explore - mostly between the lines. But I will say that when you begin teaching and motivating others to reach their full potential, you quickly find ways to get them out of their own way, fire them up, and enjoy more success. When you first begin, meet others where they are and establish a frame for what is to come. That will get their attention. Next, strengthen the foundation by reminding them of what they already know and its impact on their life. The introduction of new knowledge arrives when they are open to receiving it. But since stacking new knowledge on top of old is like chasing shiny objects and forgetting everything you've already learned, integrating the new with the old is where you put it all to

  • Your Goal Setting Purpose?

    22/07/2024 Duration: 14min

    Your Goal Setting Purpose? I've always believed goal setting is the heartbeat of our lives.  Goal setting is one of the most powerful tools you have to create your best life. My question to you is… do you know what your best life is supposed to be? I came upon my belief not from a book or a guru but from a realization I had many years ago. I found I was happy when I was chasing something bigger than myself that was also in alignment with how I felt on the inside. I was unhappy when I was checking items off my list and not honoring my true self. After years of pondering, I concluded that a purposeful outcome would eliminate frustration and boredom and generate excitement and enthusiasm. That leads me to the two definitions of goals: 1) The end toward which effort is directed. 2) An area or object toward which players in various games attempt to advance a ball or puck and usually through or into which it must go to score points. Most people treat goals like the number two, a To-Do list, with a short-term

  • Before Your Life Got in The Way

    19/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    Before Your Life Got in The Way Can you remember when you filled your thoughts with dreams and ambitions? That’s how most of us live our early lives - until the real world splits into two distinct periods: 1) BEFORE life gets in the way. Anything IS possible. It’s a beautiful time when you run as fast as possible toward your goals, even if your parents disagree. 2) AFTER life gets in the way. Anything WAS possible. Life is good, but it’s not what you expected. Your parents would have said, “I told you so.” What if it was possible to remember what you wanted and why? What if you could stand on a foundation of wisdom and experience and combine what you have now with what you want? That would be a brand new life, wouldn’t it? Wait. It is possible. All you have to do is remember what you wanted all those years ago and start running after it again. Run fast. You’ve waited long enough. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • It’s Time To Explore

    18/07/2024 Duration: 12min

    It’s Time To Explore I’ve spent the last couple of days saying things like — “What do you do when you are doing you, and your purpose is to find your purpose?” Now, I realize that something so simple is also something most people will ignore.  I also realized that for some people, as soon they begin reading and realize they’ve already heard it, tune out and open the next email.  That’s unfortunate. Studies have long ago proven that repetition is the Mother of all skills. Yes, it takes time to learn new things and master them. But getting a new skill is not the value of repetition — it’s the doors it opens. When you opened my email yesterday, you were a different person than now. And tomorrow you will be different than you will be by the end of the week. As you explore your day, you’ll figure out what doesn’t work, lock in what does, and update your worldview. You will see things differently. The wisdom you collect will transform your personality as you explore your life and you will begin becoming th

  • Somebody Needs You Right Now

    17/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    Somebody Needs You Right Now When I was a teenager, I was a weekend moviegoer. It was the age of Rocky, Star Wars, and Jaws. Besides, with only three channels on television, getting out of the house was the top item on my to-do list. As a kid with big dreams, I quickly slipped into the fantasy world of films and let my mind run for a couple of hours. By the film's end, I was always excited to get on with life and become like the folks I watched in movies. That's when life got in the way. Like many young folks, I graduated high school, charged into the world, and waited for somebody else to lift me into my dreams. Well, things didn't work out the way I expected. That's when my mother-in-law gave me some very useful advice that I needed to hear — "You know, right now, Somebody needs what you have to offer, but because you're sitting around the house, they don't even know you exist. Get out there and let them know you are here." I can't tell you how many times in my life I've said to myself — "Somebody ou

  • Stop Procrastination With One Question

    16/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    Stop Procrastination With One Question Are you a member of the Procrastination Club?  Procrastination is the intentional and habitual postponement of an essential task that you should be doing.  Is that what you are doing? In my view, three things could be happening if you procrastinate - It may be possible that you are not procrastinating at all? Instead, you may be forcing yourself to do something that you don't need to do anyway. The other possibility is that it simply doesn't mean enough to you to start the process. Or, said another way, other things mean more to you. Finally, your wisdom is telling you this is not something you should be doing. Yes, you must complete some tasks. That's called being a responsible person. But if your list keeps getting longer, it's time to ask yourself a question - Is it important enough to me to get it done? If not, you know why you are procrastinating. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • What Do Successful People Do?

    15/07/2024 Duration: 14min

    What Do Successful People Do? If you study people who have succeeded in any area of their life, you will find they have much in common.  Not only do they follow a set of rules, but they also follow those rules no matter how much life gets in the way. What are those rules? The person who has the strongest "Why" wins. The person who shows up wins. The person who shows up on time wins. The person who is most persistent wins. The person show never assumes wins. The person who is the best at what they do wins. The person who plans and documents their journey and interactions wins. The person who never gives up total control to others wins. The person who accepts responsibility for themselves wins. The person who serves the most wins. The person who is grateful for everything wins. The actions you take automatically become the life you experience. It's essential to be mindful of where you are heading.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Don't Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

    12/07/2024 Duration: 14min

    Don't Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste A few years ago, the world changed when we were introduced to the coronavirus. It was as if we were racing down the Interstate at 85 miles per hour, slammed on our breaks, and directed off the nearest exit on an undefined detour. It all seemed to happen in an instant. The pandemic caused real pain and loss for some and fear and stress for others. Still, as surreal as it was, it wasn't long before most people began to notice the craziness of our previous lives replaced with a 'new normal'—one that felt more like a 'new nothing.'  Much to our surprise, life slowed to a crawl, schedules changed, and we found contentment by not chasing every shiny object that life presented. The pandemic pause caused people to reevaluate life from the inside out. While it happens all the time, this time, we noticed it. How often have you found yourself in an impossible situation that ended with one action?  You paid off debt, quit a job, and said goodbye to a bad relationship? How often h

  • Get What You Want

    11/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    Get What You Want In the last few years, people have become increasingly popular for sharing every little aspect of their lives with others. But, when it comes to getting what you want, keeping your plans to yourself is a powerful tool. Independence has just passed, and when I arrived at my desk on Monday, I had two client messages that made me smile. The first said, "I decided to spend my weekend practicing what I do in private so that I will be praised in public."  That's something I've said and done many times. The second client told me they had completed a new project over the weekend and were heading in a new direction. When I mentioned they had never said a word to me about it, they said, "I know. I'm learning that nobody needs to know what I'm doing to do it. I'll do it, and they can catch up." My heart smiled as I witnessed three powerful tools impact my client's lives: 1) Practice privately until you are ready to share with the world. Nobody needs to know how you got so good at what you do. 2

  • Increase Momentum in Your Life

    10/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    Increase Momentum in Your Life Have you ever found yourself stalled? A few years ago, I had big plans, but nothing was moving forward. Other people didn't seem to get the memo that I was on a mission, yet nobody was there to help. We've all been in situations where nobody will return your call. Your email gets ghosted. You can't get support or commitment for your future world-saving plans. That's what happened to me, and I decided to create my momentum. I called it my "Momentum Freight Train."  My first use of my new mindset was to get my future wife to take our relationship more seriously. Everything was going great - but I needed to be faster for me. So, before our next date, I said to myself - "I'm not going to wait for permission. I'm going to build my life, no matter what. If she doesn't join me, I'll ride my momentum to someone who will." It's important to understand that creating your momentum is not negative thinking. On the contrary, people notice attractive energy - and she did. I was off an

  • Increasing Productivity

    09/07/2024 Duration: 12min

    Increasing Productivity I have a question for you. What is your ONE most important activity?   What is the ONE core activity that makes everything else okay? What is the ONE core activity that, if you don’t do, causes everything to fall apart? In Brian Tracy’s book Eat The Big Frog First, he recognized that many people focus on anything but the most critical activity in their life. They are usually surprised when things fall apart. Is it showing up for work on time or doing a great job at work? Could it be your unflinching attention to your family? Does your business have ONE activity that causes people to buy from you? When you focus on your ONE most important activity - and do it first - everything else gets easier. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Improving Your Financial Situation

    08/07/2024 Duration: 14min

    Improving Your Financial Situation Most people say money is their top concern when it comes to improving their lives. Tony Robbins said, “Making money won’t solve all your problems - but at least you will arrive at your problems in style.” Making more money, no matter how little, will solve most of your problems. It is also the magic juice that will fuel your dreams.  If you want enough money to create the life of your dreams: 1) KNOW what kind of life you desire. Be realistic about how much you need. 2) Making money is about adding VALUE to the person giving you some of their money. They don’t have to do it. Make their life better and help them reach their dreams. They’ll happily help you do the same. 3) Set a financial goal and keep track of it. Forward momentum is your friend.  4) Save some for yourself right off the top. Even 1% will add up over time. Plus, seeing your “profit’ will motivate you even more. 5) Stop trading hours for dollars. Once you have momentum, shift your mindset to passive and residua

  • Supercharge Your Self-Esteem

    05/07/2024 Duration: 14min

    Supercharge Your Self-Esteem Do you have goals and dreams? If so, Confidence and Self-esteem will play a significant role.  Confidence is feeling good about your worth or abilities and self-respect. Self-esteem is a feeling of self-assurance—an appreciation for your abilities or qualities. Confidence and Self-esteem can be developed over time, and you gain them through experience.  Yes, it's possible to fake it until you make it. It's better to jump in head first. Everything you do today is an opportunity to become a more self-confident person who appreciates you and has self-respect. There is no secret to building self-esteem. Do what you do. Do it well. Acknowledge your success. Repeat. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The Magic of Anticipation

    04/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    The Magic of Anticipation It's fascinating how children effortlessly balance living in the present with eagerly anticipating the next exciting event. Perhaps it's time we all rediscover this simple yet powerful approach. Remember those special events from your childhood that filled you with such excitement that you could barely contain it? The ones that kept you buzzing all day and even stole your sleep at night.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to bring back that feeling?  The trick to harness the power of anticipation is to keep a steady stream of exciting moments in your future. I call this the Anticipation Engine. These two things to keep in mind: 1) Your energy is dependent on getting excited about your future. Keep your list long. 2) Once an event passes, your excitement will disappear. Enjoy the current moment. Don't rush ahead, but always have something fun coming next. Living a life of anticipation always gives a natural energy boost. If your life is bland - schedule something fun and get excited again.  Le

  • Give Up Dreams to Get Dreams

    03/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    Give Up Dreams to Get Dreams John Lennon was famous for saying, "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans."  Over the years, I've found that folks tend to ACT and DO what serves them best. And they do it while dreaming and planning for something else. It's an exhausting way to live. You can set yourself free by making a simple decision. If you want something different, do it now!  If you can't get yourself to do it, consider that it may not be as important to you as you think. If that's the case, get your ego out of the way and scratch it off your list.  You're going to surprise yourself with new opportunities. They have been hiding for years, waiting for you to make space. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Are Your Friends Holding You Back?

    02/07/2024 Duration: 13min

    Are Your Friends Holding You Back? The success and happiness that you have in your life is a direct result of something your Mom was always asking - Who are your friends? If they are positive, you will be positive. Are they negative? You will be negative. If they have money, you will have money. Are they broke?  You get my point. Your life will inevitably mirror those closest to you. But remember, you have the power to choose who these people are. Choose wisely, and you'll be on the path to success and happiness. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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