Calvary Chapel Elk Grove Sunday

200. John 20:1-10 The King is Risen! Part 2 (11-20-22) - Audio



200. John 20:1-10 The King is Risen! - Part 2 Pastor Phil Ballmaier Calvary Chapel Elk Grove 11-13-22 Join Pastor Phil Ballmaier of Calvary Chapel Elk Grove as he works his way through the Gospel of John on Sunday Mornings. Today we continue in the Gospel of John, Chapter 20. Pastor Phil makes an interesting point today, in that we should be accountable for knowing what we know when it comes to scriptures, as we must be able to intelligently share the reason for the hope that is in us when asked. Today we discuss the Resurrection. "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear." 1 Peter 3:15 Today he shares a more detailed perspective on the resurrection of Jesus, to more fully equip us and dispel the falsities that still circulate today on what happened to Jesus after He was crucified... Did He swoon? (faint) Did the disciples wisk away His body? Was it grave robbers? Pastor Ph