We The Sales Engineers: A Resource For Sales Engineers, By Sales Engineers

#242 What Account Managers and Sales Engineers Need from Each Other



Michael Griego is a world-class sales trainer and sales effectiveness management consultant based in California. In the last 20 years, he’s founded MXL Partners a Silicon Valley-based sales effectiveness consulting and training firm. He’s conducted sales management consulting for companies around the world and has led sales training for thousands of salespeople in companies ranging from Silicon Valley startups to Fortune 500 firms. His books are 42 Rules to Increase Sales Effectiveness and No Excuses! A Better Way to Sell.  David McCulley is the Senior Vice President of Sales Engineering at Provarity, a full lifecycle and continuous Proof-of-Value platform that provides enterprise sales and purchase stakeholders with real-time visibility, seamless collaboration, and AI-powered insights. Provarity’s platform combines intelligent services for workflow management and collaboration and success monitoring to transform how businesses, partners, and customers manage the enterprise customer lifecycle. https://wethesa