Real Talk With Jayden Perkins



Hi, my name is Jayden Perkins and this is my podcast where I talk about topics to enhance your understanding of the world. Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • Armin Miewes: The Consensual Cannibal

    07/06/2024 Duration: 08min

    Armin Miewes had been obsessed with cannibalism from a young age. After his father left the family when he was young, he became fascinated with the story of Hansel and Gretel and had thoughts of eating his classmates at 12 years old. He continued to have this obsession into adulthood, but when his mother died in 1999, he was completely free to dive into these desires. Being a computer technician, he went online and found forums of people with similar interests. Using the alter ego “Franky”, he posted on the Cannibal Cafe, that he was looking for a man with cannibalistic fetishes. He met several men in hotel rooms to roleplay the act, but none would agree to completely go through with it. However, on March 6, 2001, Armin found a willing participant. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Story Of Albert Fish

    01/06/2024 Duration: 24min

    Even as a child, Albert Fish was a very strange individual. After his father died in 1875, his mom sent him to an orphanage, where he was frequently beaten, but he actually began to derive sexual pleasure from these beatings. At the age of 12, he engaged in a homosexual relationship with another boy, in which he was introduced to drinking urine and eating feces. This odd behavior escalated to watching other teenage boys undress in public bathrooms then this eventually escalated to the murder of children. --- Support this podcast:

  • Jeen Han: The Evil Twin

    24/05/2024 Duration: 19min

    Jeen and Sunny Han were two peas in a pod. When they went to school, teachers couldn’t tell them apart so Jeen had bangs while Sunny wore her hair long. After growing up in an abusive household as children, the two sisters would often argue and fight with each other. Despite all of their internal issues, the two sisters became co-valedictorians in high school. However, after Jeen got kicked out of the Air Force and Sunny fell on hard times, the two sisters found each other again and moved in together. It was far from ideal though, as both sisters fought and argued constantly. After Sunny was released on a fraud charge, she went to the police and got Jeen arrested for fraud as well. Feeling betrayed by her own flesh and blood, Jeen was hellbent on revenge and she would do anything to get it. --- Support this podcast:

  • Clifton Bloomfield: The Breaking Bad Killer

    19/05/2024 Duration: 14min

    Clifton Bloomfield was always known as a bully. His parents forced him to undergo treatment for a schizophrenia diagnosis, but this didn’t stop his violent behavior. He stole a motorcycle and robbed a church, and in 1989, he and his sister went on a robbery spree in Phoenix. Clifton got 13 years in prison and his sister got 10. After being released in 2002, he was arrested again for armed robbery two years later. While he was on parole, he played an extra in the 2008 movie Felon. But the film crew didn’t know that they had a serial killer on the set. --- Support this podcast:

  • Marcus Wesson: The Incest Cult Leader

    10/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    Marcus Wesson was someone who was extremely hungry for power. Since he was extremely inadequate in his outside life, he decided to create his own cult. However, the members of his “family” came from incestuous relationships with his daughters and nieces, fathering seven children, bringing the number of children in Wesson’s to 18 . He sheltered them in the house and brainwashed them into believing he was the Messiah. He couldn’t keep a steady job as he constantly moved the family into uninhabitable homes, including army tents, abandoned trailers and tugboats. On March 12, 2004, Marcus bought a house in Fresno that used to be an office building. The city authorities took action to evict the family as the building was non-residential. Taking this as an attack against his family, Marcus decided that his days as a cult leader were over. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Story of George Hassell

    08/05/2024 Duration: 13min

    George Hassell was an alcoholic womanizer who had met, married and divorced several women. He also had a lengthy criminal record that included embezzlement and desertion from military service. In 1924, his brother died after being kicked in the head by a mule while working a field. George then married his brother’s widow, adopting her eight children as well. On December 5 1926, George and his wife Susan got into an argument after he had impregnated his 13 year old stepdaughter. After this, George grabbed a hammer and killed his wife. But then he decided that the entire family had to die. --- Support this podcast:

  • Michaiah Shobek: The Angels Of Lucifer Killer

    03/05/2024 Duration: 07min

    What do you usually imagine when you think of the Bahamas? Probably loads of sun, beaches, resorts and overall relaxation. Well in the early 1970’s, this mostly peaceful nation was rocked by the gruesome murders of three American tourists. Ironically, the killer wasn’t from the Bahamas, either. --- Support this podcast:

  • Kenyel Brown: The Informant Turned Killer

    28/04/2024 Duration: 10min

    On February 24, 2020 in Oak Park, Michigan, career criminal Kenyel Brown shot himself in the head in a backyard after being surrounded by police. He would die four days later, ending a two month long murder spree that left six people dead. After his death, the city as well as the entire state of Michigan was shocked to find out that this habitual offender was actually a police informant. --- Support this podcast:

  • Beverley Allitt: The Angel Of Death

    24/04/2024 Duration: 13min

    The Grantham and Kesteven Hospital in Lincolnshire was a respected medical facility in the local community. But in 1991, very strange things started happening in Children’s Ward 4, as several code blues happened over a 60-day period. Four children had died during this time, and the hospital staff were flustered as to what the cause was. But, nobody would’ve guessed that one of the nurses might’ve been responsible. --- Support this podcast:

  • William Wickline: The Butcher

    23/04/2024 Duration: 06min

    William Wickline had everything going for him. He had a loving family, good grades and he was on the school wrestling team. But suddenly his school performance suffered and he turned to a life of crime. From 1971-1984, he was arrested at least nine times for charges of burglary, drug dealing and running a prostitution ring. During this time, he developed an obsession with knives and was allegedly involved in animal sacrifices. It wouldn’t be long before he graduated to murder. --- Support this podcast:

  • Harrison Graham: The Death House

    16/04/2024 Duration: 15min

    It was an extremely hot and humid day on August 9, 1987 in Philadelphia. 1631 North 19th Street was an area with numerous drug busts and several abandoned buildings, most with the doors and windows boarded up. The apartment complex at 1631 also looked abandoned, as several windows were broken and the front door was missing. Harrison Graham or “Marty” as he was known was evicted from his apartment due to terrible odors emanating from his residence. Before he left, he took most of his belongings and nailed the door shut. When the landlords couldn’t get into the apartment later, the police were called and their discovery shocked the entire city. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Story of James Edward Pough

    10/04/2024 Duration: 08min

    James Edward Pough’s life was falling apart at the seams. His new 1988 Pontiac Grand Am got repossessed less than 15 months later. His mother also died this year as well, causing him to spiral further into depression. He would often say that he had nothing to live for, and that he “would take someone with him when he leaves this world”. He was subject to frequent violent outbursts, often aimed at his wife, Theresa. He had even put a gun to her head on multiple occasions. On March 2, 1990, Theresa was granted an injunction that banned James from contacting her for a year. Now without a wife, James was at his breaking point and now he was ready for revenge. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Story of Velma Barfield

    06/04/2024 Duration: 10min

    Velma Barfield was a sweet, loving, God-fearing grandmother that was cherished by her community. But unbeknownst to most, her and her husband, Thomas Burke, were at odds again. Velma had recently gotten a hysterectomy and became addicted to her painkillers. Thomas started drinking heavily and the two constantly argued. On April 4, 1969, Thomas was passed out on the couch after another disagreement. Velma had taken the kids and left, but when they returned, the house was burned to the ground, with Thomas’ body later found in the destruction. This was the first of many people that mysteriously died in the presence of Velma Barfield. --- Support this podcast:

  • Jack Unterweger: He Wrote A Book

    03/04/2024 Duration: 10min

    In 1974, Jack Unterweger was in prison for murder. However, during his prison stint, he became somewhat famous for writing poems, short stories and an autobiography, titled Purgatory or The Trip to Prison – Report of a Guilty Man. His autobiography would even become required reading in some schools. By 1985, several prominent figures in Austrian journalism and writing industries saw this as an example of a reformed prisoner, and started campaigning for his early release. After he was released in 1990, he became a minor celebrity, even hosting TV shows about criminal rehabilitation. But not long after this,he couldn’t control the urge to kill again. --- Support this podcast:

  • Melvin Ignatow: He Got Away With It

    30/03/2024 Duration: 15min

    On September 23, 1988 in Louisville, Kentucky, Melvin Ignatow recruited his ex-girlfriend, Mary Ann Shore, to help him kill his current girlfriend, Brenda Schafer. He had been carefully planning her murder for a while and now was the time to act. Melvin held Brenda at gunpoint before taking her to Shore’s house. He raped and tortured her for several hours while Shore stood by, taking several pictures. Melvin killed Brenda with a chloroform soaked cloth. They then buried her in a shallow grave behind Shore’s house. Everyone in the community was sure that Melvin had killed Brenda, but when her body was finally dug up 14 months later, there was no conclusive evidence that clearly tied him to her death. Mary Ann’s actions at the trial coupled with skillful work by his defense attorney led to Melvin being acquitted of Brenda’s murder. But did he really get away with it? --- Support this podcast:

  • Colin Ireland: A Different Kind of New Year's Resolution

    27/03/2024 Duration: 12min

    Colin Ireland was a pretty unremarkable guy. Often a victim of bullying as a child, Colin Ireland turned to petty theft, burglary and blackmail. After a stint in juvenile detention, he became obsessed with survivalism, often wearing military gear and camping out in the woods. After getting divorced twice and losing his job at a homeless shelter due to explosive temper, Colin was at a crossroads in his life. That is until 1993, where he made a very strange New Year’s Resolution. --- Support this podcast:

  • Tracie Andrews: It Was All A Lie

    23/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    On December 1st, 1996, 27 year old Tracie Andrews was riding in the car with her 25 year old fiance Lee Harvey, after a night at the local pub. Suddenly, a black Ford Sierra started following them, forcing them off of the road. After they stopped, two men exited the car and confronted Lee as he also exited the car. The two men suddenly attacked Lee, stabbing him 42 times, leaving him dead on the side of the road. Two days later at a press conference for the media, Tracie elaborated on the attack, stating that a fat man with glaring eyes attacked Lee. But as the conference went on, she gave some contradictory information, which confused the reporters. After the police conducted their investigation, it was discovered that all was not what it seemed. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Story of Patrick Mackay

    21/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    Patrick Mackay’s life was filled with abuse, even before he was born, as his father would get drunk and assault his mother, kicking her in the stomach while he was in her womb. His father continued to abuse Patrick, causing him to lash out at his classmates. He became a bully, physically attacking other classmates and even small animals. After his father died, Patrick began to spiral out of control. As the new man of the house, he frequently assaulted his mother and sister, as he was quick to throw violent tantrums. At the age of 15, Patrick was diagnosed as a psychopath, and the psychiatrist made an eerily accurate prediction that Mackay would grow up to become a cold, psychopathic killer. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Story Of Constance Fisher

    17/03/2024 Duration: 09min

    On March 8, 1954, Carl Marion Fisher returned home from his job to find his door locked. He immediately grew concerned as his wife Constance frequently suffered from anxiety and depression. He contacted her physician Richard Chasse and when he arrived, the two men broke down the door. They would not be ready for what they saw. --- Support this podcast:

  • Tiffany Moss: The Evil Stepmother

    14/03/2024 Duration: 15min

    Emani Moss was failed by a lot of the adults around her. After her birth, her mother surrendered parental rights to her and her four siblings due to her drug addiction. Emani ended up in the custody of her father, Eman. He then met Tiffany Moss, a preschool teacher, married her and moved in with her, having two children of their own. However, for some reason, Emani’s new stepmother was extremely cruel to her, starving and beating her until she tragically died from the abuse. Then Tiffany and Emani’s father did the unthinkable. --- Support this podcast:

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