Talk Like A Leader

[Re-Release] Leading Remotely: The Importance of Intentionality



This episode is from 2020, but there are still a lot of important lessons about remote work that are still relevant now. Hope you enjoy! "As working from home stretches to months rather than weeks, leaders find themselves planning for and communicating about longer time horizons while working from home and communicating with their teams who are also working from home. This week, I’m revisiting and building upon a piece of advice that my colleague Wayne Turmel shared in an episode we recorded in March of this year – When You Suddenly Find Yourself Leading Remotely. The specific issue is the need for more intentionality in a remote work world." Additional Leadership Resources Listen to Wayne Turmel on Long-Distance Worklife Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted. Follow us on Facebook. Subscribe to the Podcast Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to this podcast through the options below. iTunes Stitcher Google Play TuneIn RSS Or your favorite pod