Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 3.95 : How To Optimize For Growth with Growth Strategist Amy Birks



Today we are joined by a Growth Strategist, Executive Coach, and High-Performance Advisor, Amy Birks, as we talk about how she helps companies optimize for their growth. She also talks about the highs and lows she experienced in her personal and business life.   Amy Birks can see the future. No, she doesn’t use a crystal ball or some time-travel device. Amy was born with the ability to see the biggest, brightest, most vibrant potential in everyone and everything she encounters. She combines that superpower with her GPS-Brain to help purpose-driven brands and founders create simple strategies and business models that let them scale their impact and revenue without sacrificing the things that matter to them. For example, profitability, time, and freedom.   In addition, she is the author of the international best-seller, The Hustle-Free Business; Amy literally wrote the book on how to make marketing and business development fun, easy, and impactful. Often referred to as a “master connector,” Amy’s 10 years of co