Go-to Gal With Jaclyn Mellone

How to Hire a Marketing Leader that Generates Revenue for Your Business with Veronica Romney



Episode #247. About Veronica Romney: Veronica Romney is a Dream Team Architect who helps online entrepreneurs build their dream teams and train their rainmaking marketing leaders. She’s a former Speaker and Trainer for Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi and the former Chief of Staff of mega-brand BossBabe. She’s no stranger to the stage and has been in the online marketing world for over 15 years, having been featured in places like Forbes, Inc, HuffPost, ABC News Radio, and more. When she’s not helping her visionary clients scale to 8-figures plus, you can find her wrangling her two-man cubs in the beautiful oak trees of North Carolina.Connect with Veronica RomneyWebsiteInstagramFavorite Quotes“Most of the time we're building still bottom to top because we're all self-funded. So these CEOs start bringing in doers. It's a lot of vendors, contractors, part-timers, assistants. When you start adding all of the knives to your knife set, somebody actually has to put them in a holster. And that's wh