Hi I'm James Altucher host of The James Altucher Show podcast show. I've been a successful entrepreneur, investor, board member, and the writer of 11 books including the recent WSJ Bestseller, "Choose Yourself!" (foreword by Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter). I've started and sold several companies for eight figure exits, sit on the board of a billion revenue company, I've written for The Financial Times, The New York Observer, and over a dozen popular websites for the past 15 years. I've run several hedge funds, venture capital funds, and I'm a successful angel investor in technology, energy, and biotech. I've also lost all my money, made it back, lost it, made it back several times and openly discusses how I did it. That's why I've decided to do another podcast. AskAltucher is my brand new Daily Podcast. Ask me anything, business, investing, self-help, entrepreneurship, publishing, fitness, money, relationships, startups, breakups and so much more.
Ep 329: How You Can Get Your Dream Job
06/08/2015 Duration: 14minWhat's the best way to get your dream job? A listener wrote in to say that he has been sending his "out-of-the-box ideas" to his company, but he hasn't heard back. Suddenly, the company has posted a job opening for something similar that he can do. He's wondering if he should just go through the normal routine and apply for the opening through the normal channels, or if he should get very creative, like Claudia did when she "applied" for the CEO position at Twitter. James says he should do both. Listen here to hear James give the listener the tips and tricks to getting his dream job. Regards, David Newman P.S. We're looking for a few great affiliates to help us get James' message out. The idea is simple. You sign up with us to become an official, sanctioned distributor of Choose Yourself Media products. You begin promoting them immediately. You use sales copy and other advertising materials that we've tested ourselves – materials that have already been proven to work (banner ads, text ads, e-mails, newsletter
Ep 328: Who Are the Gatekeepers in Your Life?
05/08/2015 Duration: 13minToday, James, Claudia, Mollie, and Josie are podcasters in cars going to Whole Foods. Often, the biggest gatekeeper you'll run up against is in your own mind. You believe you have to use gatekeepers to become successful. What if you want to be a star in Hollywood? Do you need an agent (i.e., a gatekeeper)? The short answer is: no. Listen here to hear James and Claudia offer proof that you can do this yourself. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 327: The 11 Funniest Movies Ever
04/08/2015 Duration: 17minGood television tells great stories... In fact, James believes television is the best art form out there right now. It's better than the best movies and even better than most books. But they both do love to watch funny movies Here's a list of the 11 funniest movies ever, according to James and Claudia: 1. Superbab 2. This Is the End 3. The Hangover (James), Liar Liar (Claudia) 4. Groundhog Day (James), Trainwreck (Claudia) 5. Ben Stiller movies – Meet the Fockers, There's Something About Mary, Zoolander 6. Funny People (James) (Claudia isn’t crazy about this one) 7. Top Five 8. We're the Millers 9. The Wedding Ringer 10.The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Knocked Up 11. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Listen here to hear James and Claudia talk about these and a few more of their favorites. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare t
Ep 326: Is Society Dying Because of Lack of Character?
03/08/2015 Duration: 10minFirst, what is good character? A person who takes responsibility has good character. to hear James and Claudia talk about whether society is dying because of a lack of character. Be impeccable in your word… Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 325: The One Question More Valuable than Money
31/07/2015 Duration: 13minWhen is enough enough? Whenever money is your main goal, it will always disappoint you. At the end of the day, it's more important to ask yourself: "Who did I help today?" Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 324: Super Nova Thursday
30/07/2015 Duration: 14minJames answers a few questions in rapid-fire fashion. The first question is whether you should edit as you write. James says never. Your first draft is always terrible. Just race to the end. Write it, write it, and write it... Race to the end, and then sculpt it when you're finished. A listener writes in to ask James if he, as an author, should start using Quora. Another wants to know how to avoid taking criticism personally. Plus, someone wants to know more about why James doesn't read or listen to the news. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 323 How Has James Survived Being Married to Claudia for Five Years!?
29/07/2015 Duration: 19minJames and Claudia celebrate five years of marriage on today's show. They talk about what marriage is really all about. It's not about your sex life, the money, or almost anything else... It's about becoming friends and handling problems. If there is love underneath... any problem can be solved. Because you will have problems... And to read James blog post on , click the link. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 322: The Hustle
28/07/2015 Duration: 38minJames recently hired someone to completely rewrite Fifty Shades of Grey using a thesaurus to change every word. Unfortunately, he found out there are laws against this, so of course, he never published it James' guest, , joins him today to talk about a friend of a friend of his who claims he makes about $15,000 a month through the Amazon Kindle store selling books he "writes." He finds other people's books about dating and social relationships, reads the comments to see what people like and don't like, and then he creates an outline. He sends this outline to a ghostwriter in the Philippines and, for about $250, he gets back a 30-page document that he then edits to create a book. He publishes about four books a month to the Amazon Kindle store. He's learned all the tricks on the Amazon platform that help him "work the system," increasing his rankings and selling more books. Designing an eye-catching cover and writing great copy on the description page are the most important things you can do to boost your sale
Ep 321: How to Deal With Unrequited Love
27/07/2015 Duration: 12minLove can be tough – especially when it's unrequited or unreturned. We've all been there... Are you sure that what you're feeling is love? If you truly care about someone, then you want the best for them. The best for them may not be the best for you. Love is not a gift that has to be returned. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 320: What is the Difference Between School and Real Life?
24/07/2015 Duration: 15minIn school, in order to get an "A" you have to get 90% of the questions right. But in business, if you make just 50% of your decisions correctly, you're an "A+" leader. Do most of you really need to learn trigonometry, algebra or geometry? Why to they keep teaching this to everyone? Real life business is about strategy, persuasion, and writing. Writing is a critical skill to learn, but most schools never spend enough time focusing on it. Instead, students read Shakespeare and Homer and write reports on historical subjects. Listen to today's episode and let us know the last time you "square rooted" something. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 319: How Do I Get Rid of Doubt?
23/07/2015 Duration: 14minWhat is doubt? James says doubts are all in your head. "If I X, then the result of Y may not be great" – that's a doubt. Don't let doubt control you. Instead, use it as a tool. Action is the only thing that will make you successful. Living in your head will never get you anywhere. Listen to today's episode and don't doubt your decision. Regards, David Newman PS – James was on Farnoosh Torabi's podcast yesterday. It was a great interview and we thought you might want .
Ep 318: What Can You Learn From Playing Poker?
22/07/2015 Duration: 13minJames once played poker for more than 365 days in a row. He was obsessed. He’d just sold a business and had a ton of cash in his pocket, but he had no friends. He thought he could make both money and friends by taking up poker. He quickly learned that in poker, psychology is 90% of the battle and understanding the odds is the other 90%. He loved it and those lessons have stuck with him. And he learned that he should have kept doing what he was great at. Listen to today's episode to find out what he did next. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 317: What Is the Business Model of Podcasting?
21/07/2015 Duration: 14minThere are about 250,000 podcasts available today, but what's the business model? Business models don't have to come first, but problems that you solve and your passion to solve them should. Listen to today's episode and learn why James and Claudia podcast. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 316: The Eleven Top TV Shows Ever
20/07/2015 Duration: 11minToday we're going to have some fun... James and Claudia share a list of their 11 top TV shows: 1."Arrested Development" 2."Breaking Bad" 3."Better Call Saul" 4."Peep Show" 5."Madmen" 6."Louie" 7."Veep" 8."Silicon Valley" 9."Freaks and Geeks" 10."Rome" 11."House Of Cards" Listen to today's episode and please send us your suggestions for the best TV show works of art. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 315: How to Build Your Influential Network
17/07/2015 Duration: 14minHow can you build your network of influencers? Ignore the obvious. Don't do what everyone else is doing. Don't send the people congratulations on their birthdays. Everyone else is doing that. Instead, notice them and acknowledge their work. James does this about four times a day, every day, and he has built up a huge network. You can, too. Listen to today's episode, and start building your network. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 314: What to Do if Your Best Friend's Husband Is Cheating
16/07/2015 Duration: 16minYour friend's spouse is cheating and you know about it. What should you do? This exact situation happened to James once and he decided to stay out of it. By saying something, he would have injected himself into his friend's relationship. He thought it was better to let them work it out themselves. This is a tough question, but you can't be the solution to every problem. Listen here to today's episode, and... Be there for your friends. Regards, David Newma P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 313: Get an MIT Education for 1% of the Price
15/07/2015 Duration: 25minspent $2,000 and got a "degree" from MIT... And he never had to leave his house. He calls it the "." Scott believes you might learn better without having to go to college for four years. He spent four years getting a business degree and he still had a longing to learn computer science. But he didn't want to spend four more years of his life in school and accumulate all that debt. He wanted the education, but not the school. He has taken a few classes online before and thought, "If you can learn a class, why not an entire degree?" But when he was done, would anyone hire him? Listen today to find out. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 312: True Friends
14/07/2015 Duration: 09minI can't seem to make new friends... Today's question is from someone who's recently out of prison and can't find a true friend except his wife. James and Claudia each define what a true friend is. To find new friends, you have to put yourself out there. And you have to be a good friend to get new good friends. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 311: How to Deal With Catastrophes
13/07/2015 Duration: 15minClaudia is upset... United Airlines grounded all their flights recently due to a computer glitch. This glitch had nothing to do with their airplanes. People just couldn't check in. United probably has layers and layers, and more layers, of new software laid over old software, millions of lines of code and bug fixes on top of bug fixes. James says this is the preverbial "canary in the coalmine" problem for United. Fix this or its end is near. James relates this to the employee who every two weeks gets his same paycheck. He should always have a plan B and a plan C in place, just in case. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,
Ep 310 How Mastery Can Make Your Life Amazing
10/07/2015 Duration: 17minDid mastering chess change James life? Yes. It has opened all sorts of doors for him and taught him to look at everything a little differently. He spent his youth studying everything about chess. He learned how to learn, and he learned how to lose. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,