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What is a Successful Leader



What is a successful leader?Because our GAPPS5 report profile benchmarks against "Successful" leaders I get asked this a lot.And it is a great question! Because success means different things to different people. For some, success is a mansion on the beachfront, for some it's being in charge of a large multi-national, for others, it's a loving family.However, these simply identify the measures by which individuals evaluate their own success.We define leadership success as:" Behaving in a congruent and righteous way that generates a sustainable superior return on investment."Now of course, this is a very loaded statement:Behaving: your manifest actions and words.Congruent: in accordance with stated and unstated beliefs and valuesRighteous: acting in an upright, moral and virtuous way (within the context of the environment)Sustainable: able to maintained or kept goingSuperior return on investment: continuously returning greater benefit to the organization and/or people than the investment in time, money, effort