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167 - Relapse Prevention with Zipporah Livneh



In today's episode I talk with Zippi about her own story of recovery, how she helps clients globally with her GPS program, and how to protect our recovery. Zippi Livneh, is a nurse and certified food addiction counselor. She is licensed in the sugar/food addiction assessment tool SUGAR® and is the creator of the GPS Program that teaches people how to live in recovery from sugar and ultra-processed food addiction.  She herself struggled for many years with obesity and sugar addiction and has been living  in recovery and helping others do so for over 25 years. After learning about the science of food addiction and traveling the globe  to train with the world leaders in this field, Zippi left her management career in the pharmaceutical industry and now commits her time to helping people detox and  recover from sugar/food addiction through her GPS Program, lecturing to health care professionals and the public about the addictive nature of ultra-processed foods, teaching and  advancin