All Autism

Spontaneous Responses



In this episode, I discuss the possibility of increasing spontaneous responses in children with ASD. One of the primary issues I continue to work on with my child is eliciting a response from him that is spontaneous. This means that the response is something he has to think about in his mind and give an answer to without being prompted or coached for the response. Often times children with ASD echo a teacher or parent, meaning they simply repeat what the caregiver is saying. I want to increase the frequency of responses without having to coach the child with the correct response. This type of response is needed when more abstract questions are being asked. For example, "What can we do to help others?" is a question that would require the child to think abstractly about helping people and then give an answer that is appropriate. I also want to remove visual cues so that the child has to practice giving these spontaneous responses purely from their mind. After a quick Google search on how to improve abstract th