Career Crashers

DJH Interview: Secrets to Crush the Interview (w/ Madeline Mann)



In this interview edition of the Daily Job Hunt, we’re speaking with Madeline Mann. Madeline is the founder of Self Made Millennial, and has an award-winning career coaching empire with insider knowledge as an HR recruiter. She shares with us some tips to help with a job interview, relieving the pressure of going into a job interview, and more. Taken from the Supercharge Your Career In a Sh*t Economy event. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at Can't get enough? Get private video podcasts, private coaching, and private newsletters with Career Hackers bonus content Want to change your life in 10 weeks? Relaunch into a lucrative and meaningful career in tech with Coding Temple. Use code CareerHackers for up to $500 off tuition. Learn more at In this episode: Tips for letting go of the pressure of a job interview The balance between being yourself and saying what