The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly



The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald


  • TSE 009: Does The Way You Dress Affect The Way You Sell?

    31/01/2014 Duration: 29min

    In this episode I interview Linda Yates who is an Executive and Business Coach. For years I have heard different options about dressing and the way if affects your performance. Linda has assisted many individuals and organizations with their image and overall success. She is a sought after speaker and professional coach.  I wanted to […] The post TSE 009: Does The Way You Dress Affect The Way You Sell? appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 008: Can Anyone Sell?

    29/01/2014 Duration: 09min

    Can anyone sell? In this episode I address a question I discussed recently with some friends regarding my views on selling. You see, so many people feel that it is difficult to sell. Some say you have to look a certain way, you have to be a slick talker or be able to persuade others […] The post TSE 008: Can Anyone Sell? appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 007: 10 High Performance Habits That Lead To Success From Justin Su’a

    24/01/2014 Duration: 31min

    Ever wondered what makes a top producer, a top producer?  Well, during this episode I interview Justin Su’a who has cracked  the “top producer” code. Justin is the Head of Mental Conditioning at the IMG Academy, the world-leading provider of athletic and personal development training programs for youth, adult, collegiate and professional athletes, located in […] The post TSE 007: 10 High Performance Habits That Lead To Success From Justin Su’a appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 006: Quick, Easy Way To Overcome “The Undecided Prospect”

    21/01/2014 Duration: 10min

    Don’t you just dislike that lukewarm, super nice, undecided prospect who doesn’t know how to tell you no? You know the type, they feel bad “letting you down” so they drag the already endless sales process on and on just because they don’t know how to tell you “THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED”.  Well, if you […] The post TSE 006: Quick, Easy Way To Overcome “The Undecided Prospect” appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 005: The Power of Follow Up with Judy Garmaise

    17/01/2014 Duration: 26min

    During this episode I interview the queen of follow up, Judy Garmaise. She has  developed one of the best programs out there and also is the author of the book “The Power of Follow Up”. This concept may seem like a very simple principle, but it is surprising how many sales professional, business owners and […] The post TSE 005: The Power of Follow Up with Judy Garmaise appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 004: Follow Up Lesson I Learned From a 14 Year Old

    15/01/2014 Duration: 08min

    Hey everyone! Welcome to another great episode of the Sales Evangelist podcast. During this episode I reveal the new format of having two episodes weekly. The first episode will be shorter and devoted to me speaking on a specific sales tip or answer a question submitted from listeners (that means YOU!). In this episode I […] The post TSE 004: Follow Up Lesson I Learned From a 14 Year Old appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 003: Relationship Selling with Jim Cathcart

    07/01/2014 Duration: 34min

    During this episode I interview Jim Cathcart who teaches us the power of “Relationship Selling”. It is a concept which Jim has mastered. Listen to the podcast to learn how and why this is so important. Get to know Jim a little more before you listen to the podcast by reading his bio: In December […] The post TSE 003: Relationship Selling with Jim Cathcart appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 002: Creating an Attitude of “Success” with Ralph Quintero

    03/01/2014 Duration: 35min

    Ralph is committed to having an AWESOME life! Ralph has a passion for excellence, personal development and the success of others. He lives life with no limits in his journey to achieve all of his dreams. Ralph is a serial entrepreneur that enjoys sharing the keys to his success with anyone who is willing to listen (people like […] The post TSE 002: Creating an Attitude of “Success” with Ralph Quintero appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 001: The Art of Selling with Jeffrey Gitomer

    28/12/2013 Duration: 25min

    In this episode Jared Easley from the Starve The Doubt podcast and  I co-host and interviewed Jeffrey Gitomer. Jeffrey is the author of The New York Times best sellers The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, The Little Black Book of Connections, and The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude. All of his books have been number one best […] The post TSE 001: The Art of Selling with Jeffrey Gitomer appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 000: Welcome to the Sales Evangelist Podcast!

    26/12/2013 Duration: 08min

    Welcome to the Sales Evangelist podcast (TSE)! Everyone here at the Sales Evangelist podcast is excited for the launch of the show. In this episode I will: Introduce the show Introduce the purpose of the podcast Outline the episode and the host, me! In a previous blog post I gave some background information about how the […] The post TSE 000: Welcome to the Sales Evangelist Podcast! appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

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