The Daily Boost: Best Daily Motivation | Life | Career | Goal Setting | Health | Law Of Attraction | Network Marketing

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 193:41:34
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Need Motivation? The best daily motivation is The Daily Boost! Find out what makes you happy! Reduce your stress! Get inspired! Master life skills like lifestyle design, balance, communication, career advancement and enjoy more success. The Daily Boost is the world's most popular daily motivation program. Scott Smith delivers a unique, straight talking, real, very funny, and extreamly effective strategies that will give you amazing results! The Daily Boost has been iTunes top ranked self-help program since 2004 – give it a listen and find out why so many people around the world make The Daily Boost part their day... every day. (More podcasts at


  • Mindset for Success (Part One)

    02/08/2021 Duration: 15min

    “On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.” — Anonymous Here are a few ideas to help you rise to your full potential: 1) Live a good lifestyle. Eat good stuff and exercise. Simple. 2) Think long-term. Find your groove. Stick with it. 3) Play BIG. Small thinking is not why you were born. 4) Be responsible. No more excuses. They are not helping you be happy. 5) Learn to be more flexible. Stop being hard-headed. Go with the flow to get what you want. 6) Embrace hard work. There is no “Magic Bullet.” When you become the person you want to be, you transform yourself into the person you were meant to be. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Why You Need WHY

    30/07/2021 Duration: 11min

    As I arrive at 4,000 episodes of the Daily Boost on my way to my goal of 5,000, I've been thinking about WHY I do this program instead of what I initially planned. You have no doubt heard that grand goals require that you completely understand WHY you're going after a goal to succeed. Folks in my world tend to simplify it by asking, "What's your why?" The first reason to know WHY you want to do something is that everything is always more complicated than you initially imagine it would be to accomplish. Without a strong WHY, you'll give up. But, many folks forget that a real WHY may hide from you. A long time ago, when I was in the first couple hundred or so Daily Boost episodes, I with a mentor of mine. He asked WHY I was focused on a speaking career when I enjoyed the podcast? I jokingly said, "To get me out of the house?" Yes, I was half kidding. But frankly, I'm was happy with my life and had nothing to prove by getting on stage. That isn't a driver for me. He didn't buy my answer. After a bit mor

  • Doing Nothing is Better Than Doing Something

    29/07/2021 Duration: 11min

      Before begin, I want to define what I mean by doing nothing. I don’t see doing ‘nothing’ as something unproductive. Instead, I see ‘nothing’ as a protected personal space that lies between your thoughts and your actions. It is a place that provides a contemplation and planning opportunity before launching into massive and focused action design to reach your outcome and achievement of your goal. It is a holding space where inspiration, desperation, motivation, even intimidation, bubble up into your consciousness and await your next action. Instead of moving your thoughts immediately into action mode or never moving at all, both of which cause unnecessary drama, you purposefully quarantine your thoughts until you are assured in your success plan or decide to take a new direction. Doing nothing looks like this: 1) All thoughts and potential actions arrive in your mind and are held for evaluation. 2) Unless based on a previous decision and cleared for instant action, you always take the time to ensure t

  • Aiming For Success

    28/07/2021 Duration: 16min

    Victor Frankl’s ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ is one of the books that I read every couple of years as a reminder of what is important in life. This passage is one reason why - “Don’t aim for success—the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue that it only does so as a side-sect of one’s personal dedication to cause greater than oneself or as a by-product of one’s surrender to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it.” In other words, do what you’re best at doing and let it happen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • How to Find Your Purpose and Passion

    27/07/2021 Duration: 17min

    “If you don’t know your purpose, your purpose is to find your purpose.” That simple piece of advice has freed thousands of frustrated people and allowed them to move toward their dreams without fear and anxiety. “You already know what your purpose feels like and are probably living much of it out right now.” Another piece of advice that simply requires a look inside for clues that will make you happy. So, how do you do that? There are many actionable steps you could take, but I believe what you are looking for is waiting inside of you to be discovered. Find a few minutes today, grab a journal, tune into yourself and ask: The purpose and passion I seek begin when I accept what my heart is telling me. What is my heart telling me? I will always be moving toward a purposeful and passionate life when I have clarity of thought, a defined outcome, and take the time to create a roadmap to reach my goal. What are my thoughts? It’s okay to admit being fearful, but initiating action and maintaining continuous m

  • Purposeful Goal Setting 

    26/07/2021 Duration: 17min

    I've always believed goal setting is the heartbeat of our lives. Goal setting is one of the most powerful tools you have to create your best life. My question to you is… do you know what your best life is supposed to be? I came upon my belief not from a book or a guru but from a realization I had many years ago. I found I was happy when I was chasing something bigger than myself that was also in alignment with how I felt on the inside. I was unhappy when I was checking items off my list and not honoring my true self. After years of pondering, I concluded that a purposeful outcome would eliminate frustration and boredom and generate excitement and enthusiasm. That leads me to the two definitions of goals: 1) The end toward which effort is directed. 2) An area or object toward which players in various games attempt to advance a ball or puck and usually through or into which it must go to score points. Most people treat goals like the number two, a To-Do list with a short-term outlook. People who focus on

  • Is The Universe Ganging Up on You?

    23/07/2021 Duration: 18min

      I’m not sure how you feel about the Universe and how things work in the world, but does the Universe speak to you? I can’t tell you if the ‘Universe’ stands alone or if ‘God’ created the ‘Universe’ and runs the show. That’s so far above my pay-grade that it amounts to a pile of cash bigger than Mount Everest.  What I can say is this. We live and breathe every day in a world that is ganging up on us and trying to get our attention. The question is, are you listening? While there are many ways people seek to receive messages of guidance as we make life decisions, my favorite has always been events the occur in triplicate. If something happens three times, I pay attention. Call me hard-headed, distracted, or set in my ways, but life has taught me that wisdom tends to come in whispers - usually when our thoughts are screaming in our head and drowning out our dreams. Now, let me be clear... A friend calling three times to go out on the town doesn’t count in my book. Snoozing your alarm clock three times

  • Does Your Book Have a Happy Ending

    21/07/2021 Duration: 16min

    If you could write a book about the person you have become today, would it have a happy ending? A good portion of my day is interacting with clients around the world. They are usually upbeat, open to problem-solving, and seeking my advice to help them. Or, as they would say, “help me get out of my way and get my act together. That’s where writing a book comes to mind and a good question from me - “Okay. Before we begin, if you were to write a book about yourself in the future, would it have a happy ending?” Their answer is always, ”Yes! That’s why I’m here today.” My next question is, “If you were to write your book today, what would the answer be?” “Hmm… I would say average. Not great. Not bad. Certainly not a book anybody would read.” As the conversation continues, I make these points: 1) All of us get in our own way. That’s how we learn. And we all have our act together until we recognize that we want another act. That’s called growth. 2) People who live an averagely life almost always spend more t

  • Don't Let Simple Get Complicated

    20/07/2021 Duration: 12min

      Way back in 2005, when Motivation To Move began, I found myself focused on creating the world's simplest success recipe when I said, "Stand up. Take a step. REPEAT!" My way of thinking told me that everything else would take care of itself if that's all I did. It has proven me correct again and again. But, say that you get yourself moving and are having challenges maintaining forward momentum? In The One Thing, Gary Keller writes, "Success is sequential, not simultaneous." In other words, it's not about doing everything at one time. It's about having one success at a time. When you Stand up, take a step, and repeat, you are already guaranteed to have more success than the average human. But the magic happens when you define your focus. Gary Keller also has a suggestion that will help. Ask yourself one question… "What's the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?" Yes. It is a simple question, and you may attempt to complicate your answer. Don't do it.

  • Why Live Your Life in Somebody Else's Dreams?

    20/07/2021 Duration: 20min

      All I have ever wanted to do is have fun, impact people in a mostly positive way, make them laugh, have a great family and friends, make some money, and not take life too seriously.  Simple enough. But in the over-complicated and widely distracting monkey-see-monkey-do world we live in, it's easy to get what you want and still end up with a superficially satisfying life. In fact, I would suggest such a life is easy to achieve and perfect for anybody willing to get out of bed and join the world. Life is averagely good. But what if your inner voice is screaming, "there MUST be MORE?" Well, there is more. But only if you create it. That may scare you, but it won't if you realize and accept one thing - Someone else has created every single experience you have in your day-to-day life. Somebody else imagined building the city you call home. Somebody else imagined designing the car you drive. Somebody else imagined the phone in your pocket. That fact is, somebody else woke up and decided to turn their d

  • The Best Change is Self-Inflicted Change

    19/07/2021 Duration: 11min

    A year and a half ago, the world changed when we were all introduced to something called CorinaVirus. It was as if we were racing down Interstate 95 at 75 miles-per-hour, slammed on our breaks, and directed off the nearest exit on an undefined detour. It all seemed to happen in an instant. The pandemic caused real pain and loss for some. Fear and stress for others. Still, as surreal as it was, it wasn't long before most people began to notice the craziness of our previous lives replaced with a 'new normal' - one that felt more like a 'new nothing.' Much to our surprise, life slowed to a crawl, schedules changed, and we found contentment by not chasing every shiny object that life presented. It turns out the pandemic pause caused people to reevaluate life from the inside out. While it happens all the time, this time, we noticed it. How many times have you found yourself in an impossible situation that came to an end with one action? You paid off debt, quit a job, you said goodbye to a bad relationship? Ho

  • Time to Focus Bigger?

    16/07/2021 Duration: 10min

    The older I get, the more I fiddle with small things that drive me crazy but keep me busy. And I do it with the full knowledge it’s not the best use of my time, below my pay grade, and distracting from big stuff I should be doing. Over the years, I’ve noticed almost everybody I know does the same thing. I’ve also learned it doesn’t have to do with procrastination as much as getting a quick win and a short-term payoff. Yes, the reward for more significant projects is getting what you want, but check off your list of little stuff is distractingly intoxicating. It makes you feel good all day but keeps you awake a night.  The solution is to think bigger. As I work through my day, I focus on the biggest, broadest, and most important mission in my life. Is it family? Is it your health? Do you want to make more money? Is it time to give back more? When you have a great picture painted in your mind, your mission becomes your focus, and you will do whatever it takes to move closer to that vision. That’s why - “I

  • How To Make Your Luck

    15/07/2021 Duration: 10min

    Have you noticed that some people seem to get luckier than others? Have you also noticed that they are not just sitting around collecting luck? Getting lucky is almost always the result of taking action on an opportunity that presents itself. Even finding a twenty-dollar bill on the sidewalk resulted from having the chance to take a walk - and doing it. There are three rules to attracting more luck into your life: 1) Get in the habit of seeking and recognizing opportunities that cross your path every day. They may be hidden, so keep your eyes open. 2) When you spot one, immediately decide if taking action will move you closer to your goals. 3) If your heart and soul tell you to go for it, jump in with both feet, commit to your action, and get busy turning that opportunity into the luck you’ve been seeking. In the future, when somebody asks how you’ve been so lucky in your life, tell them that you like to stay busy. The rest takes care of itself. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Manufacturing More Time to Reach Your Goals

    14/07/2021 Duration: 11min

      What if I were to tell you "the thing" you want to do or be will happen when you do something else? With so much happening in everyday life, it's easy to get caught up in the rhythm of the day. It's like engaging the auto-pilot and sitting back and enjoying the flight called life. But what happens when things get bumpy, and you need to change your trajectory? That's what happened to a client recently. The first question I asked and somebody seeks advice is, “What are we working on today?” Keep in mind, as they fill me in on their outcome, I expect my answer will be 180 degrees from what they think they are going to hear. "You call your company Motivation To Move. Well, I've built a successful company, but I've let myself go. I need the motivation to lose weight and get in shape." Starting with his outcome, my client's question was reasonable. But being reasonable doesn't always lead you to the result you want. Sometimes you have to dig deeper to find the unreasonable cause. When you do, everything ch

  • Are Emotional Triggers Getting The Best of You?

    13/07/2021 Duration: 10min

      Have you ever caught yourself doing or saying something you swore you would never do?  You are TRIGGERED! It can be frustrating when you set the rules and don't follow them. Sometimes you put your foot in your mouth. Sometimes you put the pizza in your mouth. In any case, your emotional habits are triggering your actions. Usually, before you can do anything about it. Controlling behaviors that have been on auto-pilot for years takes: 1) Catching yourself after the trigger, notice your mistake, and stop it sooner next time. 2) Catching yourself while you are being triggered. Get control as soon as you can. You’re getting better. 3) Catching yourself before you ae trigger and avoid it altogether. Your life is now in your control. Don’t let emotional triggers throw you off track of your goals. Pay attention to your behaviors and make small adjustments until you get what you want. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Prepare For Greatness

    12/07/2021 Duration: 11min

    With the craziness of life, are you having difficulty breaking through to the greatness that is YOU? What does greatness take? 1) Imagination. Your ability to form images, ideas, and sensations in your mind. Without help from anything or anybody. 2) Enthusiasm. Living life with the excitement of feeling is PASSION. Only involve yourself in activities that you are enthusiastic about. 3) Persistence. Life is long. Things take time. Learn to love being doggedly persistent. It will serve you well. 4) Faith. Live your life in complete trust and confidence in someone or something. Have faith in yourself. Imagination. Enthusiasm. Persistence. Faith. That's living. Imagine how good it could be with a bit of Gratitude? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Start Living Your Perfect Day

    09/07/2021 Duration: 11min

    What if every day, for the rest of your life, was perfect?  If you build it, they will come! Your subconscious mind is a beautiful thing. You can engage its power to create your Perfect Day. Here’s how: 1) Write down a clear, event-by-event vision of what your perfect day would be. What will you do today? 2) There are no rules. No limitations. No consequences. Don’t be shy. Be honest about what you want. 3) Believe it can be yours. You deserve it. You must believe something is possible before it will become possible. If you follow these steps, your subconscious mind will seek ways to make your dreams come true. All it needs is a partner willing to take action, and that’s your job. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • What if Today Was Your Last

    08/07/2021 Duration: 11min

    If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do today? How about a week, month, or year? What would be necessary for you? The truth is that we all will move on from this world in the coming days, weeks, months, or years. You can’t escape the escape. How will you live today? Will you spend more time with family, write, travel, get famous, make money? Whatever your answer, you should begin as soon as possible. Live like tomorrow will never come, and you will always be happy today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Keep Your Plans a Secret

    07/07/2021 Duration: 12min

    In the last few years, it has become increasingly popular for people to share every little aspect of their lives with others. But, when it comes to getting what you want in life, keeping your plans to yourself is a powerful tool The 4th of July has just passed, and when I arrived at my desk on Monday, I had two messages from clients that made me smile. The first said, "I decided to spend my weekend practicing what I do in private so that I will be praised in public." That's something I’ve said and done many times. The second client told me they had completed a new project over the weekend and heading in a new direction. When I mentioned they had never said a word to me about it, they said, "I know. I'm learning that nobody needs to know what I'm doing to do. I'll do it, and they can catch up." My heart smiled as I witness three powerful tools impact my client's lives: 1) Practice in private until you are ready to share with the world. Nobody needs to know how you got so good at what you do. 2) There's n

  • Keeper of the Vision

    06/07/2021 Duration: 12min

    Do you have an image in your mind of what you would like your life to be - except when life gets in the way? There's no doubt that daily life events have a funny way of distracting us from reaching goals. It's just too easy to put them on the back burner. That's why you need to become the keeper of your vision. Every day thousands of opportunities will arrive on your path and detour you from what you want. That's why it's up to you to guard your vision by asking a simple question - Will this opportunity move me closer to the lifestyle I desire or further away? Simple. Know YOUR vision. Defend YOUR vision. Live YOUR Vision. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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