Apostle Sydney Quaye

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 78:02:15
  • More information



Apostle Sydney Quaye is a revivalist by calling, a prolific Teacher and a lover of the Word of God; Commissioned by heaven into the Office of an Apostle with a Prophetic Ministry.


  • A Case Study: Isaac & Jacob

    04/09/2024 Duration: 45min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this powerful message, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the blessings of Isaac and Jacob, illustrating how the same divine favor that was upon these patriarchs is available to believers today. He emphasizes the unchanging nature of Jesus Christ, highlighting that the blessings bestowed in biblical times are still accessible in the present day. Apostle Quaye begins by anchoring his message in the constancy of Christ, quoting Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." He asserts that the blessings recorded in the Bible are not just historical events but are meant to be experienced by believers now. The blessing of the Lord, he explains, is designed to make one rich and add no sorrow, a principle he supports with the example of Isaac, who prospered even in times of famine. Through the story of Isaac sowing in a land of famine and reaping a hundredfold, Apostle Quaye illustrates the power of God's blessing to br

  • The Fulness of The Blessing

    27/08/2024 Duration: 46min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this powerful sermon, Apostle Sydney Quaye delivers a message of divine empowerment, focusing on the concept of living in the fullness of God’s blessings. He asserts that these blessings are comprehensive, affecting every aspect of a believer’s life—from health and finances to relationships and spiritual well-being. Apostle Quaye emphasizes that when God blesses someone, it is irrevocable and all-encompassing. This blessing brings prosperity, protection, and favour in every area of life. He calls on believers to recognize that they are not merely seeking blessings; they are already blessed by God, and this blessing is designed to manifest fully in their lives. The sermon encourages Christians to walk confidently in their God-given blessings, knowing that they are divinely favoured to succeed in all endeavours. Apostle Quaye also highlights the importance of asking for and expecting big things from God, urging listeners to dream big a

  • A Case Study: Adam & Abraham

    20/08/2024 Duration: 01h07min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this compelling and dynamic sermon, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the profound blessings bestowed upon Adam and Abraham, using their lives as case studies to illustrate the transformative power of divine favor. He emphasizes that the blessings from God are not merely spiritual but manifest in tangible, life-changing ways that empower believers to rise above any circumstance. Apostle Quaye begins by highlighting the vastness of God's promises, which often seem impossible by human standards. Yet, he reminds listeners that with the Holy Spirit, even the most daunting tasks become achievable. The presence of the Holy Spirit is a guarantee of possibility, enabling believers to accomplish extraordinary feats and live out God's promises fully. Contrasting the curses found in the Bible with the blessings offered through Christ, Apostle Quaye urges believers to focus on their identity as blessed individuals. He explains that while curses m

  • The Blessing of The Kingdom: In This Life

    13/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this powerful sermon, Apostle Sydney Quaye focuses on the tangible blessings and rewards that believers can experience in this life, not just in the life to come. He challenges the traditional view that the Kingdom's benefits are only for the afterlife, urging Christians to expect and claim God's promises here and now. Apostle Quaye emphasizes that being part of God's Kingdom positions believers at an advantage, empowering them to thrive in every area—whether in business, relationships, or personal growth. He highlights the biblical principle that those who sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom will receive a "hundredfold" return in this life, along with eternal rewards. Drawing on scripture and practical examples, he encourages believers to boldly claim their blessings, live out their faith with excellence, and embrace the fullness of God's provision. The message is a call to rise above mediocrity, recognize the authority of the Kin

  • Blessing of The Kingdom: The Gospel

    06/08/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this impactful episode, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the transformative power of the Gospel and the Kingdom of God. He emphasizes the importance of living by the Word of God, encouraging believers to integrate Psalms and Scriptures into their daily lives as a foundation for spiritual growth and strength. Apostle Quaye challenges the church to move beyond traditional religious practices and to embrace their roles as representatives of God's Kingdom in every aspect of life. He underscores the call for believers to excel and lead in their respective fields, reflecting the excellence and glory of the Kingdom. Using biblical examples such as Joseph and David, he illustrates how divine favor and authority can transform destinies. Apostle Quaye also affirms that through the power of the Kingdom, believers are liberated from demons, fear, and worry, empowering them to overcome any obstacles. Finally, he calls on listeners to "occupy" unt

  • Blessings of The Kingdom: The Image

    30/07/2024 Duration: 41min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this podcast episode, Apostle Sydney Quaye explores the powerful theme of "Blessings of the Kingdom: The Image," focusing on Isaiah 9:6 and Philippians 2:13. He emphasizes that believers are called to embody the Kingdom of God on Earth, transcending mere spirituality to influence all areas of life, including business, government, and media. Apostle Quaye challenges the traditional church mindset, urging believers to transition from a church-centric view to a Kingdom-centric approach, where they actively participate in governance and leadership. He underscores the importance of embracing the fullness of God's authority and blessings, not just in spiritual matters but in tangible, everyday life. He speaks on the necessity of believers understanding their divine inheritance and exercising their God-given authority to bring about positive change in their communities and industries. The message is a call to action for Christians to rise t

  • The Blessing of Abraham: The Invitation

    09/07/2024 Duration: 45min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Welcome to today’s podcast where we explore an inspiring message by Apostle Sydney Quaye titled "The Blessing of Abraham: The Invitation." Apostle Quaye emphasizes that through Jesus Christ, believers inherit the blessings of Abraham, which are both spiritual and tangible. He urges believers to recognize the open heavens pouring out God's good treasure, ensuring prosperity in all endeavours. He challenges the congregation to move from a passive mindset to active participation in God's promises, urging them to embrace their divine inheritance and rise to positions of influence and excellence. Believers are called to step into leadership roles in politics, finance, media, education, and more. Apostle Quaye concludes with a powerful declaration, inviting believers to rise to their high places in every aspect of life, empowered by the Holy Spirit and the blessings of Abraham. He encourages listeners to actively pursue greatness and make a p

  • The Blessing of Abraham: Quickened And Sustained

    04/07/2024 Duration: 34min

      Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Welcome to our podcast, where today we delve into a transformative message by Apostle Sydney Quaye, titled "The Blessing of Abraham: Quickened and Sustained." Apostle Quaye begins with Genesis 27:27–29, emphasizing the tangible and spiritual blessings pronounced over Jacob, which extend to us through Abraham's covenant. He highlights that the Abrahamic blessing is not solely spiritual but also includes physical prosperity and well-being. A key theme is the importance of recognizing and claiming these blessings in our lives. The Apostle Quaye asserts that believers are disallowed from experiencing premature death, disease, and poverty due to the powerful blessings of Abraham. He declares that these blessings ensure we are sustained in all aspects of life, from our health to our projects and investments. Apostle Quaye shares personal testimonies and biblical examples to illustrate the power of these blessings. He emphasizes the signific

  • The Blessing of Abraham - Our Inheritance

    25/06/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Welcome to our podcast, where today we explore an inspiring message by Apostle Sydney Quaye titled "The Blessing of Abraham: Our Inheritance." Apostle Quaye opens with scriptures from Galatians and Job, emphasizing that believers in Christ are heirs to Abraham's promises. This inheritance includes not only spiritual blessings but also prosperity, health, and success in all areas of life. He highlights the importance of spiritual maturity, which involves understanding, thinking, and speaking in alignment with God's will. Titles and positions are insignificant compared to the quality of one's spiritual life and maturity in Christ. Apostle Quaye encourages believers to recognize and claim their divine inheritance, explaining that it builds upon the legacy of those before us and saves time and effort. This inheritance is a gift through Christ, independent of earthly circumstances. He concludes with powerful declarations of blessings, urging

  • The Blessing of Abraham - Angelic Involvement

    18/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Welcome to our podcast, where we explore a powerful message by Apostle Sydney Quaye, titled "The Blessing of Abraham: Angelic Involvement." Apostle Quaye highlights the profound blessings bestowed upon Abraham, emphasizing the crucial role of angels in manifesting these blessings. He distinguishes between angelic assistance and involvement, noting that angels deeply engage in fulfilling God's promises. As heirs to Abraham's blessings, we too can expect angelic involvement in our lives. Apostle Quaye encourages us to embrace this reality, declaring blessings over our families, health, finances, and endeavours. He illustrates through personal experiences and biblical stories how angels actively participate in everyday situations, guiding and protecting us. The message calls for heightened faith and awareness of angelic presence, urging believers to confidently declare and receive divine blessings. Join us as we delve into this enlightenin

  • The Blessing Of Abraham (Oath Of Blessing)

    12/06/2024 Duration: 44min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this thought-provoking message, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the profound significance of grace in the life of a believer. He begins by exploring the divine transformation that grace brings, emphasizing that it is the cornerstone of our faith and the essence of our spiritual journey. Apostle Quaye eloquently explains that grace is not merely a concept but an empowering force that enables us to live out God's calling with boldness and integrity. He underscores that through grace, we receive not just forgiveness but also the strength to overcome life's challenges and the wisdom to navigate our paths in alignment with God's will. The Apostle passionately addresses common misconceptions about grace, clarifying that it is neither a license to sin nor a passive acceptance of our flaws. Instead, he presents grace as the divine enabler that propels us toward holiness and righteous living. He encourages believers to embrace grace fully, a

  • The Blessing of Abraham

    04/06/2024 Duration: 49min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In today's inspiring message, Apostle Sydney Quaye discusses the blessings of Abraham, the father of faith, and the promise made to him by God. He explains that if a person is baptized into Christ, they become Abraham's seed, inheriting the characteristics, experiences, and blessings of Abraham. The blessings of Abraham come upon believers through Christ, and believers are programmed for prosperity and happiness. Apostle Sydney explains that as Abraham's seed, believers are programmed for blessings and prosperity, as God has given them his most precious gift, his son. God called Abraham out from his country and promised to bless him and make his name great. Abraham's life illustrates the blessings of being God's chosen, overcoming adversity, and receiving God's abundant blessings. As Abraham's seed, believers have dominion over their environment and will see the manifestation of God's promises in their life. By believing and declaring

  • May 2024 Prayer And Fasting - Day Twenty One (Revelatory Prayers)

    27/05/2024 Duration: 26min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this powerful message, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the transformative power of words, emphasizing that when the king speaks, power is present. He connects this to the idea that our words are our actions, and what we declare shapes our reality. The message pivots to Romans 1:16-17, highlighting that the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation, revealing the righteousness of God from faith to faith. Apostle Quaye underscores that understanding righteousness brings power and ceases demonic molestations. He declares that the gospel reveals our true selves as the righteousness of God, improving us continuously. He encourages believers to focus on the gospel and dismiss foolish fables that induce fear. Instead, understanding the gospel dispels fear and reveals God’s intentions for us. He leads into declarations, asserting that believers are the righteousness of God, called unto glory. This includes every aspect of life—mar

  • May 2024 Prayer And Fasting - Day Twenty (Dream Again)

    25/05/2024 Duration: 38min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Apostle Sydney Quaye delivers a message emphasizing the power of the anointing to fulfill dreams. Quoting Dr. Myles Monroe, he highlights that the poorest person is one without a dream and the most frustrated is one with unfulfilled dreams, underscoring that dreams bring fulfillment and joy, aligning with God's larger plans for individuals. Apostle Quaye stresses that God's dreams for people are greater than their own, involving abundant blessings like building houses, living in an Eden-like state, and experiencing divine provision and health. The service focuses on prayers and seeking God's help in realizing these dreams. Using Genesis 37:6-8, Apostle Quaye illustrates the importance of dreams through Joseph's story, encouraging the congregation to dream big and declare their dreams openly, even if it incites envy or hatred. He frequently references Ephesians 3:20 to reinforce that God's power within us can achieve more than we can ima

  • May 2024 Prayer And Fasting - Glory (All Goodness)

    24/05/2024 Duration: 31min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this inspiring podcast episode, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the profound privilege of sharing in the glory of God. Drawing from Exodus 33:17-19, he emphasizes that as believers under the New Covenant, we are positioned even greater than Moses due to the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness bestowed upon us. Apostle Quaye underscores the incomparable glory of the New Testament, highlighting that God's goodness, rooted in His mercy, grace, loving-kindness, truth, and covenant, will manifest in every aspect of our lives. He passionately declares that we are destined to experience all of God's goodness in our health, relationships, finances, and careers. With fervent prayer and affirmation, he encourages us to embrace and declare this goodness over our lives, ensuring that every listener leaves empowered and expectant of God's marvelous works. Tune in to be uplifted by this powerful message, as Apostle Quaye reminds us o

  • May 2024 Prayer And Fasting - Day Eighteen (Power To Prosper)

    23/05/2024 Duration: 24min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In today's inspiring message, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the profound concept of divine partnerships and the importance of having the right support in all aspects of life. Drawing from Genesis 2:18, Apostle Quaye emphasizes that it is not good for a person to be alone, highlighting that God's design is for us to have companions and helpers. He asserts that as believers, we are in a blessed partnership with God, who has partnered us with angels and aligned us with the right people, institutions, and circumstances. This divine partnership extends to our personal, professional, and spiritual lives, ensuring that we are never alone. God, our ultimate partner, provides guidance, support, and resources through the Holy Spirit, angels, and righteous individuals. Apostle Quaye encourages listeners to embrace this divine collaboration, declaring that we will receive right helpers in our finances, businesses, careers, and homes. He urges us

  • May 2024 Prayer And Fasting - Day Seventeen (Heirs of The World (The Famous Promise))

    22/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this episode, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the profound message of Romans 4:13 from the Message Bible, exploring the renowned promise given to Abraham. Apostle Quaye passionately articulates how this promise—granting Abraham and his descendants the earth—was not based on Abraham's actions but on God's divine decision to orchestrate everything for his benefit. Listeners are encouraged to recognize that, just as with Abraham, their lives, careers, relationships, and endeavors are being divinely arranged for their advantage. Apostle Quaye emphasizes the power of the "famous promise" and urges believers to embrace it, declaring prosperity, success, and divine favor over every aspect of their lives. Through fervent prayers and declarations, Apostle Quaye guides listeners to call forth blessings and breakthroughs, reinforcing the belief that God's promises are at work, aligning all elements of life for their benefit. This episode is a

  • May 2024 Prayer And Fasting - Day Sixteen (Heirs of The World (Lands And Riches))

    21/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Join Apostle Sydney Quaye on a transformative journey through Psalm 112, where we uncover the secrets to living a life of abundance and generosity, even in the face of adversity. In this enlightening episode, Apostle Quaye delves into the powerful message of Psalm 112 from The Message Bible, revealing profound insights into the blessed life of those who fear God and cherish His commandments. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical wisdom, he explores the themes of steadfastness, generosity, and relaxation in the midst of enemies. Discover the keys to unlocking a life filled with wealth, riches, and unending generosity. Through declarations and prayers, Apostle Quaye empowers listeners to embrace their divine inheritance as heirs of righteousness and to release a flow of blessings into their homes, businesses, and communities. Prepare to be inspired as Apostle Quaye shares powerful testimonies of how generosity has transformed liv

  • May 2024 Prayer And Fasting - Day Fifteen (Great Grace - Great Power)

    20/05/2024 Duration: 50min

    Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this inspiring message, Apostle Sydney Quaye addresses the common issue of believers losing faith in prayer due to unmet expectations. He emphasizes the importance of persistent prayer and shares personal testimonies of its powerful results. Drawing from Ephesians 1:19-22, Apostle Quaye highlights the "exceeding greatness of God's power" available to believers. He describes this power as "endless energy" and "boundless strength," capable of transforming every aspect of a believer's life—health, marriage, career, and more. Apostle Quaye calls on Christians to understand and exercise their divine heritage, asserting that the Holy Spirit's power enables them to achieve excellence and effect change. He concludes with a powerful call to action, urging believers to actively engage in prayer and demonstrate God's transformative power in their lives. This episode is a compelling reminder of the spiritual authority that believers possess

  • May 2024 Prayer And Fasting - Day Thirteen (Wonders)

    18/05/2024 Duration: 30min

    Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Join Apostle Sydney Quaye as he leads a powerful session of thanksgiving and declaration. In this episode, Apostle Quaye guides listeners to lift their hands and voices in gratitude for God's uncountable wonders. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing God’s miracles in all aspects of life—marriage, career, relationships, and ministry. Listeners are encouraged to declare their heritage of signs and wonders based on Isaiah 8:18 and John 9:10. Apostle Quaye reminds us that God’s miracles are not limited and encourages us to work wonders in our own lives using the power of Jesus' name. Experience transformative prayers, prophetic declarations, and inspiring testimonies of God’s wonders. Tune in to receive God's miraculous touch in your life and witness extraordinary changes in your home, job, and relationships.  

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