Hi I'm James Altucher host of The James Altucher Show podcast show. I've been a successful entrepreneur, investor, board member, and the writer of 11 books including the recent WSJ Bestseller, "Choose Yourself!" (foreword by Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter). I've started and sold several companies for eight figure exits, sit on the board of a billion revenue company, I've written for The Financial Times, The New York Observer, and over a dozen popular websites for the past 15 years. I've run several hedge funds, venture capital funds, and I'm a successful angel investor in technology, energy, and biotech. I've also lost all my money, made it back, lost it, made it back several times and openly discusses how I did it. That's why I've decided to do another podcast. AskAltucher is my brand new Daily Podcast. Ask me anything, business, investing, self-help, entrepreneurship, publishing, fitness, money, relationships, startups, breakups and so much more.
Ep 269 James' Secret to Writing
13/05/2015 Duration: 12minTo write well, you need to continually exercise your brain muscle. As James says, one of the best books on writing is Stephen King's book, On Writing. King says that after a bad bicycle accident, he stopped writing for a few weeks while he healed. When he got back to it, he couldn't write. He couldn't quite connect the words. James writes seven days a week and he tries to do it at his peak productivity time. When Dan Ariely was on The James Altucher Podcast earlier this year, he explained that two to four hours after you wake up are your peak hours. So if you want to be a better writer, then this is probably the best time for you to sit down and write. James wakes up about 6:00 a.m. and spends a few minutes every day "meditating." He then reads for about two hours and makes sure to read some fiction. Then it's on to writing. If you want to improve your writing skills, write every day and give yourself permission to publish something that is not great. Regards, David Newman P.S. James says there are seven huge
Ep 268 The ONE WORD that will make you RICH
12/05/2015 Duration: 10minThis week on Quora both James and Claudia answered the same question, which was, "What is the one word you need to know to make you rich? The funny thing is, their answers appeared to be exact opposites. Claudia's answer was "Yes" and" and James' answer was "No." to listen as James and Claudia talk about how these two answers are really very similar. Regards, David Newman P.S. James says there are seven huge trends that will shape America. Understanding these trends before anyone else will give you a huge advantage in work, life, and investing. --------------------------------Recommended Resources---------------------------------
Ep 267: Two Hacks for Incredible Monday Productivity
11/05/2015 Duration: 07minJames is thinking about giving up e-mail. His kids are only using Telegram and he wants to see what will happen. Claudia believes she has a better idea… and it's changing her life already. She stopped all notifications on her phone. She says it's given her her life back. She's back in control. Then James says he's no longer bringing his phone to any meetings or conferences. He focuses in on the other person so much better now. Listen as James and Claudia talk about productivity and how it can give you your life back. Give these a try. Regards, David Newman P.S. James says there are seven huge trends that will shape America. Understanding these trends before anyone else will give you a huge advantage in work, life, and investing. . -------------------------------Recommended Resources--------------------------------- James says it's not focus that matters the most. It's "decluttering" that really makes the biggest difference. Get rid of negative people, stop arguing with people, don't go to meetings or
Ep 266: How to Get Any Mentor in the World
08/05/2015 Duration: 31minGillian Zoe Segal joins James and Claudia today to talk about how you can get any mentor in the world. She interviewed "everyone" for her new book Getting There: A Book of Mentors. People like Warren Buffett, Sarah Blakely, Michael Bloomberg, Kathy Ireland and so many more. James tells Gillian that many of these people have said no to coming on to The James Altucher Show and asks how she did it. Gillian says a friend told her, "Don't take a no from somebody who can't give you a yes." That's what made the difference. If you get a no from the front door then try the back door, the side door or the window. Gillian says she finished this book because she had a need for the material. It was her passion. Listen as James and Claudia have great conversation with Gillian. Regards, David Newman P.S. James says there are seven huge trends that will shape America. Understanding these trends before anyone else will give you a huge advantage in work, life, and investing. Click here to learn more about James' great ideas.
Ep 265: 401(k)s Are Still a Scam – No Matter How Much Hate Mail You Send Me.
07/05/2015 Duration: 14minLast week James was invited to do a video for Business Insider on whether you should put money into your 401(k). People went crazy attacking James. Not his arguments against saving within a 401(k), they attacked him personally. Here's the scenario 1)Company: "Hey buddy, here's your money. Good job!" 2)Company (1 second later): "WHOOPS! We have to take that from you. Don't worry, you'll get it back 30 years from now and have unknown fees and charges taken out of it. Relax." 3)Person: protests with reasonable argument. Gets maybe minor fact wrong that is not important for the argument. 4)Company: "STONE HIM! HE IS A F'KING MORON! KILL HIM!" If you've not seen the original video, you can Your employer is not going to "choose you," you have to "choose yourself." If 401(k)s are so great, then why are so many people broke going into retirement? Listen as James and Claudia talk about the real limitations of a 401(k). Don't shoot the messengers... Regards, David Newman P.S. James says there are seven huge trend
Ep 264: How Do I Get Back My Old Rusty Skills?
06/05/2015 Duration: 12minOne of our past Ask Altucher guests Matt Capala from emailed Claudia with our question of today. Matt wants to know how to get the skills and passions he used to have, but that he has let slip recently For Matt specifically, chess was something he used to play and enjoy and he'd like to get this passion back. Lsten today as James talks about how to get back those skills you let rust. Regards, David Newman PS. James says there are seven huge trends will shape America. Understanding these trends before anyone else will give you a huge advantage in work, like, and investing. -------------------------------------Recommended Resources--------------------------------- by László Polgár on YouTube Saturday, June 6, 2015 - Come meet your COUSINS James and Claudia (yes, we are all related) at the – Cousin James is one of the speakers.
Ep 263: "You Must Do the Thing You Think You Cannot Do"
05/05/2015 Duration: 11minClaudia loves this quote and James hates it. Today they debate this famous quote by Eleanor Roosevelt and what it means to each of them. In the broadest sense of the word, this quote can seem a little ridiculous, but as they talk about it – and rephrase it just a little – it now makes sense. Listen to how James and Claudia work through their differences of opinion. Regards, David Newman PS. James says there are 7 huge trends will shape America. Understanding these trends before anyone else gives you a huge advantage in work, like, and investing.
Ep 262: Don't Say 'Yes' When You Really Want to Say 'No'
04/05/2015 Duration: 14minHow can you say "no" without hurting someone's feelings? If your immediate reaction isn't "hell yeah," than you should probably say "no." Unless your career is speaking, then don't say "yes" just because you're being paid. There is a right way to say "no," and most importantly, don't put it off. Listen to how James has screwed this up many times
Ep 261: Why You Should KEEP Your Job
01/05/2015 Duration: 11minThe most engaged article on LinkedIn last year was James' article on the "10 Reasons You Have to Quit Your Job in 2014." But today, James is going to tell you why you might want to keep your job. One reason may be that you're creating your own new job, but it's not big enough to totally support you yet. You need to keep your old job until the income from your new business is at least equal to the money you're making at your job. Only then is it the right time to quit your job. Listen today and learn why this subject isn't always just black and white.
Ep 260: Who Is Going to Be the Next President?
30/04/2015 Duration: 12minRecently, James met with one of the current presidential candidates and came away with nothing new. He realized that everyone is out for themselves and for their own self-interests. That's something he already knew. James had the opportunity to ask the tough questions, but he didn't. Listen today and learn why he didn't. And both he and Claudia offer up who they think will win the next presidential election. Who do you think will win? Let James know.
Ep 259 When Should You Stop Paying Your Mortgage
29/04/2015 Duration: 08minToday’s question is going to be a controversial one. Our listener is under water on his mortgage and wants to know if he should stop paying it. James says, absolutely. When you took out a mortgage you signed a contract. If you can’t pay it than stop and give them back the house. They are costs to this but you should weigh them against going broke. This isn’t an ethical issue, it’s a contract. Listen today to learn the difference
Ep 258 How to Be a Great Leader
28/04/2015 Duration: 12minWhat makes a good leader? A lot of people give advice on this topic, but should you take their advice? Maybe not... James says... A good leader should give everyone who works for them a detailed plan on what they should be doing and what their goals are. A good leader needs to make sure that everyone working for them has a path to success that takes them beyond the leader. A good leader listens to people around him. And a great leader has a vision.
Ep 257: How Does James Focus to Get Everything Done Every Day?
27/04/2015 Duration: 11minJames says it's not focus that matters the most. It's "decluttering" that really makes the biggest difference. Get rid of negative people, stop arguing with people, don't go to meetings or conferences that are marginal, and follow Warren Buffett's 5/25 rule. Listen and learn how to declutter your life Regards, David
Ep 256: What Does James Think About Abortion?
24/04/2015 Duration: 13minToday's question is a delicate one. A listener texted in to ask what James thinks about abortion. James says that there are a few topics that no matter which side you're on, everyone hates you. This is one of those questions, but it's a very important discussion. I think it's important to tune in today. Please listen to this entire episode. Listen here and join in the conversation.
Ep 255: The Perfect Resume to Get Any Job Today
23/04/2015 Duration: 19minClaudia showed James "" yesterday. After taking a look at it, James had to agree. This should be the standard resume anyone should use going forward. The resume was from a woman named Nina, who wanted to work at Airbnb. So, she customized her resume to look exactly like an Airbnb webpage. She left out all the old standard resume components; instead, she just put in a link to LinkedIn, where it's all housed anyway. Instead, she focused on how she can help Airbnb. She studied the company, offered solutions on where to start, and told a story. If you really, honestly want that job, then learn from Nina and stand out. Listen and learn how you can get that new job. Regards, David
Ep 254: More Myths, Part II
22/04/2015 Duration: 17minYesterday, James and Claudia covered a bunch of myths that have been drilled into us. Here's a to yesterday's episode if you missed it. Today, they talk about the myths we believe in regarding money, family, government, wars, and religion. Regards, David P.S. CHARTER SUBSCRIPTION OFFER EXPIRES TODAY If you like James Altucher's work as much as we do... I wanted to let you know that the opportunity to get a Charter Subscription to his brand-new newsletter... plus a hardback copy of his new book... and tons of other great resources... expires today. As you probably know, Charter Subscribers always get the best deal, and this is no exception. I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this today, before this deal closes forever. ...
Ep 253: Seven Myths Debunked
21/04/2015 Duration: 15minJames likes to beat his kids (you’ll have to listen to find out why) But that's not today's question. Today, James and Claudia cover a bunch of myths that have been drilled into us. Listen to hear how many of these myths you've fallen for. Regards, David P.S. As you can tell, James is fiercely committed to helping people lead happier, wealthier, and more fulfilling lives. That's why he's working on a – one that introduces you to life-changing ideas, secrets, and techniques you have never heard of before. It's the perfect guidebook for succeeding in a rapidly changing America.
Ep 252: How to Use "The Force" in Your Life
20/04/2015 Duration: 10minJames is so excited that he can hardly handle it... James has used "The Force" to help him solve a major business problem he experienced in one of his earlier companies. He decided not to be angry, and he wasn't going to be scared. He calmed down and trusted that whatever happens, happens. He wasn't going to waste time worrying. Be calm, be honest, and do your best. Regards, David P.S. As you can tell, James is fiercely committed to helping people lead happier, wealthier, and more fulfilling lives. That's why he's working on a – one that introduces you to life-changing ideas, secrets, and techniques you have never heard of before. It's the perfect guidebook for succeeding in a rapidly changing America.
Ep 251: Should You Be Friends With Your Customers?
17/04/2015 Duration: 12minIf you're in a service business, you need to give your friendship away for free at first. But be careful, and make sure the friendship is reciprocal. Take each individual client on a case-by-case basis. Every client is different. Regards, David P.S. As you can tell, James is fiercely committed to helping people lead happier, wealthier, and more fulfilling lives. That's why he's working on a – one that introduces you to life-changing ideas, secrets, and techniques you have never heard of before. It's the perfect guidebook for succeeding in a rapidly changing America.
Ep 250 The Key to Becoming a Creative Genius
16/04/2015 Duration: 13minClaudia threw out all of her dinner plates since she wants to live longer, but that's not today's question. Today, James wanted to talk about creativity and the power of a partnership. 1 + 1 = Teamwork Teamwork can help you become a creative genius. No idea lives in isolation, no partnership lives in isolation, and no team lives in isolation. Regards, David P.S. As you can tell, James is fiercely committed to helping people lead happier, wealthier, and more fulfilling lives. That's why he's working on a – one that introduces you to life-changing ideas, secrets, and techniques you have never heard of before. It's the perfect guidebook for succeeding in a rapidly changing America.