Kate's Take

Day 94 of 100: Lesson seven: Having a template is super helpful



What’s up my Kate's Take listeners! I’m ecstatic to be here with you today! Today is day 94 of 100. I’m excited to share my seventh lesson on how having a template is super helpful! First, let’s call on our 5 questions. These questions are the bookends to your day - answer 1 and 2 in the morning, and 3 - 5 at night.  What’s one thing I’m grateful for? What’s one thing I’ll accomplish today that will bring me one step closer to my goal?  What’s something that’s working well for me right now?  What’s something that’s not working well for me right now? How can I either solve what’s not working right now, or get rid of it? What are some things you do on a daily basis - or even just somewhat consistently - that you can create a template for? Whether it’s creating content in your business - or thinking about what dinners you’re going to make for the upcoming week - there are endless possibilities when it comes to creating templates that will help you fill in the blanks versus start from scratch.  I hope you found