The Nun's Seduction: Book 1 Of 'the Nun's Seduction'

  • Author: Alana Church
  • Publisher: Boruma Publishing
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There is something mysterious about the Abbey of St Guinivere. Something...dark. When Sister Abigail is sent there to translate a mysterious scroll, she has no idea what she will unleash. But the longer she stays, the less she wants to leave. Because Sister Abigail Woodward is part of the Nun's Seduction!

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

"Belial," she whispered, choosing a name at random from the scroll. The sound carried from her lips, waking faint echoes in the dark library. "Three maidens desire your presence. Three women hunger for your touch. Three who have lived without a man summon you, in the name of our Lord Himself."

She stopped. In the silence which followed, her skin flushed hotly. She let go of Merry and Consuela's hands, feeling enormously stupid.

"Well," a strong male voice said from directly behind her, making her jump. "It's about damned time."


Long, long after, when Abigail and her sisters had a chance to discuss the events of those first frantic days after Belial entered their lives, she was surprised to discover that Merry and Consuela had much different impressions of the angel who eventually became their lover.

For Abigail, he appeared as an athletic young man, perhaps a year or two older than himself. His eyes were an entrancing dark green, the color of oak leaves in the morning, and his hair was a rich, chocolate brown. He was well-muscled without being overly bulky, but the six-pack he had at his abdomen, visible through the unbuttoned shirt he wore with casual ease, made her mouth grow dry.

But for Consuela, he appeared in a completely different form. A dark-haired, dark-skinned man of her own nationality met her hungry gaze, his face infused with a roguish charm. He had a cleft chin, high cheekbones, and his cheeks were stubbled with the faintest hint of a beard. He was dressed in tight-fitting jeans, so snug she felt she could read the minted dates of the coins in his pockets, if he had any, and a black t-shirt covered by a black leather jacket. His hair was coal-black, swept back from his temples, and his eyes were faintly predatory.

And when Meredith told them of her first sight of Belial, she spoke of a man in the prime of life, much older than the man who appeared to Abbie and Consuela. Blond and of average height, he had laugh lines at the corners of his mouth and around his eyes, which crinkled appealingly when he smiled, which was often.

But whether he appeared as a Latino bad-boy, a comforting older man, or a green-eyed seducer, their reaction was the same. All three women thought Belial was the most incredibly good-looking man they had seen in their lives. Abigail swallowed through a desert-dry throat, her eyes wide as his sheer physical presence hit her like a hammer-blow. Inside her modest blouse, she began to sweat, her breasts feeling hot and flushed. Her heart pounded, the sound ringing like a drumbeat in her ears and at the junction of her thighs, and she felt the tidal surge of desire quicken her loins.

"God damn," the women sighed, in ragged chorus.