Real Estate Agents: The Mail-right Show

#363 Mail-Right Show: With Special Guest Ryan Smith of



#363 Mail-Right Show: With Special Guest Ryan Smith of Geographic Farming & Digital Marketing Advice For Real Estate Agents in 2023   Farming is the future! That is the mantra that Ryan Smith full-heartedly lives by. Ryan is on a mission to share his new project, “Launch Your Farm,” with the real estate world and to ignite the same excitement in other agents. Ryan became passionate about geographic farming after relocating several times over his 14-year real estate career, forcing him to rebuild his business multiple times. Having tried almost every strategy in the book, he quickly realized that combining your strategies and tactics in a hyper-local fashion was the best way to build momentum and success in real estate. That was when he became a real farming fanatic. After coaching, training, and interviewing some of the top agents across North America, Ryan realized his true passion was helping other agents reach their full potential by helping them develop systems and