Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

The Agile Audit with Toby DeRoche



Tom Fox's guest on this week’s show is Toby DeRoche, a professional auditor and Senior Manager of Risk Management at Verizon. He and Tom talk about the importance of risk assessment and how it has changed in recent years.  Agile Audit Agile Audit is simply auditing the things that matter at the current moment. It's an iterative approach, going through the entire audit lifecycle and compressing it down to the essentials. "We're saying, so here's everything that I could audit, but here's what's most important to the organization today," Toby tells Tom. "It's this continual cycle… giving you the answers to what's the most burning question you have related to risk and control in your organization today.”  Focus on The Highest Risk If an audit plan isn't focused on relevant issues, or the highest risk, no one is going to care how well the auditing plan was executed. Focusing on low-risk issues wastes everyone's time. "We should be focusing on the things that are the highest risk and only those things," Toby says