Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance



Free fitness, nutrition, biohacking, fat loss, anti-aging and cutting-edge health advice from! Tune in to the latest research, interviews with exercise, diet and medical professionals, and an entertaining mash-up of ancestral wisdom and modern science, along with Q&A's and mind-body-spirit optimizing content from America's top personal trainer.


  • Stack Cold Thermogenesis, Blood Flow Restriction & Grounding With High Intensity Interval Training For Massive Cardiovascular & Hormonal Gains

    26/08/2023 Duration: 01h09min

    For years, I’ve been talking about how if I could choose one single method of cardiovascular training to do the rest of my life, it would be the use of this strange “VASPER" machine that holds a hollowed place in my home gym. It’s a bit difficult to describe, but essentially VASPER combines blood flow restriction/compression, cold thermogenesis, and full-body high-intensity interval training in a single 21-minute workout that seems to give the same benefits as, a comparable 2- to 3-hour workout of running, cycling, swimming, etc. It’s truly something I consider to be the ultimate biohacking “shortcut” to getting fit. Don’t give me wrong: it’s a challenging workout when you use VASPER, but when you combine all of the technologies within this impressive unit, the fitness payoff is huge. In today's chat with Peter Wasowski, we unravel the magic behind VASPER, merging compression, cooling, and high-intensity workouts. We'll touch on its unique effects on body temperature and blood flow, and even get a sneak peek

  • Q&A 460: Sex & Fertility, Smart Drugs, Can Cholesterol Increase Testosterone, The Truth About "Natural Flavors", Is Nitric Oxide Bad? & Much More.

    24/08/2023 Duration: 59min

    Latest study shows all of these are good for male fertility (this systematic review included 50 studies that used the following supplements as fertility interventions): vitamin E, vitamin C, carnitines, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), N-acetylcysteine (NAC), zinc, folic acid, selenium, and lycopene: Antioxidant Supplementation on Male Fertility-A Systematic Review...05:32 Wine for better sex? Interesting: This review aimed to evaluate the effects of moderate consumption of red wine on erectile function. Study databases were searched to retrieve the most relevant research, and evidence collected that shows that red wine, consumed in moderation, can be beneficial for patients with erectile dysfunction and positively influence reproductive function through mechanisms of vasorelaxant properties of red wine and its antioxidants: Red Wine and Sexual Function in Men: An Original Point of View ...13:07 Contrary to popular belief, having high cholesterol levels across the board is not correlated positively with higher testoste

  • Integrative Medicine: Stem Cell Myths, Hydrodissection, Vagus Nerve Stimulation Devices, & Much More With Dr. Ahvie Herskowitz(Part 2).

    19/08/2023 Duration: 49min

    If you tuned into Part 1 of this two-part podcast series with the exceptional Dr. Ahvie Herskowitz of Anatara Medicine, you’ve already been afforded a glimpse into the future of healthcare. During that episode, Ahvie and I touched upon revolutionary treatments such as ultrasound-guided injections, the most effective stem cell applications, and the potential of Kimera Exosomes. If Part 1 piqued your curiosity, Part 2 promises to be just as intriguing. Today, Dr. Ahvie, with insights from Dr. Shawn Tierney, unpacks the hydrodissection procedure for the nervous system. Imagine a therapeutic session for your nerves, a procedure that offers immediate relief from conditions like migraines, hypertension, tachycardia, and the elusive Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). This lesser-known procedure holds tremendous promise; it's astonishing how specific injections can provide transformative results, drastically improving a patient's quality of life. Transitioning to the topic of stem cells, a realm filled

  • East Meets West Medicine: Blood Oxygenation & Ozonation, Early Cancer Detection, Mold Eradication & Much More

    17/08/2023 Duration: 01h15min

    Dr. Ahvie Herskowitz is back! A former Clinical Professor of Medicine at UC San Francisco (UCSF) and founder of Anatara Medicine, a multidisciplinary integrative center in San Francisco. Anatara Medicine is one of the most comprehensive IV treatment centers in Northern California, and they treat the most difficult chronic health conditions using a unique integrative approach and a host of modern medical technologies and tools. We discuss: The crazy biohacking and medical treatments Ahvie performed on me before we began recording the show. Ultrasound-guided injections and hydro dissection with photobiomodulation with the Weber laser into joints or soft tissue and/or intravenously, along with the new upgraded Kimera Exosomes with higher mRNA expression and added aminos. A variant of extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation (EBOO), called plasma filtration and detoxification or PFD, which uses a more complex filter and allows for more individualization of rate and ozone concentration.  Details on very ear

  • Can You Really Bombard Your Home With Invisible, Healing Energy Frequencies? A Skeptical Interview

    12/08/2023 Duration: 01h11min

    I recently outfitted my house with some kind of weird, invisible energy called Quantum Upgrade.  What's crazy is that as soon as I "flipped the switch" to turn it on (you'll hear more about how and why I did that in today's show), I couldn't sleep for nearly three days straight, so I'm pretty sure I turned it on too high.  But after I adjusted it, I started to notice a profound increase in daytime energy levels, a drop in afternoon sluggishness, and an overall feeling of improved mood and well-being that made me suspect there might be more going on here than a placebo effect.  So I decided to get the mastermind behind this energetic "Quantum Upgrade" on the show. His name is Philipp von Holtzendorff-Fehling, and he first joined me on the show: "How To Charge Any Object In Your Home (Or Your Own Body) With Healing Frequencies: The Future Of Quantum Energy & EMF Protection," in which we talked about little-known but intriguing ways to energize your body, your foods, your supplements, and even your pets with

  • Q&A 459: Ben's Take On The New Fat Loss Drug Craze, Foods That Look Like The Organ They Heal, Lung Health Hacks, Toilet Pooping Tips & Much More.

    10/08/2023 Duration: 01h32s

    Ben discusses News Flashes, Book Reviews, and Answers Audience Questions. Fascinating: 3 Foods That Look Like the Organ They Heal ...7:40 The Doctrine of Signatures The dark side of semaglutide weight loss drugs ...14:07 GLP-1 agonists Can mitigate lean mass loss effects by lifting weights, eating adequate protein, and/or supplementing with amino acids. Mark my words: this Retatrutide (LY3437943) peptide is going to be HUGE in the weight loss/fat loss sector (similar to semaglutide) - possibly without these muscle loss and other concerns about Ozempic and Mounjaro) ...24:31 The podcast episode with Jay Campbell: How To Use Testosterone, Peptide Stacks That Will Blow Your Mind, The Truth About Getting Peptides On The Internet, & Much More With Jay Campbell. The podcast episode with Phil Micans: The New Darlings Of The Anti-Aging Industry & The Russian’s Secret Age Reversal Weapon: Peptide Bioregulators With Phil Micans. Fascinating - here’s an entire helpful database ranking of all so-called

  • A Chemical-Free Way To Tweak Your Physiology, Find Focus, Sleep Better, Enhance Creativity & Much More With Apollo Neuroscience's Dave Rabin.

    05/08/2023 Duration: 01h09min

    What if I told you you could put on this little vibrating thing, and it could shift your focus, your mood, your sleep, and your recovery near instantaneously, without taking any drugs or supplements? It exists, and I've been strapping it on for years. Apollo Neuro, an ingenious wearable device that comfortably fits onto your wrist or ankle or clips to your clothing, is the result of an innovative blend of ancient haptic, vibration, and touch therapy techniques with the advancements of 21st-century science. The brainchild of a team of leading neuroscientists and physicians, including co-founder Dr. Dave Rabin, MD, Ph.D., Apollo is much more than just another piece of wearable tech. Dave's dedication to pushing the boundaries of neuroscience and his commitment to developing effective alternative therapies make him a particularly fascinating guest to host. In this conversation, Dave and I delve into how Apollo Neuro works and the science that underpins it, explore his research on neurotransmitters, and discuss t

  • 7 Minute Breathhold Instruction, Multi-Orgasmic Breathwork, DMT Activation, How He Rescued The Homeless With Breathing & Much More With Travis Steffens Of "The Breath Source" App.

    03/08/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    I’m a big fan of breathwork as a free and highly effective method to control your nervous system, performance, sleep, and much more.  The problem is (and perhaps you’ve noticed this) most breathwork apps are heavily secular, a touch “New Agey,” and tend to avoid encouragement of a deeper connection to God or Jesus Christ. In other words, they’re spiritual but not religious, bro. And look, while I certainly use and enjoy such apps, I’ve always thought it odd that there were no good breathwork sessions or apps out there for Christians like me who want to connect more deeply with our Creator through meditation on Scripture, praying to God, or breathing with a focus on the presence of Jesus Christ.  So …I’ve started to record my spiritually uplifting, Christian breathwork sessions that forthrightly focus on God and Jesus, meditation on the Bible, and prayer.  The good news is that these sessions - from the powerful, invigorating, and challenging Armor of God, Fruits of the Spirit, and Strength of the Lord session

  • Dubai's Cutting-Edge Biohacking Scene, The Right Way To Combine Cold, Hot, PEMF, HBOT, Red Light, Minimal Effective Dose Of Exercise, Smart Drugs & Much More.

    29/07/2023 Duration: 01h18min

    My guest on today's show, Mario Nawfal, started with nothing. Yet, this self-starter's relentless drive and ingenious mind transformed that 'nothing' into an entrepreneurial empire, impacting several industries and promoting healthier lifestyles on a global scale. When Mario launched Froothie, a company that makes the highest-quality kitchen appliances, it became a multi-million-dollar business in just two years. Froothie is more than just a business - it's a platform Mario uses to advocate for healthier lifestyles, promoting healthier food and drink choices across the globe. Beyond his business accomplishments, Mario is also the charismatic host of The Roundtable, one of the largest Twitter spaces with an astounding weekly audience reaching into the millions. His guests' roster is a who's who of high-profile figures - everyone from Elon Musk to Marc Andreessen. As an in-demand speaker, Mario has shared his insights and experiences on top-tier stages around the globe, including TEDx, echoing his passion for e

  • Fearproof Your Brain, Stress-Inoculation Tips, The Marriage Of Meditation & Technology, Digital Sleeping Pills & Much More

    27/07/2023 Duration: 01h11min

    During my discussion with Ariel Garten today, we'll dive deep into the world of meditation, dissecting how it can bring serenity to an active mind, and exploring its tangible effects on your overall wellbeing. Ariel will help me unravel the mysteries of how Muse works, turning the complex science of brain activity into a device you can hold in your hand. Lastly, we'll venture into the synergy of meditation with supplements, smart drugs, nootropics, and adaptogens—exploring the exciting possibilities of enhancing mental performance. Muse is a "brain-sensing" headband that uses real-time biofeedback to help you refocus during the day and recover overnight. It doesn't merely soothe with nature sounds; it redefines mindfulness by responding to changes in your brain and body activity in real-time. At the heart of this revolutionary device is an app that provides in-depth insights into your progress, offering tangible evidence of your journey toward mental mastery. So how does Muse work? Here's the basic rundown: M

  • The Surprising Benefits of Learning to Freedive, Natural Remedies for ADD, Self-quantification for Athletes and Billionaires and Much More

    22/07/2023 Duration: 01h11min

    On a recent trip to the beach, I dove into the ocean depths with Andrés Preschel, a Miami-based fitness wizard and friend of mine who's just as nuts about exercise physiology as I am. Andrés and I chatted about everything from freediving to spearfishing, from breathwork to staying healthy while on the road. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Andrés' story is a testament to perseverance. New York-born but Venezuela-raised, Andrés navigated life with ADD from an early age, all the while dealing with health issues like body dysmorphia, anxiety, insomnia, and more. Yet, in true warrior fashion, he decided to take charge of his own health before his hardest year in high school, stepping off medication and taking on a health-focused journey. Blending a passion for sports with a scientific brain, Andrés dove into the study of human nutrition and physiology, overcoming his personal battles and even acing academic exams in the process. Fast forward, and he's built up quite the résumé: a degree from the University

  • Unveiling the Molecule That Supercharges Your Mitochondria, Turns Back the Clock on Aging, and Battles Sleep Deprivation, With Dr. Anurag Singh from Timeline Nutrition.

    20/07/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    You may have picked up on this if you're a regular listener, but there's this molecule that I've been pretty jazzed about over the past year: Urolithin A. It's found in tons of the best superfoods, like pomegranates, walnuts, and raspberries, and it's emerging as a serious player in the longevity and age-reversal space, sitting alongside stalwarts like NAD, C60, Astaxanthin, Spermidine, Fish Oil, peptides, stem cells. Yet, I've realized that I haven't dug into the nitty-gritty about Urolithin A. Its sources, bioavailability, and dosing carry some nuances that I haven't fully explored on the podcast.  So, I'm bringing in a heavy hitter: Dr. Anurag Singh. He serves as the Chief Medical Officer at Timeline Nutrition, where they develop nutritional and skincare products that focus on enhancing mitochondrial and cellular health. Their star player? A Urolithin A supplement known as Mitopure. Dr. Singh boasts an impressive background, with an M.D. in internal medicine and a Ph.D. in immunology. His resume includes t

  • The Difference Between Getting Stem Cells Internationally Vs. The USA, Peptides, Testosterone & Hormones, Tissue Engineering, DNA Editing, Truths & Myths Of Regenerative Medicine & More

    15/07/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Are you intrigued by the power of stem cells and regenerative medicine but left with questions every time you try to learn more? Questions like:  What's better: your own stem cells or a different source? Is it true stem cells "don't work" without some kind of scaffolding to "grow on"? Do you need to combine stem cells with exosomes? Are tissue engineering and gene editing as dangerous as they sound? Can stem cells be combined with peptides and hormones, and if so, how? In this enlightening conversation with Dr. Adeel Khan, you'll have the opportunity to hear the answers to all those questions and many more (that you may not even know you had!). Dr. Adeel Khan is an internationally recognized expert in regenerative medicine, having treated numerous high-profile celebrities and athletes. After earning his MD from the University of Ottawa in Canada, he specialized in sports medicine and led one of the first Health Canada-approved clinical trials with mesenchymal stromal cells. Adeel is now the Chief Scientific

  • Cutting Through The Confusion Of Blood, Urine, & Stool Testing To Measure Gut Health, Toxins, Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, & Much More With The Genova Diagnostics Team

    13/07/2023 Duration: 01h16min

    Welcome to today's episode, where we plunge into the cutting-edge world of precision health testing with Genova Diagnostics. Join me as I share my personal experience and results from the Metabolomix+ and GI Effects tests, both renowned for their insights far surpassing those of conventional blood tests. They are also tests I require of each of my VIP coaching clients. The Metabolomix+ is an all-inclusive nutritional test offering analysis of critical nutritional biomarkers. This test uses a simple first-morning void (FMV) urine collection and provides an optional add-on bloodspot finger stick and buccal swab for assessment. It effectively identifies your functional need for antioxidants, B vitamins, minerals, digestive support, fatty acids, and amino acids, enabling incredibly targeted nutritional therapies. Next up is the GI Effects test. This is your go-to for a complete assessment of gut health. It's designed to uncover the root cause of most GI complaints using a combination of PCR, culture, and microsco

  • Biohacking With The King Of Cannabis: Ozone Injections, Fringe Stem Cell Treatments You've Never Heard Of, The Magic Of NAD & More With Matthew Morgan.

    08/07/2023 Duration: 01h19min

    In today's episode, I'm inviting you to explore the riveting intersections of health, business, and pioneering technologies with a truly unique guest, Matthew Morgan. I was first introduced to Matt by former podcast guest Dr. De at a dinner he'd invited me to after the podcast, and his wealth of knowledge about experimental health protocols, stem cell therapies, and the future of supplement and dietary advancements left an indelible impression. Matthew Morgan is not your typical health enthusiast. With a storied background that bridges the green fields of Montana to the cutting-edge world of Miami's biotech industry, Matthew has always possessed an entrepreneurial spirit and a zeal for hard work. From harnessing the immense potential of the cannabis industry, where he launched and steered numerous multimillion-dollar companies, to co-founding OneQor Pharmaceuticals, Matthew's journey is a testament to his innovative mind. For a brief overview and intro to Matthew, watch the video "How We Lost $2 Million In 48

  • Protecting Against The Damaging Effects Of Travel, Ozone Treatments For Longevity, Stacking Stem Cells With NAD & Exosomes, & More With Darshan Shah, MD.

    06/07/2023 Duration: 50min

    Darshan Shah, MD is a renowned surgeon, published author, tech entrepreneur, wellness specialist, and founder and CEO of Next Health.  A graduate of esteemed institutions such as Mayo Clinic, Harvard Business School, and Singularity University, Dr. Shah has an expansive medical and business background that allows him to connect with patients on a more profound level. Having performed over 10,000 surgeries, his dexterity and expertise are unquestionable, yet what really sets Darshan apart is his unwavering commitment to optimizing health and extending lifespan, a mission that finds its manifestation in Next Health. Established with the aim to revolutionize the conventional approach to healthcare, Next Health focuses on preventive, personalized care and longevity. Each clinic offers a comprehensive array of cutting-edge health services, from genetic testing to biohacking technologies, all tailored to meet individual health needs. By harnessing the power of modern medical advancements, Next Health's clinics are

  • The 3 Critical Elements Of Parenting, How Ben Greenfield Nearly Got Divorced, Why Families Need Love Languages

    01/07/2023 Duration: 01h48min

    Dr. Isaac and Erica have built their family over years of working together in business, curating their parenting practices, and navigating some of the most difficult and rewarding adventures possible for any parent. This wisdom has been hard-earned and deeply tested. Let their results be your map.  Their innovative and heartfelt approach to parenting landed them a feature in my book, Boundless Parenting, which is also available now in audiobook form, where you can listen to Dr. Isaac & Erica narrate their section of the book. And this is the greater topic of today's podcast: Family and everything that comes with it. We discuss topics ranging from parenting styles to love languages and even go into how I almost got a divorce and what Jessa and I did to weather our marriage problems (as well as Isaac and Erica's tactics for mitigating marital turmoil). Credited as “The Doctor of the Future” by Jeff Arnold, the founder of, Dr. Jones is a relentless trailblazer in the realm of innovative healthcare

  • The Complete Podcast Guide To Parasites & Parasite Eradication

    29/06/2023 Duration: 01h25min

    Did you know there's a good chance you're unknowingly sharing your body with parasites? Sorry to break it to you, but most people play host to those nasty little critters. Parasites can cause a range of symptoms beyond gastrointestinal distress. The two main types of intestinal parasites are helminths, which are multi-cell parasitic worms, and protozoa, which are microscopic, single-cell parasites. Protozoa are harder to detect because they are invisible to the naked eye and may not cause immediate symptoms. Parasite infection can occur through a variety of means, including swimming in contaminated water, consuming unwashed produce or undercooked seafood, caring for others, outdoor activities, and drinking contaminated water. Symptoms of a parasite can vary depending on the type of parasite but often include gastrointestinal distress, weight loss, chronic fatigue, anemia, joint pain, bruxism, and fevers. Intestinal parasites can also be a trigger for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. So they're a pretty s

  • "The Fart Of War": A New, Hilarious, Skill-Building, Family-Bonding Card Game Designed by Ben Greenfield & Sons (Now Available!).

    25/06/2023 Duration: 27min

    It's time for a big announcement: I and my 15-year-old twin sons River and Terran have been up to a very special, top-secret, behind-the-scenes project that we are now officially unveiling. This one is guaranteed to get your fart rate - er - heart rate up, so keep reading if you want to know our deepest, stinkiest secrets that we're about to unleash on the world - and how you can help!  This entire story starts with an unexpected turn when a passport mishap unexpectedly stranded our entire Greenfield family back home in the USA - instead of the tropical paradise of Costa Rica. This unplanned staycation became the catalyst for a moment of inspiration that led to the birth of a new venture—a father-son gaming company called “Fried Pickle Games” and our very first hilarious, stinky, and extremely fun-to-play game for all ages: The Fart of War. Full show notes: The Official Fart Of War Launch And now please clench your cheeks because here comes the exciting part, the launch

  • Q&A 458: The Official Guide To Fructose, Triglycerides, Heart Health, Heart Testing, Keto Risks, Statins, Why You Should "Eat Like A Pig" & More.

    24/06/2023 Duration: 01h30min

    Ben discusses News Flashes, Book Reviews, and Answers Audience Questions. AI and heart health: AI Evaluation of Stenosis on Coronary CTA ...6:56 If you're concerned about heart health, a blood measurement called "plasma viscosity" is a good one to ask your physician about (in addition to a complete lipid panel, inflammatory markers, and glucose, IMO): Study link ...23:12 A simple strategy such as one baby aspirin a day is likely good for your heart, but also appears to be a “calorie restriction mimetic“, that can simulate the autophagy benefits of fasting. Anybody currently on the aspirin bandwagon? Any concerning side effects that you have experienced? Study link ...26:56 Easy hack for high triglycerides - 1-4g daily dose of ginger: Effect of Ginger... ...31:06 The hidden benefits of dick pills. Study link ...40:27 Statins aren't all bad, but more people are on them than likely need to be: Could This Widely Used Calculator Be Needlessly Driving People to Take Statins?...47:00 Sure, EXCESS fructose can make

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