Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

The Anti-Pitch: The One Strategy That WILL Open the Floodgates to Sales with Dr. Shannon Irvine



As an entrepreneur, you must train your brain that your services are in demand. You don't have to wait until you have reached a certain number of followers or make a certain amount of income. It is not fake it until you make it. It’s about training your brain to believe people are lining up to be coached by you right now, exactly how you are.  So what is holding you back from serving them at the highest level possible?  Is it all those unconscious thoughts your brain fires off when you think about sales? The thoughts that you may not be the right person for the job, or your clients need more time or money to move forward with you.  The anti-pitch is the thoughts you tell yourself between serving your clients and asking for a sale. It is the pitch that is happening underneath your sales pitch.  If you want to create the sales volume you desire and leave a legacy, you need to neutralize and remove the anti-pitch from your brain. You are the creator of your thoughts. Start creating your future.  This week's epis