The Smart Passive Income Online Business And Blogging Podcast



Pat Flynn from The Smart Passive Income Blog reveals all of his online business and blogging strategies, income sources and killer marketing tips and tricks so you can be ahead of the curve with your online business or blog. Discover how you can create multiple passive income streams that work for you so that you can have the time and freedom to do what you love, whether it's traveling the world, or just living comfortably at home. Although Pat confesses he is not a millionaire, he's been supporting his family 100% with passive income generated online, easily earning a six-figure salary while working only a few hours a week. Automation, outsourcing, crowdsourcing, search engine optimization, building authority and trust, niche sites, social media, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Podcasting, eBooks, online courses, affiliate marketing, getting things done and everything that works (and doesn't work) to help you better understand how to crush it with your online business.


  • SPI 726: Name It.

    20/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    #726 Much of the knowledge I acquired when I started blogging is still with me. I have my early inspirations, Darren Rowse, Yaro Starak, and Seth Godin, to thank for that! In fact, one of Seth Godin's concepts that I often return to is the power of naming it. But what is it? It can be anything you teach or create. When you label something, you make it real. The messy middle, the part of the entrepreneurial journey between early excitement for an idea and when you finally reach your goals, comes to mind. Eric Partaker's 3 Alarms strategy, discussed in Wednesday's episode, is another example. So, how do you coin relevant terms in your business? Join this session to hear me brainstorm new ideas and come up with Fake Flynn-ing. Tune in to find out what that's all about and how to start naming things for your audience! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

  • SPI 725: The #1 Way to Scale Up Your Business with Eric Partaker

    18/10/2023 Duration: 36min

    #725 The seven words that hold you back more than any other are "It is faster to do it myself." This kind of short-term thinking leads to burnout and stunts your business growth. But what is the most efficient way to scale your brand long-term? In this episode, returning guest Eric Partaker shares the blueprint for transitioning from scrappy founder to leadership master. This is priceless knowledge based on Eric's work coaching Fortune 50 CEOs, architecting Skype's success, and running several companies. You're not going to want to miss this chat! Eric helps you lay the foundation for sustainable business growth and explains why entrepreneurship cannot be separated from personal development. We discuss intentionality, the EAR framework for leadership, giving praise, and handling mistakes. For more, get a free copy of Eric's incredible book, The 3 Alarms, and his powerful tools and resources at! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at

  • SPI 724: The Bigger You Get... The Harder You Question

    13/10/2023 Duration: 11min

    #724 Finding success as a creator isn't all great. In fact, popularity can actually move you away from the special sauce that made your content stand out in the first place. You see, the moment you have something to lose, you begin to overthink every decision. Fear then starts to short-circuit the creative exploration that is part of the fun of building an online brand! My friend Matt Wolfe is dealing with this right now. He's doing fantastic work on YouTube, where his AI news channel pulls massive numbers. In this episode, I share the advice I gave him to help him stay motivated and keep the creative spark alive. So, listen in on today's session to learn how to find the fun in your work and avoid one of the major pitfalls of success! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

  • SPI 723: Behind the Scenes with Entrepreneur and Podcaster Shawn Stevenson

    11/10/2023 Duration: 48min

    #723 What are the kinds of things you tell yourself? In business, health, and relationships, our thoughts are what drive us to succeed or fail. The way we see the world truly affects the chemistry of our bodies. So, what are the habits that build effective cognitive patterns? In this episode, Shawn Stevenson shares the research-based information you need to tackle entrepreneurship the healthy way. He is the best-selling author of Sleep Smarter and Eat Smarter and host of The Model Health Show. His incredible work has changed my life, and I can't wait for you to hear our powerful conversation! We discuss everything from getting great sleep and the importance of family meals to supercharging your mindset for next-level business results. Listen in and enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

  • SPI 722: Just... Why.

    06/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    #722 This one question is the creativity hack we've been trained out of as adults. It's the key to uncovering amazing knowledge and stories. Kids ask it all the time—"Why?" One of my top tips for creators, interviewers, and entrepreneurs is to trust the process of curiosity. This is how I approach everything I do. It's how I get guests on the podcast to open up and share valuable information. It's how I come up with content and discover fresh business opportunities. In this episode, I want to challenge you to tap into your inner child and look at your work through the lens of curiosity. I challenge you to ask why. So listen in for more on how I apply this technique to everything from podcasting to parenting. This is a mindset game-changer because it affects how you see the world and introduces you to an abundance of new possibilities in life and business! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

  • SPI 721: How to Build a Brand the Smart Way with Susie from Hey Grill, Hey

    04/10/2023 Duration: 40min

    #721 Finding an underserved audience and providing valuable free content is one of the quickest ways to build a massive brand online. But how do you turn your followers into paying customers? This is a challenging transition for many of us when we start charging for our work. My guest, Susie Bulloch of Hey Grill, Hey, has done an amazing job creating irresistible paid products to complement the free information that has defined her business. She runs the highest-trafficked barbecue and grilling recipe website, and today, we find out all about her journey and mission! Susie and I discuss everything from choosing a niche to monetizing your reach through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing. We also talk about creating digital and physical products to serve your audience's unique needs and generate reliable monthly income. There's much to learn from Susie's growth, so listen in and enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California

  • SPI 720: I Swore I Wasn’t Going to Do It, but Then I Did.

    29/09/2023 Duration: 11min

    #720 I didn't want to, but people I trust made me do something I otherwise would have never done. I won't keep you guessing—this is all about watching an anime. Specifically, One Piece. The show has over one thousand episodes! That's insane, but I was assured the story would be worth it. These are the kinds of things we're willing to take a chance on when we trust someone. So, what do I get out of this experience? As I've often said on the show, storytelling is vital for business success. In fact, it's the skill that will help you build the type of trust that gets people to spend their time and money with you. But building influence over people also comes with responsibilities. Today's session is all about having trust and stories as the foundation of your relationship with your audience. Tune in to learn more! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

  • SPI 719: Automating Some of Life to Make the Other Parts Even Better with Leo Babauta

    27/09/2023 Duration: 38min

    #719 Today's guest is one of the first bloggers I followed when I started my online business journey. His content has been absolutely instrumental for me. Now, he's diving into podcasting and has created one of the few shows I subscribe to! Leo Babauta of Zen Habits is here to tell us why starting a podcast in 2023 is still a great idea. He also shares the mindset that has enabled him to stand out in a new medium right from the beginning. This is an inspiring conversation about minimalism and mindfulness in content creation! Leo and I tackle uncertainty and stress head-on and share tools and strategies to keep you moving toward your goals. Fair warning—Some tactics discussed today involve snakes, but we also provide nonvenomous solutions! If your work is meaningful, you're guaranteed to encounter resistance. So listen in to learn how to overcome the obstacles around your purpose and mission! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California

  • SPI 718: The Up-and-Comers

    22/09/2023 Duration: 07min

    #718 The strategy I share today will help you at any level, no matter what niche you're in. There's another bonus—this tactic also makes the world a better place. So what is it? Tune in because we explore the benefits of forming relationships with the up-and-comers in your space. I've been doing this with Deep Pocket Monster, my Pokémon YouTube channel, and the results have been amazing! Some of the smaller creators I've helped get a leg up are now on an incredible trajectory. While it might seem like this creates more competition for me, the truth is that these are now supportive friendships that lead to more growth for everybody. The key word here is abundance. Creating a brand is not a zero-sum game where someone else's success comes at your expense. So, who are the up-and-comers in your niche and how do you create mutually beneficial relationships with them? Listen in on today's episode to find out! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at an

  • SPI 717: Making Money in an Economy that Hates You with Chris Guillebeau

    20/09/2023 Duration: 38min

    #717 You can't know which of your ideas will take off before you try some of them. That's why taking asymmetrical risks, where the potential upside is much greater than your investment, is essential to get ahead today. But how do you apply this on your path to success, and what are the outdated rules you should break along the way? In this episode, Chris Guillebeau of The Art of Non-Conformity shares an inside look at his new book, Gonzo Capitalism: How to Make Money in An Economy That Hates You. I'm excited to have him back on the show because his experience in the online space is incredible! So, how do you succeed even when the odds are stacked against you? We cover a lot of ground in this session to answer that. Chris and I discuss building hybrid communities that function online and offline, monetizing your skill set, creating in the age of AI, event planning, and more. Listen in and enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and Califor

  • SPI 716: The Moment I Knew Podcasting Was Going to Change My Life

    15/09/2023 Duration: 11min

    #716 I bought the equipment to start a podcast in 2008—but I was scared. In fact, putting my voice out there was so frightening that I didn't publish anything until 2010. But it wasn't long before I realized this show would become something special. Today, I want to take you back to that life-changing moment. Tune in because this session highlights why now is still a great time to create a new show around your brand! And with YouTube becoming a big player in the space, podcast discovery is about to change forever! That's why we added a video module to the upcoming Power-Up Podcasting 3.0. This newly overhauled version of our flagship course is the step-by-step solution you need to launch a successful show that gets found and grows your business! So check out SPI's All-Access Pass to unlock our community-powered course library! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

  • SPI 715: Behind the Scenes of Landing a TEDx Talk with Julie DeLucca-Collins

    13/09/2023 Duration: 41min

    #715 Confidence is the action you take in the face of fear and uncertainty. If you're building a business, playing it safe can only get you so far. Instead, you need to build up the courage to swing for the fences! In this episode, Julie DeLucca-Collins of Go Confidently Coaching shares her expertise to help you find and achieve your version of success. She and I will walk you through the mindset and behaviors to help you check off your biggest goals! Julie also shares news of her upcoming TEDx talk. She gives us an inside look at the extensive process of applying, auditioning, and preparing for this event. So, what does it take to land a TEDx talk? How do you use your core values to move toward your goals? Why should you embrace failure as a necessary step? We discuss all this in today's perspective-shifting chat with Julie. Listen in for a serious dose of inspiration! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at htt

  • SPI 714: My High-Risk Scare (And What I’m Doing about It)

    08/09/2023 Duration: 14min

    #714 I'm very disappointed in myself. You see, these last few years, I've achieved a lot with SPI and Deep Pocket Monster, my Pokémon YouTube channel. But at what cost? Here's the thing—I've been neglecting my health for too long. Eating well and exercising have slipped through the cracks, and I've just received some scary test results to reflect that. This is a different kind of episode, but listen in because my personal update might be the wake-up call you need to get your priorities in order. I'll share the results from my DEXA scan and discuss the steps I've taken to start regaining my health and vitality. I already feel better than I have in a long, long time! So, join me for today's session about health and the entrepreneurial journey to learn more. If we don't care for ourselves, we can't serve others. Listen in and take action! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

  • SPI 713: The Most Inspirational Business Story Ever with Deanna Cooper Gillingham

    06/09/2023 Duration: 39min

    #713 Hustle culture has tricked many of us into sacrificing our personal lives for financial success. But does building a brand have to be difficult? Instead, what would our journey look like if it were easy? Today's conversation with Deanna Cooper Gillingham will blow your mind! She helps case managers in the healthcare industry grow in their profession through education and training. Her trajectory actually mirrors my own Green Exam Academy story. In fact, the book she self-published to help people in her niche pass an exam has now generated over a million dollars in profit! In this episode, we look at how Deanna pulled it off! She started from scratch with no audience and is now playing in the big leagues while traveling the world full-time. We dissect the essential systems that support her lifestyle, discuss mentorship, events, and public speaking, and get a glimpse at her community of superfans. Enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at

  • SPI 712: The Creator Economy Middle-Class—Roundtable with Jason Feifer, Terry Rice, and Matt Gartland

    01/09/2023 Duration: 53min

    #712 Many of the highest performers, the people we often try to emulate, are actually miserable. You see, there are trade-offs in chasing extraordinary success that may not appeal to us once we understand what they are. So where's the sweet spot? How do we build a business we're proud of without sacrificing everything else in the process? Here's the thing—most people find incredible fulfillment in operating at a level of mastery in a small niche. This creator economy middle class is the topic of today's fantastic discussion between Terry Rice, Jason Feifer, Matt Gartland, and me. In this roundtable session, we help you define your version of success and discover the mindset to help you achieve it. We also arm you with the most impactful tools we're using right now and share a reading list to inspire you and shift your perspective. Enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

  • SPI 711: A Hidden Revenue Source for People who Have Clients with Chase Buckner

    30/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    #711 Running a service-based business is something we don't often talk about here. Our focus is usually on passive income streams that can scale and create more free time for us. But is there a way to apply our mindset to services and unlock a hidden revenue source? You bet, and that's exactly what we talk about in today's game-changing episode! My expert guest, Chase Buckner, will absolutely blow your mind! He is the Director of Marketing at HighLevel, a suite of incredibly powerful white-label software tools you can pick and choose from and resell to your clients as a subscription. With no coding required, you can tap into the profitable SaaS model and create passive recurring revenue! Chase and I dive into specific use cases to inspire you because this can be the strategy that finally helps you stop trading time for money. Go to to get started with a 30-day trial! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and Ca

  • SPI 710: Jazzed

    25/08/2023 Duration: 11min

    #710 Hot take—the true mark of creators with a serve-first mindset is the excitement they feel when someone they've helped gets a win! If we're not jazzed when somebody in our community hits a milestone, what are we working toward? Are we even in it for the right reasons? Celebrating wins is a huge part of SPI Pro, and we often have our incredible members showcase their expertise by hosting Teaching Friday episodes of this podcast. For instance, our recent sessions with Gillian Tietz and Benjamin Yeh uncover incredibly effective audience growth and networking tactics. Tune in if you haven't already! So how are you celebrating your audience? Listen in on this episode for more about how and where to start. Don't miss out because this is one of the great joys of being a creator! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

  • SPI 709: What Most People Aren’t Doing That You Should

    23/08/2023 Duration: 47min

    #709 The power of in-person events is like nothing else we can offer an audience. So why do we often let fear and doubt stop us from bringing our people together? Here's the easy way to overcome uncertainty—if you've never hosted anything, just start small! In this episode, I'm excited to have Dan Franks share his expertise and help us foster real-life connections through incredible events at any point in our journey. He is the co-founder of Podcast Movement, the world's largest conference for podcasters. Dan and I have also been working side-by-side on Card Party, my first event in the Pokémon space! So how do you host your first meetup and avoid beginner mistakes that could cost you a lot of money? We cover that in today's session and give you a behind-the-scenes look at Card Party and Podcast Movement for an extra dose of inspiration. Tune in and enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

  • SPI 708: Do You Know What’s Happening?

    18/08/2023 Duration: 10min

    #708 I'm challenging you with a simple but very important question—do you know what's happening? When people are on your landing page or going through your sales process, do you understand why you're getting fewer conversions than expected? Are you offering an optimal experience, or are you still winging it? For many years, I didn't know what was happening. Sure, SPI was growing, but where our sales were coming from exactly was a mystery. That's all changing as the team and I now obsess over every aspect of our marketing. So, in this episode, I share some valuable tactics to help you optimize your customer experience and make more sales! Here's the thing. If we never look behind the scenes, we can't uncover the small elements that add up to make all the difference in our success. So, do you know what's happening? Join me for today's session to find out! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

  • SPI 707: How to Skip the Build Phase and Buy an Existing Website with Jared Bauman

    16/08/2023 Duration: 40min

    #707 Starting a niche website is one of the best ways to generate income online. That said, it can often take months or years to get the results you want. But what if you could skip that part and jump in when your brand is already established and bringing in profit? That's the strategy I explore in today's incredible chat with Jared Bauman of 201 Creative and Weekend Growth. Jared is an expert at buying and flipping websites, and the insights he shares here make this tactic accessible to everyone and at every level. We discuss the step-by-step process Jared used to grow a website from $2k to $10k per month in profit. This is a fantastic case study because we explore everything from the initial research and negotiation phase to then supercharging the site with powerful monetization tools. Don't miss out, listen in and enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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