Out Of The Box With Christine

Why Mindfulness Really Matters With Charlotte Thaarup



Let's face it. The world today is filled with plenty of things that can cause us distress, anxiety and depression. We have an epidemic of unhappy people walking around with little to no idea of how to break free from their "mind prisons."  But it doesn't have to be that way! My guest today on Out of The Box With Christine is Charlotte Thaarup - and she is about to brighten up your day and maybe, just maybe change your life. Whether you’re looking to improve your relationships or well-being, to treat your body kindly and enjoy better health, or to create a productive and stress-free work environment, this is one podcast episode that you don't want to miss! ABOUT CHARLOTTE: Charlotte Thaarup is a world-renowned, clinical mindfulness consultant and transformative educator. She is the director of The Mindfulness Clinic and holds a number of international tertiary qualifications, including Dip Mediation, DipEd (London University) MBSR, MBEAT, CBMT. CHARLOTTE'S WEBSITE: http://www.themindfulnessclinic.com.au