Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are | Part 8 | Becoming Victorious | Chris Voigt



Becoming Victorious Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are December 4, 2022 Almost every Wednesday our staff spends time together praying for our Dayspring family. This week, as we reviewed the list of requests and shared concerns for family and friends, someone commented that it is definitely ‘sick season.’ Various versions of ‘the crud’ are going around – be it colds, the flu, covid, or whatever – lots of people are down with some sort of bug!   When we get sick, there is a battle raging in our bodies. Though we can’t see it, we definitely feel the effects. Coughs, sore throats, body aches, fevers and other assorted symptoms alert us to the fact that something is amiss within. We respond by doing whatever we can to help our bodies fight off the offending invader. We rest, drink fluids, take medication, slurp chicken noodle soup and ginger ale... all in an effort to conquer the virus that’s trying to take us out. If good habits like exercise, drinking water, and a healthy diet are part of our everyday lives, we ar